Addressing Sandbox Critters – Radical Islamists

by Mustang

This business of Mid-eastern radicalism has been going on for far too long — too many hundreds of years of depraved behavior.  Some people stand up to radicalism; most do not — so it continues.  A few years ago, someone observed that dealing with radical Islam is quite curious.  Whoever said this, if anyone ever did, uttered an understatement.  

Dealing with Islam is much like dealing with viruses: the virus mutates as soon as one thinks they have a handle on the problem.  Curious indeed.  We have plenty of time to react to depravity, but apparently, none to prevent it. 

Radical Islamists are 13th Century barbarians with iPhones.  These people are clever and resourceful.  They are no longer stopping by the recruitment desk in the local mosque; in 2022, radical Islamist recruitment is taking place via text messages, i-messages, and WhatsApp.  

Once contacted, the Islamist can become part of a larger group or become a lone-wolf murderer.  According to one study completed by George Washington University — the only similarity today among radical Islamists is that 80% are under 30 years of age. 

What are we talking about? There are more than 900 active investigations against radical Islamists in all fifty states. Fifty-six Americans were arrested, including teenage girls and college students, arrested as petty criminals stealing to provide goods and cash to other radicals with more serious intentions.  In 2019, 250 American Islamists traveled to Syria and Iraq to join the ranks of radical fighters (or become their sexual objects). 

Do their parents or young brides know about this radicalization?  Sure, they do.  Are they doing anything about it?  Yes, of course — they’re encouraging it or turning a blind eye to it — but they aren’t doing anything to arrest it.  Why?  Because these “children” are doing Allah’s will. 

Islamic books

Image source

After several hundred arrests among young radicals attempting to leave the United States to join terrorist fighters in the Middle East, American techno-terrorists now encourage home-grown Islamists to carry out attacks inside the United States.  

Now enter the usefulness of social media.  Remember all those ethnic “flash mobs” from a few years back?  Right, these modern flash mobs aren’t interested in robbing department stores.  They prefer instead to kill your children as they make their way to school in the morning. Don’t worry, though. They’ll only murder your children in the name of Allah. 

Social media multiplies the effect of radicalization.  It not only mobilizes them but also incites and encourages radicalization.  One cannot help but wonder, “What makes these children, born and raised in the land of the free, so utterly stupid?” Adventurism, their twisted religion, the flattery of their recruiters, nice gifts — perhaps, even all of the above.  

There is even an online travel guide for would-be terrorists.  There are helpful tips for crossing into Turkey, contacting representatives of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), and writing farewell letters to their parents or other significant persons.  The barbarians have arrived in modern society, but oddly, their mission of foisting depravity on the world is unchanged. 

The entire subject is problematic.  The George Washington University study offers a framework for intervention, but the problem is that until these miscreants break the law, they haven’t broken any laws.  Police only respond to broken laws, not to darkened hearts. 

Dangerous Deliveries 

Every year, twenty-million travelers visit the United States.  They arrive carrying visas with far less security than the legal immigration system.  Thirty-eight countries have simplified/expedient visa systems and radical Islamists take full advantage of these “streamlined” systems.  This system has become, in the words of some, the soft underbelly of the United States.  

Maybe this is true, but it couldn’t be “softer” than President Joe Biden’s open borders policy.  It may be “profiling,” but why is that a bad thing with the safety and security of the nation, and its people, is at stake? 

ISIS hosts more than 25,000 foreign-born fighters from more than 100 nations worldwide.  Five thousand of those are Europeans.  There is a question about how many of them are Americans.  The Director of National Intelligence “thinks” that close to 1,000 are from the United States.  No one is sure.  

One of the problems in identifying these blackguards is that ISIS agents have stolen equipment and blank passport books to make fraudulent passports (Source: Wall Street Journal).  In the world, only ten people are expert enough to spot fraudulent passports: none work as border guards in any western country. 

