NSA illegally obtains calls & texts, claims ‘error’ Again!



The NSA will never stop its collecting everything on everyone. If you have not seen the interview of Former NSA chief William Binney which I have included, do take the time to take a look. He reveals the “Stellar Wind” project and it should worry us all. Yet our somnolent congress does nothing.

The NSA has been caught improperly collecting Americans’ phone data yet again, just months after a similar incident forced them to (supposedly) purge hundreds of millions of records captured without FISA authorization.

The agency unlawfully slurped up a “larger than expected” volume of call and text records from one US telecom provider under the metadata-collection program known as Section 215, according to a document obtained by the American Civil Liberties Union as part of its ongoing lawsuit against the agency. The heavily redacted file does not reveal which company was affected, or how many of its “call detail records” were illegally collected between October 3 and 12, 2018.

The NSA never outs themselves and admits ‘We made a mistake’ – it only comes to light when the ACLU or some group sues,” Swann told RT.

If there is no accountability for those who continue to break the law – because that’s what they’re doing – then why would they ever stop doing that?



The NSA has stated they wouldn’t mind dropping Section 215, however, president Trump has suggested he’d like it to continue indefinitely. 

Former NSA chief William Binney confirmed that the agency is only letting it go of the controversial program Section 215 because they have something much more sinister going on.

“There is no oversight of the upstream program,” Binney told RT, referring to an NSA program that collects not only phone records but emails, “chatter,” and “everything on the fiber optic network.” Upstream is “the major program that’s copying the collection of bulk data on everybody, not just in the United States but on the planet.”

The filmmaker Laura Poitras profiles William Binney, a 32-year veteran of the National Security Agency who helped design a top-secret program he says is broadly collecting Americans’ personal data.



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DEA spied and collected data on those who bought money-counting machines



By now, most of us probably are aware of the massive amounts of data collected on each and every one of us and is maintained out at the “Utah Data Center” aka NSA Spy Center. Add this gem to the collection pile. I for one want to know more about these “blanket administrative subpoenas” that are being used that I keep hearing about. Easy to pass this off as a “who cares.” Money counting machines you say?  But it is the arrogance of our government that should be chilling.The government is collecting anything and everything. How much more that we don’t know about?

The Drug Enforcement Administration maintained a database of people who purchased money-counting machines as part of a “legally questionable” effort to identify suspected drug dealers for further surveillance and enforcement efforts, the New York Times reported on Saturday.


Beginning in 2008, the DEA began issuing “blanket administrative subpoenas to vendors to learn who was buying money counters,” all of which had “no court oversight and were not pegged to any particular investigation.” They then assembled a database of “tens of thousands” of individuals who had purchased the devices, using the information as leads in investigations.

Before we get to the meat of this abuse, let’s take a refresher as to why we should care and why this must be stopped.


NSA Utah spy center revealed – 100 years of total data stored

Filmed from Redwood Road, you can see the progress of the NSA’s Utah Data Center as it was being built also called the NSA Spy Center. There are quotes from various individuals who are knowledgeable or have worked for the NSA.




Back to the story:

The public version of the report, which noted that the program might not be legal, was heavily redacted as part of a DEA-inspector general joint process. But the Times wrote that due to a mistake, the inspector general failed to redact a section where it was mentioned that the DEA was not mentioning where their leads were coming from in case files:

Human Rights Watch researcher Sarah St. Vincent, who first flagged the redaction mistake, noted a 2008 email in which a DEA official wrote, “Unless a federal court tells us we can’t do this, I think we can continue this project.” Vincent told the Times that was curious, as the secrecy of the program precluded any judicial review. She also noted that it appeared to be an example of parallel construction, in which investigators attempt to conceal how a particular investigation began to avoid scrutiny in court.

According to the Times report, the DEA program was one of those shut down after Snowden leaked a massive archive of U.S. government secrets, including the existence of an NSA program to collect bulk metadata on Americans’ domestic phone calls; that program was later declared illegal by courts and replaced by Congress with a scaled-down program. (That successor program itself may be on the way out.) The controversy surrounding bulk records collection programs appears to have spooked the DEA.

