Gas prices under Obama. And just the start.

But he did keep this one promise: “Under my plan, electricity prices will skyrocket”. He just shut down the largest coal mining operation in the United States:  Story here

Gas? On track with this as well. Ms Piven should be pleased.
Barack Obama attacked the oil industry and promised 5 million new energy jobs. They do think we are fools.

Now, 24 months into his term, gas prices are up 55%.
Government-funded solar companies are moving to China.

Post from Heritage:

And 4.4 million people lost their jobs in 2009. That’s the most job losses in a year since 1940.

Fact: President Barack Obama’s Energy Secretary Steven Chu wants to “figure out how to boost the price of gasoline to the levels in Europe.” At the time he made the statement, gas cost $7 – $8 a gallon in Europe.
Fact: Since taking office, President Obama’s entire energy agenda has made a gallon of gas more expensive:

4 Responses to “Gas prices under Obama. And just the start.”

  1. William Stout Says:

    Yeah, but did you notice that nobody wanted to hold hearings on that topic? Did in the past under Bush, but Obama? No way.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Not a peep from anyone. Hard to even find another blog that has an interest in what will soon, no doubt, bring about major inflation and the worst tax of all on the poor.


  2. bunkerville Says:

    Looks like we will be soon going back to the horse and carriage.


  3. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    It’s the Liberals plan to de-energize America. The question is why?


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