ISIS poses the greatest threat to western societies.  Former President Trump claimed to have defeated ISIS, but it wasn’t true.  An American general recently opined, “We may have killed some ISIS fighters, but we have not killed the idea.  We don’t even understand their idea.” Altogether, this is not good news.  Why?  Because ISIS is now here, in America — well-entrenched, and there is damn little anyone is willing to do about this problem.  

We can’t see into anyone’s darkened heart.  We can’t read their mind.  We do not understand how anyone can hunger so much for genocide, murder, and mayhem.  We can only suffer their perfidy and wonder how such a thing could happen to innocents, no matter where they live.  Well, it’s happening here now. 

In the film The Untouchables, actor Sean Connery played the part of Chicago police officer Jim Malone (a fictional character).  Kevin Costner played the role of Eliot Ness (a real person).  The context of the following conversation was the arch-criminal Al Capone was essentially running all over the law, terrorizing local citizens — doing what he wanted, when he wanted, and impervious to legal sanctions.  He was paying off local police officials, judges, and prosecutors. 

Malone (talking to Ness): You said you wanted to get Capone. Do you really wanna get him?  You see, what I’m saying is, what are you prepared to do? 

Ness : Anything within the law. 

Malone: And then what are you prepared to do?  If you open the can on these worms, you must be prepared to go all the way.  Because they’re not gonna give up the fight, until one of you is dead. 

Ness : I want to get Capone!  I don’t know how to do it. 

Malone : You wanna know how to get Capone?  They pull a knife you pull a gun.  He sends one of yours to the hospital, you send one of his to the morgue. That’s the Chicago way!  And that’s how you get Capone.  Now, do you want to do that?  Are you ready to do that? I’m offering you a deal.  Do you want this deal? 

Ness : I have sworn to capture this man with all legal powers at my disposal, and I will do so. 

Malone : Well, the Lord hates a coward.  (Jabs Ness with his hand, and Ness shakes it off) 

Malone : Do you know what a blood oath is, Mr. Ness? 

Ness : Yes. 

Malone : Good, ’cause you just took one.

What do you think about this, reader?  What should Americans do about these home-grown sandbox critters?

Mustang also blogs at Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar

UN claims Children of ISIS fighters must be repatriated


What to do with 68,000 people in Syrian camps including their children? Many of them families of ISIS fighters. Trump had raised the issue some time ago, with no answer, asking countries to take their prisoners who are being held in Syria. It came to a head when the skirmish with Turkey left some camps under questionable control by the Kurds. One can only imagine the state of mind of children held in these conditions with parents who were/are ISIS fighters.


Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria

Note from picture: We are the first reporters inside the al-Hol Camp since Turkish military operations began in northeastern Syria last week. Officials say since the conflict began, the camp, which houses 71,000 people, has become “out of control.” Camp officials say in the past week there have been attacks, escape attempts and open calls for a violent uprising in al-Hol Camp in Syria, Oct. 16, 2019.


A bird’s eye perspective of the Al-Hol refugee camp in northeastern Syria in April, 2019.

Drone footage of Al-Hol refugee camp.



GENEVA, Switzerland (AFP) — United Nations investigators on Thursday called for thousands of children of jihadists who fought for the Islamic State group to be repatriated from Syria.

The UN Commission of Inquiry on Syria said in a report that the children were in a “particularly precarious” situation since they often lacked official papers.

“This, in turn, jeopardizes their rights to a nationality, hinders family reunification processes and puts them at a higher risk of exploitation and abuse,” the report said.

The UN says around 28,000 children of foreign fighters are living in Syrian camps — 20,000 of them from Iraq.

After the collapse of the self-proclaimed caliphate of ISIS last year, foreign fighters from nearly 50 countries were detained in Syria and Iraq.

Many of their relatives are held in the overcrowded Al-Hol camp in northeastern Syria, home to around 68,000 and where more than 500 people — mostly children — died in 2019.