Another DEA program “that used administrative subpoenas to collect bulk logs of outgoing international phone calls from the United States to countries linked to drug trafficking” was shut down in 2013, the same year as FBI agents raised their suspicions about the money-counter sales records program and it was discontinued, the Times wrote. According to the Washington Post, the inspector general report “came as close as it could to” declare the phone-data operation illegal.

The collection of the outbound international calls was “not connected to specific investigations or specific individuals under investigation” as would be necessary to justify it under law, Deputy Inspector General Bill Blier said in a statement. “This use of the subpoena authority conflicts with court decisions stating that a federal agency’s issuance of administrative subpoenas must be for records relevant or material to a specific investigation.”

More at  Gizmodo

Below, William Binney describes in detail how the whole system works.

NSA Utah Spy Center Holds Ribbon Cutting ceremony -Videos




NSA collecting phone records of millions – sent to secret Utah Spy Center?

Thanks to WhatFingerNews for the coverage


Arizona bill forces people to submit DNA


It’s Friday. So let’s take a look and see how our police state is coming along. The news from Arizona caught my eye, so let’s do a medley of news from “the front” with some flashbacks.

For those sucking up the Socialist kool-aid, there will be lots more of this coming to your town soon.

Arizona: Bonus: You have to pay the $250 buckeroos for it.

New legislation working its way through the Arizona Senate would establish one of the country’s first statewide DNA databases in which wide swaths of residents would be forced to give up their genetic material.

The DNA database would be maintained by the Department of Public Safety, which would include a person’s name, social security number, date of birth and last known address – and could be accessed and used by law enforcement for investigations. The database can also be shared with other government agencies across the country for the purposes for “employment, licensing, death registration, missing persons identification,” and IDing people using aliases or multiple identities, reports AZ Central.

No other state has anything this expansive in place, according to David Kaye, an associate dean for research at Penn State University who studies genetics and its application in law.

Kaye said the proposed bill is one step away from requiring DNA from anyone who wants a driver’s license. –AZ Central


Arizona wants some DNA, but the FBI wants all of it

While Arizona’s bill collects DNA from certain categories of individuals – and eventually everyone once they’re dead, the FBI is creating a “nation of suspects” according to a US think tank, as they seek to collect every single American’s DNA for a massive database signed into law in 2017 by President Trump which comes into effect this year.

The Rapid DNA Act allows police to routinely collect DNA samples from anyone they’ve arrested, but before they’ve been convicted of a crime. The 2017 law requires several states to connect Rapid DNA machines to the “Codis,” the FBI’s national DNA database.

Approximately the size of a desktop printer, use of the Rapid DNA machines made by Thermo Fisher Scientific and others, are “expected to become as routine a process as taking fingerprints,” according to the Daily Star.

But John W. Whitehead from The Rutherford Institute believes it is a sinister development which will make everyone a suspect.
Speaking to Daily Star Online, he said: “The fact of the matter is that these machines are not full-proof.“But we could look at a situation in which someone could be arrested, have their mouth swabbed and then be charged within hours after generating a DNA profile.“We are looking at the erosion of the concept of innocent before proven guilty because it will allow police to go on fishing expeditions. –Daily Star

More at  Zero Hedge


Meanwhile Phones are making Minority Report’s Precrime a reality – and other things we’ve learned.

Phillip K Dick predicted it, Steven Spielberg committed it to film and FOX is about to bring it to TV – but it looks like Precrime is already becoming a reality.

We’ve been reading through a new report released by EPJ Data Science called “a survey of results on mobile phone datasets analysis” which looks at what 15 years of mobile data has taught us.

For example, a study published by Bogomolov et al has used mobile phone traces to try to predict whether a certain area would become a crime hotspot within the next month. The study used the estimated number of people in each area, the age, gender as well as work, home and visitor group splits. All of the information was directly gained from mobile phone data.

