Bloomberg gives $50 Million to end coal energy

Yes, the rich will tell the rest of us to hunker down, put more wood on the fire in the winter, and sweat it out in the Summer for what? So they can live out their dream of dictating to the world their weird reality. Bloomberg gives out his method of reaching his agenda.. “progress will come not from national governments and international bodies, but instead by driving action at the city and local level”. I guess buying off local politicians is a lot cheaper now than the National and International bodies.

Here tis:

Responding to yesterday’s announcement regarding New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s commitment to donate $50 million from his charitable foundation to the Sierra Club, today policy experts from the National Center for Public Policy Research warn these funds will greatly increase the prospects of ending coal as an energy source, bringing higher energy prices to an already sluggish economy.

Billionaire Bloomberg is a classic limousine progressive who can afford electricity at any price. Unfortunately, hardworking Americans and especially those on fixed incomes can’t – rising utility bills have a big impact on their budget by draining their disposable income,” said Deneen Borelli of Project 21.

“With Bloomberg’s cash infusion the Sierra Club can expand their campaign nationwide and bring political pressure on utilities and target elected officials who are trying to reign in the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) attack on the coal industry. I’m concerned that elected officials and CEOs will buckle under the media pressure and sheepishly run away from coal use.

The irony of catching the post at Right Side News was this google ad:

Bloomberg’s gift to the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign will advance the effort to effectively retire one-third of the nation’s aging coal fleet by 2020. The grant reflects Mike Bloomberg’s view that progress will come not from national governments and international bodies, but instead by driving action at the city and local level.

The House is considering a bill to reign in the EPA. Looks like it is getting late in the day.

Utilities such as American Electric Power, Duke Energy and Southern Company recently announced they are closing coal-fired power plants because of new EPA regulations.

“Obama’s war on coal is already having an impact on utilities. Since coal provides about 45 percent of our nation’s electricity, the campaign to end its use is going to be especially harmful to states such as Indiana that derives more than 90 percent of its electricity from coal. In addition to the expected layoffs announced from the closing of the power plants, the cost of meeting new EPA requirements for the remaining coal power plants will be passed on to consumers. Bloomberg’s support of the Sierra Club is only going to accelerate the political pressure to end the use of coal,” added Deneen Borelli.

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16 Responses to “Bloomberg gives $50 Million to end coal energy”

  1. Cheryl Says:

    Even sorrier is that this was probably a “tax deductible” contribution. So he skates on taxes, while the rest of us pay the energy burdens he is creating. Bloomberg is one of “them.” it is suicide to give these people the keys to our government at any level, yet somehow they are getting elected??


    • bunkerville Says:

      Excellent point Cheryl. It is suicide. These times remind me of those who were warning about War World II in the thirties. How many were in denial.


      • Bob Mack Says:

        Reminds me of 1861…Obama always channels Lincoln, the “Great Compromiser”…well, almost 700,000 Americans died because of old Abe’s “compromises”–none of which I happen to recall.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Excellent point Bob. I don’t recall Lincoln meeting in the middle.


  2. rjjrdq Says:

    Hmmm, Obama has the exact same agenda. I wonder how much of that $50 million is really Bloomberg’s?


  3. Matt Says:

    “Beyond Coal”=Economic ruin, exactly the “crisis” that our regressive adversaries can exploit.


  4. Bob Mack Says:

    Maybe Bloomberg is an advocate of burning manure as fuel…God knows he’s full of enough of it.


  5. Otis P. Driftwood Says:

    It must be nice to be able to throw $50,000,000.00 away on your own personal agenda. Why is it that libs think the answer to everything is more money? It surely hasn’t worked for our so called Department of “Education”.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Quite true Otis. What continues to puzzle me is the fact that certainly they know their children will have to live under the primitive conditions they plan on creating. Do they really think they will be exempt for ever? They need to look at History. They become the enemy, sooner, rather than later.


  6. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    “..but instead by driving action at the city and local level.”

    This money will be used for 2Smart Groth” or “Sustainable Living” programs. In other words, Agenda 21. Here is a link to an article I stumbled upon that you may find interesting. The author is proably a conspitacy nut, which is a shame because he has done some incredible research.


  7. KingShamus Says:

    New York–unelect this nanny-state dipshit ASAFP.


    • bunkerville Says:

      He was succesfull in getting the Marcellus Shale exploration stopped in New York. So he doesn’t want Nat Gas as well. Good luck America. And this is the guy they were talking about running for Prez?


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