DEA spied and collected data on those who bought money-counting machines



By now, most of us probably are aware of the massive amounts of data collected on each and every one of us and is maintained out at the “Utah Data Center” aka NSA Spy Center. Add this gem to the collection pile. I for one want to know more about these “blanket administrative subpoenas” that are being used that I keep hearing about. Easy to pass this off as a “who cares.” Money counting machines you say?  But it is the arrogance of our government that should be chilling.The government is collecting anything and everything. How much more that we don’t know about?

The Drug Enforcement Administration maintained a database of people who purchased money-counting machines as part of a “legally questionable” effort to identify suspected drug dealers for further surveillance and enforcement efforts, the New York Times reported on Saturday.


Beginning in 2008, the DEA began issuing “blanket administrative subpoenas to vendors to learn who was buying money counters,” all of which had “no court oversight and were not pegged to any particular investigation.” They then assembled a database of “tens of thousands” of individuals who had purchased the devices, using the information as leads in investigations.

Before we get to the meat of this abuse, let’s take a refresher as to why we should care and why this must be stopped.


NSA Utah spy center revealed – 100 years of total data stored

Filmed from Redwood Road, you can see the progress of the NSA’s Utah Data Center as it was being built also called the NSA Spy Center. There are quotes from various individuals who are knowledgeable or have worked for the NSA.




Back to the story:

The public version of the report, which noted that the program might not be legal, was heavily redacted as part of a DEA-inspector general joint process. But the Times wrote that due to a mistake, the inspector general failed to redact a section where it was mentioned that the DEA was not mentioning where their leads were coming from in case files:

Human Rights Watch researcher Sarah St. Vincent, who first flagged the redaction mistake, noted a 2008 email in which a DEA official wrote, “Unless a federal court tells us we can’t do this, I think we can continue this project.” Vincent told the Times that was curious, as the secrecy of the program precluded any judicial review. She also noted that it appeared to be an example of parallel construction, in which investigators attempt to conceal how a particular investigation began to avoid scrutiny in court.

According to the Times report, the DEA program was one of those shut down after Snowden leaked a massive archive of U.S. government secrets, including the existence of an NSA program to collect bulk metadata on Americans’ domestic phone calls; that program was later declared illegal by courts and replaced by Congress with a scaled-down program. (That successor program itself may be on the way out.) The controversy surrounding bulk records collection programs appears to have spooked the DEA.

Another DEA program “that used administrative subpoenas to collect bulk logs of outgoing international phone calls from the United States to countries linked to drug trafficking” was shut down in 2013, the same year as FBI agents raised their suspicions about the money-counter sales records program and it was discontinued, the Times wrote. According to the Washington Post, the inspector general report “came as close as it could to” declare the phone-data operation illegal.

The collection of the outbound international calls was “not connected to specific investigations or specific individuals under investigation” as would be necessary to justify it under law, Deputy Inspector General Bill Blier said in a statement. “This use of the subpoena authority conflicts with court decisions stating that a federal agency’s issuance of administrative subpoenas must be for records relevant or material to a specific investigation.”

More at  Gizmodo

Below, William Binney describes in detail how the whole system works.

NSA Utah Spy Center Holds Ribbon Cutting ceremony -Videos




NSA collecting phone records of millions – sent to secret Utah Spy Center?

Thanks to WhatFingerNews for the coverage


NSA Utah Spy Center Holds Ribbon Cutting ceremony -Videos

UPDATE:  Snowden: I could have wiretapped anyone’s e-mails, including the president’s personal account.

Is it insane to think that a 29-year-old NSA/Booz IT guy could be reading Barack Obama’s private e-mails if he wanted to?

And just what did the Senators and Congressmen think where all of this spying info was going to be stored? In a two Billion dollar storage facility in Utah. Never approved by congress. Is it just the bloggers who are recording events?Whistle blower Binney has been out there for years telling us exactly what Snowden told us.

Buried deep in an unrelated story over at the Salt Lake Tribune, we find this gem. Earlier post of mine:  NSA Utah Spy Center Revealed: 100 years of data stored on Americans.

Ribbon-cutting schedule

Invitations have been sent to a select group of Utah politicians and dignitaries inviting them to the Utah Data Center ribbon cutting on May 30. The invitation says the event is unclassified and reporters will be there, but an NSA spokeswoman this week declined to discuss the festivities or say whether the event means the facility will be starting operations. The NSA has previously said the Utah Data Center would be online this fall.