That information was then pushed through the system and it found they could predict whether a certain area would be the scene of a crime in the next month with an accuracy of 70%.

In a separate study Bogomolov et al set out to find out if mobile phones could predict a person’s daily stress levels from non-invasive sensors, as well as mobile data.

Only using one lot of data provided a poor result but if the data was combined with personality traits and knowledge of the weather conditions they found a 72% accuracy in predicted whether people were stressed. Full story over at Tech Data

Here is a home grown movie ad, inserting facts with the regular ad for Minority Report



Nestled in President Obama’s stirring speech reasserting America’s commitment to the Rule of Law was a stunning announcement of a plan for a new legal construct justifying the “prolonged detention” of people we think might misbehave in the future.

This is the change Obama promised. Swathes of the discontent rounded up and imprisoned indefinitely. The persecution of the witches was nothing to what the schemers pulling his strings have laid plans for.


Senate Intelligence Authorization Act, Would Allow Arrest of Journalists, Anti-war Activists, Academics and Students

Let’s add this final memory from my way back machine not so long ago:

Meet ‘Sensitivity Readers’ looking for thought crimes prior to publication

…Censors who study manuscripts for thought crimes so that books can be revised or rejected prior to publication are called “sensitivity readers.” The Chicago Tribune approvingly defines a sensitivity reader as “a person who, for a nominal fee, will scan the book for racist, sexist or otherwise offensive content.”

“The industry recognizes this is a real concern,” said Cheryl Klein, a children’s and young adult book editor and author of “The Magic Words: Writing Great Books for Children and Young Adults.” Klein, who works at the publisher Lee & Low, said that she has seen the casual use of specialized readers for many years but that the process has become more standardized and more of a priority, especially in books for young readers.

Rigid control of what young people read is a higher priority, because their opinions are more malleable, still being in the process of forming.

Sensitivity readers have emerged in a climate – fueled in part by social media – in which writers are under increased scrutiny for their portrayals of people from marginalized [i.e., politically favored] groups, especially when the author is not a part of that group.

If you portray characters in any light that could possibly be construed as reflecting negatively on a politically preferred group like blacks, you are a racist thought criminal; good luck getting published. Avoiding this problem by ignoring blacks is exclusionary and therefore also racist. The only course of action that is not racist is to crowd your work with cartoonishly correct black characters who have been explicitly approved by the thought police. If you do that you are not racist; you are a cultural expropriator. More at Moonbattery

Ms Reality Winner faces ‘longest sentence’ for leaking NSA Classified Docs to Media


We just learn that Ms Reality Winner is soon to be sentenced and facing years in prison. Maybe ten but not long enough by twice. I have dug deep into Ms Winner. It will be claimed she is a “mental case.” But she is far far more. Follow me down the rabbit hole and get out your extra strength tin foil.

 “A Georgia woman who mailed a secret U.S. report to a news organization faces the “longest sentence” ever behind bars for a federal crime involving leaks to the news media, prosecutors said in a court filing.

Former National Security Agency contractor Reality Winner, 26, is scheduled to be sentenced Aug. 23 by a U.S. District Court judge in Augusta. She pleaded guilty in June to a single count of transmitting national security information when she worked as a translator at an NSA facility in Augusta.

Winner’s plea deal with prosecutors calls for imprisonment of five years and three months. But the sentencing judge isn’t bound by that agreement. Winner’s crime carries a maximum penalty of 10 years.” From Gateway Pundit


The Deep State, Donald Trump, Reality Leigh Winner and a silent coup?

An NSA document purporting to show Russian military hacker attempts to access a Florida company which makes voter registration software is sent anonymously to The Intercept. A low-level NSA contractor, Reality Winner, above, is arrested almost immediately. What’s wrong with this picture? A lot.


Reality Winner’s place of work

Ms Reality Winner:

This is an odd thing. Cue up the conspiracy theories.

