National Chip ID Card For American Citizens: ID Act Effective On May 11, 2011

UPDATE: This enactment has been postponed, but not eliminated in order to give States time to comply.

“On March 4, 2011, U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano extended by 20 months  (to January 15, 2013) the May 10, 2011 deadline for states to be in full compliance with the Real ID”.  Nice of her!

Under the REAL ID state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards have to meet federal standards or they will not be accepted for federal purposes–boarding commercial aircraft, gain access to federal facilities or enter nuclear power plants.

And they laugh that we believe in such conspiracies. No doubt some delay in this. At least we can hope. The Congress was opposed several years ago, but that won’t slow down this regime with Janet at the helm.The real ID Act is going to go into effect on May 11, 2011.

As of May 11, all driver’s licenses across the United States will be required to conform to federal national security standards.  In essence, our licenses are now going to be federalized. UPDATE: Russia just decided too that this is a swell idea! Rian.RU

A Fox News article from a couple weeks ago confirmed that these “national ID cards” will be required to board airplanes and enter federal buildings…. Put this together with  our earlier story: the DNA from eveyone at points of entry and it is complete: TSA to Start Collecting our DNA at Points of Entry

States must be in compliance by May with the regulations laid out in the 2005 REAL ID Act. The law, a recommendation of the Sept. 11 commission that investigated the 2001 terror attacks, creates a national security standard for state-issued identification cards to be used for purposes like boarding airplanes and entering federal buildings.

Of course the Department of Homeland Security insists that the Real ID Act is just here to “help” us and to make life “better” and “more secure”.  According to their website, some of the goals of the Real ID Act are “to help prevent terrorism, reduce fraud, and improve the reliability and accuracy of personal identification documents.”

From the government on the type of chip to be used:

Now, there is no debate as to whether or not the card will contain a chip that is capable of tracking people, the only debate has been around which tracking technology better suits their needs. Here are a few quotes again from the official government document:
“ DHS also invites comments on how States would or could incorporate a separate WHTI- compliant technology, such as an RFID-enabled vicinity chip technology, in addition to the REAL ID PDF417 barcode requirement.”

“States can leverage the same infrastructure that they will need to purchase for REAL ID to incorporate MRZ, proximity chips, and vicinity chip technology onto a driver’s license.”

“The use of RFID is essential to the WHTI program in order to ensure facilitation at crowded U.S. land and sea crossing points. Similar concerns are not implicated by REAL ID, which is one of the factors that led DHS to select the 2D bar code as the common machine readable technology on driver’s licenses and identification cards. DHS encourages States to explore alternative technologies on their driver’s licenses and identification cards in order to promote security and technology advances as well as e-government initiatives a State may wish to explore.”

“DHS does not believe that non-compliant driver’s licenses or credit cards are acceptable documents to establish identity.” Meaning – no chip, no ID. Doesn’t this remind you of something else?

Can you see where all of this is headed?  Many of the people that are attempting to implement this thing may have “good intentions”, but we all know what they say about “good intentions”.

If we put up with a national ID card, then the Obama administration will be emboldened to try to implement the “universal Internet ID” that they have been talking about.

The sad truth is that America is no longer “the land of the free“.  The government has decided that in order to keep us “safe”, everything that we do must be watched, tracked, traced, recorded and controlled. Full Story here: Before its News

P.S. Update: Russia to do the same thing…. now what a coincidence

Russia plans to introduce a universal identity-payment card for all of its citizens, Kremlin aide and chief presidential economics advisor Arkady Dvorkovich said on Monday.

The proposed card, which would look similar to a regular bank card, would contain an electronic chip with the holder’s personal information, including fingerprints and a photograph, Dvorkovich told a news conference on Monday. It could also be used to pay utilities, transportation and medical bills.