The EFF wants the information because of its current lawsuit against the NSA (i.e. Jewel vs. NSA) that alleges the U.S. government operates an illegal mass domestic surveillance program. Three NSA whistleblowers—including William Binney—agreed to provide evidence that the NSA has been running a domestic spying program since 2001.

 The Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) is suing the Justice Department for details of last month’s ruling by a secretive U.S. court that National Security Agency’s domestic spying program violated the U.S. Constitution, Jon Brodkin of arstechnica reports.

The Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court (FISC) found that “on at least one occasion” the NSA had violated the Fourth Amendment’s restriction against unreasonable searches and seizures.

Filmed from Redwood Road, you can see the progress of the NSA’s Utah Data Center also called the NSA Spy Center. There are some quotes from various individuals who are knowledgeable or have worked for the NSA. Apparently they are far enough to hold a ribbon cutting ceremony.

The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data. Chilling video and story link here: “The Program”

NSA Gov Site with their spin.

Other Sources: NY Times NSA Domestic Spying Center tells the tale of the mass surveillance of Americans.

Other posts I have done that may be of interest:

Barack Obama’s Surveillance Society.

Obama fights injunction against unlawful detention of U.S. citizens

Obama” ‘Prolonged Detention”, otherwise known as FEMA Camps.

B-Ville Follow Bunkerville

Obama and his tinkering with Miranda Rights

This is a part of a post I did back in 2011 with disturbing updates. We were concerned then, and we need to be more concerned now. Obama and Eric Holder have indicated that there is no need to Mirandize the Boston terror suspect right way. We will do some sort of a hybrid thing. No, not a military court but sort of a civil court with well……maybe 48 hours is permissible before he gets read his rights. Where does the constitution or court decision state this is “subject to interpretation.” But here is the concern. Recall that now Obama has deemed the whole of the United States a potential battlefield. Which means any of us could caught in his web. Worse, he now promulgates “Preventive Detention” and “Prolonged Detention”.

The Senate voted on whether Congress will give this president—and every future president — the power to order the military to pick up and imprison without charge or trial civilians anywhere in the world. Even Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) raised his concerns about the NDAA detention provisions during last night’s Republican debate. The power is so broad that even U.S. citizens could be swept up by the military and the military could be used far from any battlefield, even within the United States itself. UPDATE: The New American has a great analysis… Be sure and look at this ACLU link.

Then we have “Prolonged Detention” that even Rachael Maddow had a problem with.  “Prolonged Detention” is the term being used. This is not your father’s Gitmo.

Tinkering with Miranda… is this another step… “Obama can unilaterally change Supreme Court rulings should be concerning to all Americans”. Obama has contempt for the Supreme Court, the Constitution which he says is flawed, and Congress. “Domestic Terror” suspects…my guess he has in mind American Citizens who he may feel are a threat to his growing usurping of all powers which belong to other branches of government.If he gets by with this one, what will be the next change to Miranda or any law for that matter. What is your guess?

Obama has already given Miranda rights to foreign terrorists and Somali pirates waging jihad against U.S. soldiers and civilians.

Now Obama and Holder have revised Miranda rights for what the Wall Street Journal describes as “domestic-terror” suspects. The policy is so vaguely described here, if at all, and who the new Miranda policy applies to and how Obama can unilaterally change Supreme Court rulings should be concerning to all Americans. via Rights Are Curtailed for Terror Suspects –

New rules allow investigators to hold domestic-terror suspects longer than others without giving them a Miranda warning, significantly expanding exceptions to the instructions that have governed the handling of criminal suspects for more than four decades.

The Supreme Court’s 1966 Miranda ruling obligates law-enforcement officials to advise suspects of their rights to remain silent and to have an attorney present for questioning. A 1984 decision amended that by allowing the questioning of suspects for a limited time before issuing the warning in cases where public safety was at issue.

The Justice Department believes it has the authority to tinker with Miranda procedures. Making the change administratively rather than through legislation in Congress, however, presents legal risks.

“I don’t think the administration can accomplish what I think needs to be done by policy guidance alone,” said California Rep. Adam Schiff, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. “It may not withstand the scrutiny of the courts in the absence of legislation.”