On a strange and bizarre note, why did the contractor she was employed by just since Feb 2017, for the most part only hire ex military women in their 20’s?


Interesting to note also that she gave the info to The Intercept who is run by the same guy that Snowden gave stuff to. Maybe Chelsea Manning can explain it. Better yet, in just four short months on the job she just happened to come upon and leak the story that The Intercept published about Russia’s so called interference in last year’s presidential election. Her bailiwick was Afghanistan intelligence. Just two cute by twice.

I have done two-part posts regarding “Deep State” operative Reality Leigh Winner? and Reality Leigh Winner, a useless idiot or did the ‘Deep State’ use her

I encourage everyone to check them out for the complete story.

My intention was to draw conclusions regarding facts that simply make no

Reality Winner

sense. I do believe Reality Leigh Winner who leaked Top Secret Documents was a willing patsy. Who it was that orchestrated the event in particular I won’t speculate.

I believe there were more involved. I believe also she was probably groomed for what happened. No less than ISIS grooms its potential converts. While in the Air Force her office was in the NSA building. I give you this fact to think about:

It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.”

I will let you wander over to Antiwar.com  and let Peter Van Buren do the theory thing about who benefits from Ms Winner’s illegal activity titled “Hey Intercept, Something Is Very Wrong With Reality Winner and the NSA Leak.” I agree with him.

I conclude with a segment from an earlier post: Are we about to inherit a Totalitarian State? The Silent Coup  

“The Deep State, which “operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government.”

Zero Hedge ties up the loose knots and gives us a string of tin foil that is worth consideration.

So who or what is the Deep State?

…. It’s the fusion centers and spy agencies that have created a surveillance state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take precedence over due process and justice. It’s the military empire with its private contractors and defense industry that is bankrupting the nation.

It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.”

It’s what former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as “a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies”: the Department of Defense, the State Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Treasury, the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a handful of vital federal trial courts, and members of the defense and intelligence committees.

It’s every facet of a government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and abusive tacticsMore at Zero Hedge

Senator Inouye,in 1987, summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying:

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

Clapper: ‘Thinking Of Something Else’ When he Lied To Congress


Keep in mind, Senator Wyden knows that metadata on every single one of us is being kept at the Utah Data Center.

Every itty bitty bit of everything we do say or may even be thinking is kept. Stored in a facility that is large enough to store everyone’s information for one hundred years. Wyden is very upset about it. He knowingly wants to nail Clapper down. Clapper knows he knows.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper claimed Tuesday that he “made a mistake,” but that he didn’t lie when he told Sen. Ron Wyden in 2013 that the National Security Agency doesn’t collect data on Americans.

Clapper was defending himself on “The View” after President Donald Trump called him a “lying machine.”

A report from The Guardian later that year showed that Clapper’s statement was false, that the NSA does collect phone metadata on millions of Americans.

Keep reading…


We have the short Wyden take down.

Ron Wyden’s exchange with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. 2013

Then Clapper on “The View” – move it along to about 3:00 if your short on time:

I will add the chilling clip of the Utah Data Center being built. It is now up and running. He states on The View that he was in “a bad place” to reveal he was spying essentially on every single one of us, since the program was Classified.



UPDATE: For an even better explaining, see an old post 2013. Clapper offers his “metaphor” explanation as to why he lied.


NSA Utah Data Spy Center Revealed

This is what Clapper termed “Classified” and that is “The bad place he was in” ???  We weren’t suppose to know about it!!

Filmed from Redwood Road, you can see the progress of the NSA’s Utah Data Center also called the NSA Spy Center.

