Media and their ‘orginal content’ at its best!

I caught this clip on FoxNews some time ago,  It defines completely the inane media that is out there that parrot’s canned news. Just in case anyone still out there thinks that they are getting orginal content, and not being indoctrinated with the party line. This took place just prior to the election apparently. Enjoy!

CONAN Highlight: Local news has a thirst-inducing take on the presidential election

According to the Washington Post, CNN runs some kind of news service that provides a packaged video news report for local stations around the country – even down to the introduction provided by the local anchors. H/T: Whitehouse Dossier

18 Responses to “Media and their ‘orginal content’ at its best!”

  1. Steve Dennis Says:

    No original thoughts in the media, they are given their talking points and they all promulgate the same party line.


  2. justturnright Says:

    Didn’t think it was possible, …but I now respect TV anchors even less.
    And I started at “none”.


  3. Designs by Dianne Says:

    Thanks Bunker. Laughable, but not ‘funny’ – it’s so telling.
    If these are the ‘salt of the earth’ carriers, the salt has lost substance and saltiness! Brainwashing and indoctrinated to do on to others – a different kind of ‘salt’. Just as things are broadcasted before the event happens (CBS teletype stating BO’s winning numbers over Mitt, 2 wks before election), they all read from the same ‘written pattern script’ of their leaders of The Collective WO.
    “Have you been BRAIN-WASH-ED!”


  4. J.G.Lord Says:

    Reblogged this on JamesLordsBlog and commented:
    Just one more piece of the pie that shows we are isolated and seperated being fed what those in power want us to know.


  5. genomega1 Says:

    Reblogged this on News You May Have Missed and commented:
    Media and their ‘orginal content’ at its best!


  6. silverfiddle Says:

    The news media has lost credibility by their own actions


  7. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    Yeah. Journalism, profession which demands so much integrity. Well, we got so much in the way of fast food, and instant new fads thanks to Facebook; why not instant canned news.


  8. Always On Watch Says:

    Good find!

    I’ll be linking to this in my weekend “Nincompoopery” roundup.


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