18 Responses to “National Chip ID Card For American Citizens: ID Act Effective On May 11, 2011”

  1. National I.D is now here. Nine States non compliant for Domestic Flights as of 2018 | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Looks like the “Real National I.D National Drivers License is here. Earlier I posted: National Chip ID Card For American Citizens: ID Act Effective On May 11, 2011 […]


  2. Anthony Gennaro Says:

    I would rather leave it up to the states with the feds coming up with the guidelines so the same items would be on them. Or just eliminate them and go to everyone having to carry a passport. I was in the military for 12 years and have traveled to so called democracies around the world and a few totalitarian ones. Fortunately we are a long way away from that. we must stay that way with vigilance. Especially when both sides of the aisle want to erode the Bill of Rights to suit their pollster whims of the moment!


  3. Anthony Gennaro Says:

    There’s nothing wrong with having a national standard for state issued identification cards. The reason is obvious…to prevent forgery and identity theft. That’s also why the states change the particulars every several years to prevent such forgeries; otherwise I would just print one on my computer. RFID chips do not have the range or power beyond a few inches and must pass before a scanner. And by the way we already have a national id card, its call a “Passport”.

    I’m not a big “truster” in Government programs. They can’t even plow my street, So as long as the states continue to issue the ID’s I see no problem. Some states like Nevada and several others just by having a driver’s license or State ID you give them the right and are required to give a blood sample if you are arrested if intoxicated or suspected to be high. Now that’s something to worry about. If it ever comes to the point that the Feds are giving out ID’s with religion and political affiliation and have border checkpoints between the states, then I’d worry. Take the tin foil off your head and stop looking for black helicopters. The signs are not that obvious of a police state takeover. It will be more subtle. Like cell phones with GPS and cameras that can activated by remote. Hmmmmmm.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Then simply issue Federal I.D. cards. Forget state drivers license. And with it of course, the new regs and regulations that they will deem fit. You make good points, but the you feel a need to insult. That is a shame, it was almost worth having a debate. Thanks for stopping by anyway, stay cool.


      • Anthony Gennaro Says:

        Not my intention to insult u or anybody. Please accept my apology. This is just my style of writing in a kind of Gonzo style. I welcome the debate and conversation. Once again my apologies!


    • bunkerville Says:

      From the government on the type of chip to be used:
      “Now, there is no debate as to whether or not the card will contain a chip that is capable of tracking people, the only debate has been around which tracking technology better suits their needs. Here are a few quotes again from the official government document:
      “ DHS also invites comments on how States would or could incorporate a separate WHTI- compliant technology, such as an RFID-enabled vicinity chip technology, in addition to the REAL ID PDF417 barcode requirement.”
      I read the full request, and it does not appear as simply something that may similiar as in one’s library book. This looks like a tracking device. Our phones now track us whether on or off. I have no disagreement for some form of National I.D. It should be used in voting. But it is a slippery slope that is worrisome.if the feds usurp the States. I can envision determining a rationing program for energy such as at fueling pumps. How many miles we go.. endless.


      • Anthony Gennaro Says:

        it all makes my head want to explode! i always was curious and wanted to find thigs out…then when i find out i wish i hadn’t!



  4. Wednesday Night Quick Hits: The Vote For Your Favorite Guitar Solo Edition | Says:

    […] National Chip ID Card For American Citizens: ID Act Effective On May 11, 2011 […]


  5. LD Jackson Says:

    Okay, let me raise another point about this. They are wanting to require us to have a certain kind of ID, for security purposes they say. This, from the same people who threw a fit about Arizona passing a law that would result in someone having to show papers to prove they are in America legally. Am I the only one who finds that more than a little ironic?


  6. Matt Says:

    Reichstag fire comes to mind. All in the name of security, you know!


  7. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    I’ll never forgive Bush for creating HLS. This is so totally un-American. Are the people going to stand still for this? Oh: I forgot. It’s all for our own good.
    Let me see if I understand what is coming. The HLS will be able to tell where all the good guys are but they won’t know where any of the bad guys are. Is that how it is supposed to work?


  8. KingShamus Says:

    No, this isn’t totally creepy and frightening at all.

    Nope not one little bit.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Yes indeedey…sleep like a top knowing big brother is out there…and then we just connect this to the google maps which google has been so kind to show all of our streets.. and we have a super duper 1984


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