Joe DiGenova: John Brennan Was Behind the Set Up of Trump



One has to wonder why a former head of the CIA, John Brennan found it necessary to become a political operative for anything anti-Trump. Throw in Clapper former Director of the NSA as well. These two thugs that have been relentless in their attacks. Why you ask? Perhaps we are getting closer to figuring out. Since yesterday’s post was such a hit,

Mueller may have very dirty hands with link to Russian Oligarch

Let’s try another Laura Ingraham:

Former US Attorney Joe DiGenova joined Laura Ingraham Tuesday night on The Ingraham Angle to discuss the latest developments in Mueller Special Counsel witch hunt.

Joe DiGenova told Laura that former CIA Chief John Brennan was the head of the group of people who were creating the fake counter intelligence investigation of Donald Trump.

That may explain John Brennan’s continued threats against this president.
On Monday Brennan blamed President Trump for Hamas terror operations.

From last night’s interview:

Joe DiGenova: It was abundantly clear that there was no legitimate basis even for a counter intelligence investigation, let alone a criminal investigation. It is quite obvious that John Brennan was at the head of the group of people who were going to create a counter intelligence investigation against Trump by creating false information that was going to be fed through Carter Page and fed through George Papadopoulos so that it would be picked up, reported back to Washington and provide the basis for a counter, a fake, counter intelligence investigation and it was all Brennan’s doing. And that is why the Justice Department is viciously fighting, revealing everything they can about the source in London who everybody knows the identity of.

Laura Ingraham: Explain the source in London.

Joe DiGenova: The source in London was another person who was feeding false information to George Papadopoulos and others about collusion which did not exist.


 H/T:Gateway Pundit


NSA experts say DNC ‘hack’ was an inside leak job, not the Russians

Former NSA experts say it wasn’t a hack at all, but a leak—an inside job by someone with access to the DNC’s system.

No less than William H. Binney, the master-mind behind all of that nasty stuff that the NSA does to Americans including storing every keystroke out in the Utah storage center, is on board with this story. Anyone who has been around my blog knows I am a big fan of his. An inside job. Now what does Mueller do with this information? How about Debbie dearest and her BFF the Awans? What are their part?

Four members of VIPS are currently concentrating on the task at hand. They are: (1) William Binney, the NSA’s former technical leader who also designed many of the programs now in use by the agency; (2) Kirk Wiebe, a former senior analyst with the NSA’s SIGINT Automation Research Center; (3) Edward Loomis, the former technical director at the NSA’s Office of Signal Processing; and (4) Ray McGovern, former chief of the CIA’s Soviet Foreign Policy Branch.

But let’s get to it. In a LONG windy post put out by uber liberal THE NATION, we learn this:

…Lost in a year that often appeared to veer into our peculiarly American kind of hysteria is the absence of any credible evidence of what happened last year and who was responsible for it. It is tiresome to note, but none has been made available. Instead, we are urged to accept the word of institutions and senior officials with long records of deception. These officials profess “high confidence” in their “assessment” as to what happened in the spring and summer of last year—this standing as their authoritative judgment. Few have noticed since these evasive terms first appeared that an assessment is an opinion, nothing more, and to express high confidence is an upside-down way of admitting the absence of certain knowledge. This is how officials avoid putting their names on the assertions we are so strongly urged to accept—as the record shows many of them have done…….

“The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second. These statistics are matters of record and essential to disproving the hack theory. No Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed.”

What is the top possible speed? Somewhere around 16 megabytes per second. According to Skip Folden, a former IBM program manager and independent analyst, 22.7 megabytes per second is beyond unlikely under the circumstances–unless you’re downloading the files directly using a storage device like a USB drive. He said:

“A speed of 22.7 megabytes is simply unobtainable, especially if we are talking about a transoceanic data transfer. Transfer rates of 23 MB/s are not just highly unlikely, but effectively impossible to accomplish when communicating over the Internet at any significant distance. Further, local copy speeds are measured, demonstrating that 23 MB/s is a typical transfer rate when using a USB–2 flash device (thumb drive).”

As to the report’s second contention–that the Guccifer 2.0 documents were tainted to cast curious eyes toward Russia–Folden notes that a simple peeling away of the documents’ top layer of metadata shows the sloppy and intentional misattribution.  More at The Nation Abbreviated opinion at Law Newz

For anyone who hasn’t seen the Binney interview, I will include it.

