Rick Perry for President – watch for the dishonest “tell”

This is amazing isn’t it? Everyone just sitting on pins and needles to see if we will be blessed with Rick Perry’s entry”

Texas Governor Rick Perry will upend the Republican presidential primary with his entry this weekend, CNN’s latest national poll shows.  He starts off in a virtual tie with Mitt Romney, 17/15, with his nearest competitors at 12%.  Perhaps most surprisingly, Michele Bachmann isn’t among them — and her support gets cut almost in half with Perry’s candidacy. Hot air

Some of us wonder if we really choose our candidate for President. Are they pre-selected by others? Before you stop reading this as just another conspiracy blog, hang with me. Have you noticed the drum beat is picking up for Rick Perry? How the media is fawning over whether he is going to run? Now we hear from Mr. Perry that he is getting a calling. His civic duty, his moral duty as defined by his wife. He headed up Gore’s Presidential campaign in Texas. Soon thereafter he had a GOP conversion. OK.. maybe he is cool, and I am just overly cautious. How did that last selection process work out for us? So lets this time, keep our eyes open and watch for the “tell”. I will open with a one important one that I am picking up.

A “tell” :

A tell in poker is a change in a player’s behavior or demeanor that is claimed by some to give clues to that player’s assessment of his hand. A player gains an advantage if he observes and understands the meaning of another player’s tell, particularly if the tell is unconscious and reliable. Sometimes a player may fake a tell, hoping to induce his opponents to make poor judgments in response to the false tell. More often, people try to avoid giving out a tell, by maintaining a poker face regardless of how strong their hand is.

NAFTA Superhighway plans advance south Texas governor, Mexico agree to extend Trans-Texas Corridor

The Trans-Texas Corridor, part of the NAFTA Superhighway projected to link the United States with Canada and Mexico as an integral cog of the North American Union, is back on the agenda after Texas Governor Rick Perry lied in claiming that the proposal was dead earlier this year.

The open plan to merge the US with Mexico and Canada and create a Pan-American Union networked by a NAFTA Superhighway has long been a Globalist brainchild, but fierce opposition to the plan from activists across the country has stalled the plan at least temporarily.

A key component of the NAU transport system was the proposed Trans Texas Corridor, a massive 4,000 mile network of highways that were to be sold to the Spanish company Cintra and operated as toll roads – creating a huge new tax on the American people which would be paid directly to a foreign-owned private company.

Texas Governor and Bilderberg invitee Rick Perry launched a PR stunt in January when he claimed that the Trans Texas Corridor was dead, when in reality as Jerome Corsi and others pointed out, the project was merely to have its name changed and its design slightly altered.

 Perry and his statement on Open Borders:

That is why it is wrong, and inherently detrimental to our relationship with Mexico for the U.S. Congress to pursue a protectionist policy that forbids Mexican trucks from U.S. roadways. It is bad public policy, and it violates the terms of the NAFTA agreement we agreed to. Mexican trucks that meet our safety standards should be given the same access to U.S. roads as our Canadian neighbors to the north.

President Fox’s vision for an open border is a vision I embrace, as long as we demonstrate the will to address the obstacles to it. An open border means poverty has given way to opportunity, and Mexico’s citizens do not feel compelled to cross the border to find that opportunity.http://governor.state.tx.us/news/speech/10688/

Then we have Illegal immigrants can get in-state tuition at Texas universities. Neither employers nor state agencies are required to run job applicants through a federal database to determine their legal status. Illegal immigrants have access to services for drug treatment, mental health and children with special health care needs.

For more of my concerns try out my post Beware of the Rick Perry-Candidate for President