Sunday Respite – America the Beautiful

As we head into the special day of remembrance, a reminder of the special place we are fortunate to live.

The Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square perform “America the Beautiful” by Samuel A. Ward and arranged by Mack Wilberg.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable day. Best viewed in full screen.

Here is a second chance to catch yesterday’s post of general nonsense.

I will add a few links to fellow bloggers to close out the post.

Pirates Cove -(Or do they just create activists)

Colleges Create Climate (scam) Programs Or Something

Tacky Raccoons – Has a few tunes for us.

Saturday Matinee – OMC, Dr. Feelgood & Rory Gallagher

Vermont Folk Troth

World Bank launches plan to decimate global farming under excuse of cutting carbon emissions | The Most Revolutionary Act

Conservative Tree House. – They never rest

Jack Smith Seeks Gag Order to Block President Trump from Making “Misleading Impressions” of FBI Conduct

Busted Knuckles – If you say it works!

Big Country’s Cousin Bubba?

That’s all she wrote. If I don’t catch you tomorrow, have a great day and let’s remember what it’s all about.

5 Responses to “Sunday Respite – America the Beautiful”

  1. peter3nj Says:

    in other news, while waiting for my grandson’s phone call I tuned into FOX. After watching and hearing the jerkHoward Kurtz for five minutes once again I was teminded not to tune in To FOX or be very very selective when and if I choose to. Again, what a two faced pantywaste.IMO.


  2. peter3nj Says:

    So Ireland wants to exterminates a million or so cows to save the earth. Well that’s a good idea since they can always grow more potatoes without climate killing fertilizers. As long as circus clowns are not on the kill list and the pols just click their heels twice all should be well on the Emerald City… I mean the Emerald Isle. 👠 👠


  3. Terri D. Says:


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