Are the free societies of the world doomed to fail?


The man MI5 didn’t think was dangerous: Killer used gym to radicalize youngsters, worked out with a terror suspect on the FBI watch list and was reported to the security services again LAST SUMMER. So goes the headline.
Today a guest post by Mustang:

An interesting recent article in the UK’s Daily Mail headlined as “MI-5 and Yard: We had him and let him go: a shocking admission that 2-years before London Bridge jihadi maniac went on rampage.”  What is missing is the logical follow-on subtitle: negligent officials arrested and charged in the deaths of innocents.

To my way of thinking, this is a large part of the problem: free societies never seem able to hold their elected officials and bureaucrats accountable for their gross incompetence.  I am wondering … why not?  Do they, or do they not, work for “the people?”

According to the report, “Khuram Butt, 27, was flagged up because of his extremist views and his case was examined by Scotland Yard and the security services.  A call was later made to the anti-terror hotline, warning of Butt’s increasingly extremist behavior, but officials downgraded the investigation because they did not suspect the married father of two was planning an attack.”

As it turns out, the dismissal was incompetent in the extreme, or if you prefer, criminally wanton due to thoughtless political correctness.  Similar instances have occurred in the United States, a few of which were honor killings of female children by their own father, some of whom have never been brought to justice.

What does it take to switch on the light —to finally move against what to me is an obvious conspiracy by too many extremists who seek to murder us.

We can do better than this, yet we sit back and allow un-named officials to draw their fat salaries and hefty pensions even after making horrendously consequential decisions.  It makes the admonition “see something—say something” laughable.  Perhaps what has happened to us is exactly what we deserve —for our complacency.

What is your point of view?

The Deep State, Donald Trump, Reality Leigh Winner and a silent coup?


I have concluded two part conspiracy posts regarding “Deep State” operative Reality Leigh Winner? and Reality Leigh Winner, a useless idiot or did the ‘Deep State’ use her

My intention today was to draw conclusions regarding facts that simply make no sense. I do believe Reality Leigh Winner who leaked Top Secret Documents was a willing patsy. Who it was that orchestrated the event in particular I know not. I do believe there were more involved. I believe she was probably groomed for what happened. No less than ISIS grooms its potential converts. While in the Air Force her office was in the NSA building. I give you this fact to think about:

It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.”

I will let you wander over to Antiwar.com  and let Peter Van Buren do the theory thing about who benefits from Ms Winner’s illegal activity titled “Hey Intercept, Something Is Very Wrong With Reality Winner and the NSA Leak.” I agree with him.

I conclude with a segment from an earlier post: Are we about to inherit a Totalitarian State? The Silent Coup  

“The Deep State, which “operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government.”

Zero Hedge ties up the loose knots and gives us a string of tin foil that is worth consideration.

So who or what is the Deep State?

…. It’s the fusion centers and spy agencies that have created a surveillance state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take precedence over due process and justice. It’s the military empire with its private contractors and defense industry that is bankrupting the nation. It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.” It’s what former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as “a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies”: the Department of Defense, the State Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Treasury, the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a handful of vital federal trial courts, and members of the defense and intelligence committees.

It’s every facet of a government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and abusive tacticsMore at Zero Hedge

Senator Inouye,in 1987, summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying:

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”

Reality Leigh Winner, a useless idiot or did the ‘Deep State’ use her?

Useless idiot? Or did someone from the Deep State find a compliant vulnerable willing soul and use her? Another faux story to lead us down the wrong rabbit trail? How did a low-level contractor have access to high level Intel? An Afghanistan specialist with knowledge of three languages that happens upon a Top Secret Russian/Trump election document? She started off working intelligence in the Air force. The office location? In the same building as the NSA. Convenient wouldn’t you say? Then she went on to work at Pluribus. The first part of this tale I posted on Friday “Deep State” operative Reality Leigh Winner?