More at Creeping Sharia

NSA Utah spy center revealed – 100 years of total data stored

This concludes the last part of my three-part post. Written for those who would dismiss true patriots with derision. These posts are well documented with reliable sources. You owe it to anyone who still disbelieves the unthinkable. Acquaint your self with what is out there. This final post should be the coup de grace. Video at end of post.

I first started out with Obama: ‘Prolonged Detention’ otherwise known as FEMA Camps

Obama talks about the FEMA camps and explains their purposes in the video. “Prolonged Detention” is the term being used. This is not your father’s Gitmo. Before the speech, one not to be missed, let us look at the new position that just might be the perfect fit. Rachael Maddow of all people does a surperb job of dissecting his speech at the post. For those who still doubt about detention without trial, this is for you.

Yesterday I posted Barack Obama’s Surveillance Society. Check out the excellent videos. Included in the post is Obama fights injunction against unlawful detention of U.S. citizens

Obama mouthpiece suggested to Judge Forrest that concerns about the president’s detention powers were excessive as American citizens would,after all,have the ability to file a writ of habeas corpus should they be illegally or improperly jailed! “How long does [such a] petition take,” asked Forrest? When Torrance refused to answer,the Judge continued,“Several years,right”? (In Yesterday’s post, Obama seemed to think that ten years might be about right) -prolonged detention. Keep that phrase in mind.

So now, the final conclusion. Read it, and pass it on to anyone who still doubts what the future holds.

Filmed from Redwood Road, you can see the progress of the NSA’s Utah Data Center also called the NSA Spy Center. There are some quotes from various individuals who are knowledgeable or have worked for the NSA.

These are quotes and information about the Utah Data Center that has received serious scrutiny by many people. Let me know what you think.

Barack Obama’s Surveillance Society

Yesterday I posted a story Obama” ‘Prolonged Detention”, otherwise known as FEMA Camps. Even Rachael Maddow took him on. He posited that it was now permissible to detain without trial as a preemptive move.Now on to part two. Before we get to the heart of the matter via the video, here is a bit of History.

From August, 2012 post: Obama fights injunction against unlawful detention of U.S. citizens

Obama fights the preliminary injunction granted to American Citizens against unlawful imprisonment. But Obama is not through with us yet. They are fighting it big time, and the rationale gets even more creepy. The argument goes something like this, if we are thrown in jail, we can always appeal, even though it may take years to prove our innocence. Guilty until proven otherwise, typical Marxist justice.

On May 16th,federal judge Kathleen Forrest granted a preliminary injunction to plaintiffs in a lawsuit filed against Barack Obama and the National Defense Authorization Act of 2012 (NDAA),striking down those sections of the Act that provide the president the power to indefinitely detain American citizens without benefit of their 5th and 6th Amendment rights. As a reminder, keep in mind it was Obama that insisted that the language in the NDAA bill include Citizens:Obama lies-he insisted that detention of Americans be in defense bill

“But… It was his administration that insisted that the language be included in the bill”.

From the video: Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) told Congress recently that under the original wording of the National Defense Authorization Act, American citizens were excluded from the provision that allowed for detention. Once Obama’s officials saw the text though, says Levin, “the administration asked us to remove the language which says that US citizens and lawful residents would not be subject to this section.”

Under the terms of the Act,Obama had been given exclusive authority to direct members of the US military to arrest and imprison anyone he believed to have “substantially supported” al Qaeda,the Taliban,or “associated forces.” When pressed by plaintiff’s attorneys about the practical extent of this authority,government lawyers admitted “…the NDAA does give the president the power to lock up people like journalist Chris Hedges and peaceful activists,” admitting that “…even war correspondents could be locked up indefinitely under the NDAA.”

Yet incredibly,when pressed on the issue,this Obama mouthpiece suggested to Judge Forrest that concerns about the president’s detention powers were excessive as American citizens would,after all,have the ability to file a writ of habeas corpus should they be illegally or improperly jailed! “How long does [such a] petition take,” asked Forrest? When Torrance refused to answer,the Judge continued,“Several years,right”? (In Yesterday’s post, Obama seemed to think that ten years might be about right) -prolonged detention. Keep that phrase in mind.

Keep this in mind:

On July 2nd, 2008—Obama delivered a speech in Boulder, Colorado in which he promised the creation and establishment of a “Civilian National Security Force.” He further promised it would be “just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded as the US Military.”

