Gibbs to join Facebook – White House will control social media

Hot Air seems to be trying to figure out why Bob is in the front row for a seat with Face Book.

Facebook interested in hiring Robert Gibbs for some reason

A job for Mr. Gibbs at Facebook could be worth millions of dollars. While details of his potential compensation package have yet to be discussed, people briefed on the talks said that he would receive a cash salary as well as shares ahead of the initial offering. Facebook is being valued by some investors at more than $60 billion and could be the largest offering in history.

Obama and a Search Engine get you am Egyptian Revolution: Of course you would want to get the White House operative on board. Bob will get his direction from Obama and Hillary in keeping control of Facebook. The Cabal of Google, Facebook and Obama. It is well documented that the Facebook Executives as well as Google  were instrumental in stirring up the young folks and fermenting revolution

Here is what is going on with Facebook right now regarding Israel  from Yid with Lid:

There is an attack against Israeli Jews happening on Facebook but the social media site refuses to shut the incitement down. Its called the Third Palestinian Intifada, and the site is almost totally in Arabic. The ‘Third Palestinian Intifada’, urges its readers to copy the link, place it in their profiles and publish it on all pictures, videos and pages – everywhere they can. An alert announces that a march to “Palestine” will begin from neighboring countries on May 15 and soon after, “Palestine will be liberated and we will be freed. Our goal now is to reach millions of subscribers on this page before May.”

The page also includes hateful language  calling for its supporters supporters to build on the previous two murderous previous intifadas in which Arab terrorists murdered and wounded thousands of Israeli civilians and caused the death and injury of thousands of innocent Palestinians.

The Facebook page directs readers to supplementary content on other sites such as Twitter and You Tube. And ends with a warning to Facebook. “If Facebook Blocks this page..All Muslims Will Boycott Facebook Forever.” Full Story over at Yid with Lid:

Here is a bit of a refresher-

“What we shared is a belief in changing the world from the bottom up, not from the top down,” Obama told Google employees during a 2007 visit to its headquarters in Mountain View, Calif. Money CNN Didn’t Van Jones say something like that?

ERIC SCHMIDT, FORMER GOOGLE CEO: My view of Mr. Soros is that he is one of the most important people in the world today in terms of the impact he has had.

Three reasons to be wary of Google

Eric Schmidt, the former CEO, he resigned two weeks ago, he is on the White House council for science and technology, co-chaired by John Holdren. They also have privileged access to NASA airfields.

Second point — they are working way too close with hard-core leftists. Eric Schmidt is on the board of an organization called the Politics of Trust Network. You might recognize a couple of other names on that board like Van Jones, oh, and Drummond Pike, the former CEO and founder of the Tides Foundation.

In 2010 the Google, Inc. charitable giving fund of the Tides Foundation gave over $145 million directly to nonprofits and academic institutions. Google has made donations in the seven figure range to George Soros is doing that, too, one of farther left political action groups in America.

They also gave money to the Trickle Up Program, a big recipient of cash from the Tides Foundation and George Soros’ Open Society Institute. Full story here at  Fox News

New ADA regulations announced by the EEOC

See our earlier post: Pro-Abortion Obama EEOC Chai Feldblum who brought us this nonsense.

I caught this story on Fox News last night. This will be an attorney’s field day. It is estimated that the majority of the population now qualifies under the Americans with Disabilities Act. I can  find little about this today, but apparently there was amendment legislation a few years ago, and now an unelected Czar has created an  interpretation. It was indicated that depression and PTSD are now covered, with employer’s having to make “reasonable accommodation”.

Minn Lawyer:

The  final regs implementing the  ADA Amendments Act (ADAAA) are now available on the Federal Register website.  ”Like the law they implement, the regulations are designed to simplify the determination of who has a “disability” and make it easier for people to establish that they are protected by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA),” the EEOC’s website states.

The regulations clarify that the term “major life activities” includes “major bodily functions,” such as functions of the immune system, normal cell growth, and brain, neurological, and endocrine functions. The regulations also make clear that, as under the old ADA, not every impairment will constitute a disability. The regulations include examples of impairments that should easily be concluded to be disabilities, such as HIV infection, diabetes, epilepsy, and bipolar disorder.

Following the dictates of the ADAAA, the regulations also make it easier for individuals to establish coverage under the “regarded as” part of the definition of “disability.”  In some cases, establishing such coverage posed  significant hurdles, but under the new law, the focus is on how the person was treated rather than on what an employer believes about the nature of the person’s impairment, the EEOC stated. Full story here at  Minn Lawyer

President Obama used his recess appointment power to appoint Feldblum and two others to the commission on March 27, 2010.Geidner, Chris, “Recess Appointment for Feldblum,” Metro Weekly, March 27, 2010.(1)

In the mid-1980s, Feldblum clerked for Supreme Court Justice Harry A. Blackmun, the notorious liberal judge who authored the Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion on demand. He invented a right to abortion not found in the Constitution. Feldblum praised him as someone who had the “ability and desire to look behind the law and see the people is not the classic way to do law …. He brings a sense of caring and compassion that will be missed.” Clearly, Feldblum favors liberal judicial activists who ignore the Constitution and who impose their own political views on the law. Traditional Values