We pick up the story –

Her employer wasn’t just any employer.

Let’s look at her employer. Pluribus International Corporation

While purporting himself as being a writer of fiction, this report notes, Charles McCarry has spent the greater part of the past 40 years operating within the “Deep State”—and whose greatest accomplishment to date was using his son Nathan McCarry as the “figurehead” to establish a private spying company named Pluribus International Corporation, whose operations span the globe and lie at the very center of the vast US intelligence community.

Most bizarrely to note about Pluribus International Corporation, this report says, is that the vast majority of its nearly 210 employees are young woman with US military backgrounds—a philosophy explained by Nathan McCarry’s wife, Valerie McCarry, during a 2014 radio interview wherein she described her travails of being a young 20-year-old unwed mother raised in a US military family.

One such young female US military veteran hired by Pluribus International Corporation, this report continues, was a 25-year-old US Air Force veteran named Reality Leigh Winner—who aside from being a rabid anti-Trump “resistance” activist, spoke four languages—English, Farsi, Pashto and Dari.

Enter The Intercept:

Their first published story was an in-depth report about the NSA‘s involvement in the U.S. targeted killing program, which detailed the flawed methods which are used to locate targets for lethal drone strikes, resulting in the deaths of innocent people.[6] This was followed by an article containing new aerial photographs of the NSA, NRO, and NGA headquarters.[7]

In March 2014, The Intercept published leaked documents from Edward Snowden showing that the National Security Agency was building a system to infect potentially millions of computers around the world with malware.[8] The report included a top-secret NSA animation showing how the agency disguised itself as a Facebook server in order to hack into computers for surveillance.[9] 

The Deep State makes its move: 

Enter the U.S. Government Agency  – And this time The Intercept, in contrast to other leakers whose info they published, made no attempt to hide her identity. They had to know she would be outed. They contacted the government. They turned over her documents given to them. She twice had written to them prior to her sending the document. She was arrested by the FBI within hours of the publication by The Intercept.

The Chicago Tribune

Partly because the case was made so quickly, critics have condemned the Intercept’s reporters for having burned their source by failing to take proper operational security precautions. They point to the claim in the FBI’s affidavit that government investigators took note of the folds in the document shown to them by the Intercept and speculated that it had been printed by the leaker, a lucky guess on their part (especially since the folds could have been created instead by the journalists). In any event, that led the government to determine that only six individuals had printed this specific document, and only one — Winner — had been in contact with the Intercept from her personal email account, which she had accessed from her work computer. The case could not have been handed more easily to the government on a silver platter.

Ed: It is reported that the letter itself contained markings which identified the printer used. Was An Office Printer Behind Reality Winner’s Arrest? – Newsy Story.   But wait…Check what the Federal Complaint states: The News Outlet provided the U.S. Government Agency with a copy of this document. A copy not the original.

Enter the U.S. Government Agency:

Reality Leigh Winner, 25, a contractor with Pluribus International Corporation in Georgia, is accused of  (Full Complaint) “removing classified material from a government facility and mailing it to a news outlet,” according to a federal complaint.

The Intercept identified as “The News Outlet.”

On June I, 2017, the FBI was notified by the U.S. Government Agency that the U.S. Government Agency had been contacted by the News Outlet on May 30, 2017, regarding an upcoming story.

The News Outlet informed the U.S. Government Agency that it was in possession of what it believed to be a classified document authored by the U.S. Government Agency. The News Outlet provided the U.S. Government Agency with a copy of this document.

The U.S. Government Agency has since confirmed that the reporting contains information that was classified at that level at the time that the reporting was published on or about May 5, 2017, and that such information currently remains classified at that level.

The story concludes tomorrow. See Reality Leigh Winner, a useless idiot or did the ‘Deep State’ use her?

Sources: Antiwar.com

Chicago Tribune

The Intercept – Wikipedia

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