It is well known amongst dictators, the world over, that a private army is necessary to control the great unwashed masses over which they force their rule.

We have seen Obama steadily assume dictatorial powers over apathetic Americans in just four and a half years. He has all but hushed the people’s voice in government, the US Congress, by simply by-passing them and ruling by executive order—just like any other two-bit dictator. Some feel even the US Supreme Court has lost the steel from its collective spine under withering pressure from our budding domestic dictator, Obama.
If one did not know better, one would think there is a move afoot to institute a complete Marxist insurgency in America with Obama at the top—and —at the leading edge.
“The things done in every Marxist insurgency are being done in America today.” … Retired Lt. General William G.”Jerry” Boykin says in a new video he has just released . Boykin is a decorated former Delta Force Commander, US Deputy Under Secretary for Defense, and a recipient of the Purple Heart

Obama: ‘Prolonged Detention’ otherwise known as FEMA Camps

Obama talks about the FEMA camps and explains their purposes. “Prolonged Detention” is the term being used. This is not your father’s Gitmo. Before the speech, one not to be missed, let us look at the new position that just might be the perfect fit. Check out my earlier post: Just what is the purpose of the FEMA camps?

We have seen our president issue executive orders within the last 12 months, in case of a National Security Emergency, to take control of all communications (including cell phones and internet) and all sources of utilities/energy (including gasoline, water, and electricity). We hear of FEMA camps and continually hear leaked news from DHS inside sources who claim that Martial Law is coming soon. Most recently the plans for drone attacks against American Citizens, on U.S. soil, has been leaked. There is no doubt that these are dangerous times. Secrets of the Fed

Would you believe Obama’s explanation?


US Army Internment Specialist


Internment/resettlement specialists are primarily responsible for day-to-day operations in a military confinement/correctional facility or detention/internment facility.


  • Supervision of confinement and detention operations

  • External security to facilities

  • Counseling/guidance to individual prisoners within a rehabilitative program

  • Records of prisoners/internees and their programs

H/T: you viewed with a great roundup– check him out.

Related articles

Why is the Government buying up so much Ammo?

UPDATE: DHS Purchases 21.6 Million More Rounds of Ammunition

February 7, 2013

The Department of Homeland Security is set to purchase a further 21.6 million rounds of ammunition to add to the 1.6 billion bullets it has already obtained over the course of the last 10 months alone, figures which have stoked concerns that the federal agency is preparing for civil unrest. A solicitation posted yesterday on the Fed Bid website details how the bullets are required for the DHS Federal Law Enforcement Training Center in Artesia, New Mexico.

Let me put my tin foil hat on today, and just do a bit of wondering about all of this ammo that the Government is purchasing. First bell that went off: In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls.

When I read that now the Social Security was into buying ammo big time, this raised big time questions. Sure, I know that agencies must practice with live ammo. But must it all be hollow point which is certainly on the expensive side. So I am posting this bit of speculation, and each can do his/her own speculation as well. From the post:

Major General Jerry Curry: Why Are Domestic Government Agencies Purchasing Enough Lethal Ammunition to Put 5 Rounds In Every American?

All of these rounds of ammunition can only be used to kill American citizens, though there is enough ammunition being ordered to kill, in addition to every American citizen, also every Iranian, Syrian or Mexican. There is simply too much of it. And this much ammunition can’t be just for training, there aren’t that many weapons and “shooters” in the U.S. to fire it:

Recall Senator Daniel K. Inouye in 1987 Chaired the Senate Select Committee on Secret Military Assistance to Iran and the Nicaraguan Opposition, which held public hearings on the Iran-Contra affair.

Senator Inouye, summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying:

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.” 

Retired Major General Jerry Curry wrote Friday:

The Social Security Administration (SSA) confirms that it is purchasing 174 thousand rounds of hollow point bullets to be delivered to 41 locations in major cities across the U.S.


Those against whom the hollow point bullets are to be used — those causing the civil unrest — must be American citizens; since the SSA has never been used overseas to help foreign countries maintain control of their citizens.

If this were only a one time order of ammunition, it could easily be dismissed. But there is a pattern here. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has ordered 46,000 rounds of hollow point ammunition. Notice that all of these purchases are for the lethal hollow nose bullets. These bullets are not being purchased and stored for squirrel or coyote hunting. This is serious ammunition manufactured to be used for serious purposes.

In the war in Iraq, our military forces expended approximately 70 million rounds per year. In March DHS ordered 750 million rounds of hollow point ammunition. It then turned around and ordered an additional 750 million rounds of miscellaneous bullets including some that are capable of penetrating walls. This is enough ammunition to empty five rounds into the body of every living American citizen. Is this something we and the Congress should be concerned about? What’s the plan that requires so many dead Americans, even during times of civil unrest? Has Congress and the Administration vetted the plan in public.

More concern and speculation of this can be found with a H/T:Washington Blog

SEIU getting ready to ‘terrify D.C.’

No big surprise here for many of us. For months, the story building up to this has been out there, covered by the Conservative bloggers. The question in many minds is, how bad will it get? These are desperation times for the Obama administration. He needs civil unrest, and the Unions and Soros are happy to supply it. What has happened to the Unions? The guys I knew who belonged as I was a youngster, would never have subscribed to this kind of rhetoric. Of course there were members of the more radical elements that were willing to bang a couple of heads, but the regular blue-collar guy, loved his God and Guns. Loved his country because he knew he was going to be giving it to his kids. SEIU is calling for nothing less than a Marxist State which was an anathema to blue-collar values. Where will it end? Time will tell of course. Your thoughts?

The Conservative Guild   has a roundup of all involved,  Conservatives on Fire  has his take on “The Class Warfare President is marshalling his troops”. We will remember this day, for it no less a call to arms by those who would deny us our freedom. Mark it.

Cheering Economic Terrorism – SEIU Getting Ready to ‘Terrify’ DC: Stephen Lerner at SEIU Meeting Outlines Rules for Creating a Crisis — We Want Their Kids to Hate Them, Name Enemies Like Glenn Beck, Shut Down Bridges, Long Occupations, Recruit Tea Party. H/T: The Blaze

United States own ‘Arab Spring’ coming our way

Questioning with Boldness “Days of Rage coming to Wall Street this September” has done an outstanding piece on what is headed our way. Recall Al Gore and his call to arms? That we needed our own Arab Spring?  I had done a number of posts earlier on the names and faces of those who were behind the unrest in the Middle East.  Questioning picks up the story with the same cast of folks and more:

It’s about the riots in London and how they connect to the future of America. Well, we now know that many of the rioters are striking out at to “show the rich that we can do what want.” Does anyone really need me to inform you of who those rioters are? Do you still think that this stuff won’t happen here?

Earlier post of mine in June James Carville: Civil unrest is immniently possible

Al Gore calls to action on Current TV with Keith Overbite-Did you know Gore is co-founder of Current TV? Trivia of the Day

Questioning with Boldness:

Coming to Wall Street this September… A website has been set up for a U.S. Day of Rage. With links connecting them to the European Revolution website, let the dots start falling into place. On the website for the European Revolution, they define their Mission as:

“We are an informative platform in English that aims to support the ongoing pro-democracy protests throughout Europe. We believe in alternative and independent media, net neutrality, real participatory democracy, active citizenship and the common ideals put forth by the first protests in Spain. We understand this revolution is made up of global citizens facing global issues, therefore, one of our goals is to create a net of volunteers and activists from around Europe to fight for our common goal.”

Bunkerville did an excellent exposé on the people behind the uprisings and specifically how it was tied directly to our State Department. In their report, the group identified as April 6 was created from an organized “summit” in Mexico City titled “Alliance of Youth Movements Summit”. This summit was even detailed on our own State Department website HERE.

However, the historic relevance of the “Revolutionary Youth Movement” doesn’t end in 2009 with our State Department and Hillary Clinton… it goes all the way back to the 1960s in America. From Wikipedia:

“The Revolutionary Youth Movement (RYM) was the section of Students for a Democratic Society that opposed the Worker Student Alliance of the Progressive Labor Party. Most of the national leadership of SDS joined the RYM in order to oppose PLP’s party line and what they alleged to be its attempted takeover of the SDS leadership structure, particularly at the 1969 SDS convention in Chicago.

A must read and more at Questioning with Boldness

For more info on how Obama is going to work this try  Gibbs to join Facebook, White House will control Social Media