Read More at Court House News

No easy answer to this one.

For the best in conservative news


A Federal Judge and a bizarre view of Justice for an American ISIS terrorist



Terrorist Khan and The Clown Judge

  by Mustang


Were the actions of an ISIS terrorist the actions of simply an immature youth’s exuberance – a “stupid thing” – which should have received the mercy from Judge Hughes? Or was it a major error?

Lynn Hughs

Judge Lynn Hughs

Prosecutors have appealed Judge Hughes’ sentence, arguing that the sentence imposed potentially have national security implications: there are more than 150 Moslem-Americans fighting for ISIS in Syria.  One-hundred more have been arrested before they were able to physically join the terrorist organization.

U.S. Attorney Ryan K. Patrick of the Southern District of Texas, argued as much in a brief filed with the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals last month, that “The district court’s error was not harmless. Indeed, the magnitude of its error was enormous.”

“The sentence,” the brief explained “… did not reflect the gravity of Khan’s conduct and would not sufficiently deter others from taking the first step along the path to radicalization. The sentence also results in unwarranted disparity with sentences of similarly situated defendants who have received far more serious sentences.”

A counter-brief by Khan and his attorney, David Adler, is expected sometime in the coming weeks.

Asher Abid Kjan
Source: Facebook

Five years ago, the FBI learned that a (then) 19-year old citizen had joined a terror group affiliated with the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) while temporarily living with an uncle in Australia.

Asher Khan used Facebook to lavish praise on Jizb ut-Tahrir and stated that he joined the group so that he could die in service to Allah.  He not only communicated this to his readers at Facebook, he also served as active recruiter for ISIS.  Over the long-distance Internet, Khan recruited a high-school friend to join ISIS as well.

His friend was named Sixto Ramiro Garcia, who he had met at their Houston mosque.  Khan arranged to meet Sixto in Turkey; there, a guide would take them into Syria where they could achieve glory for the moon-god.

Khan and Garcia boarded planes; Khan from Australia, and Garcia from Houston.  But the FBI concocted a ruse to convince Khan to return to the United States.  Khan’s mother told him that she was dying in a hospital; he needed to come home.

He flew to Texas instead of Turkey and having arrived, wired his panicked friend in Turkey $300 and arranged through the internet to put Garcia in contact with the ISIS guide.  Sixto was killed a few months later, which, quite frankly, is a likely result of joining a terrorist group.

Khan, now in Texas, kept recruiting for ISIS —an activity that continued until his arrest by federal authorities in May 2015.  Khan was charged in federal court with violations of 18 USC 2339(a)(b), providing material support to terrorist organizations.  Notably, 2339(b) requires a longer prison sentence because, as in this case, “material support” resulted in the death of another person (Sixto Garcia).

In 2015, Federal prosecutors wanted Khan to remain behind bars awaiting trial, arguing that Khan is a threat to national security.  Judge Lynn Nettleton Hughes decided to impose house-arrest, instead.  Hughes then assailed prosecutors asking whether the government would have detained someone during the Cold War for joining the Community Party of East Germany.  It was a rhetorical question.

Nevertheless, East German Communists never threw a five-year-old child off a second-floor mezzanine at the Mall of America, either.  That aside, it was only after his bond hearing that Khan claimed to be a “changed man.”  He’s now a 24-year old engineering student at the University of Houston, which given Khan’s previous line of work, shouldn’t bring us a sense that all is well in the world.

Judge Hughes considered the facts of this case from the US District Court for the Southern District of Texas.  He sentenced Khan to 18-months in prison.  Prosecutors were asking for fifteen years.  Hughes, a Reagan appointee, scoffed at the arguments set forth by the prosecutors and expressed sympathy for Khan, a convicted terrorist.

The argument that Khan had anything to do with Garcia’s death is specious, he said.  “Given the right breaks, most young people —if you can get their attention and give them some guidance— will quit doing that particular stupid thing.”  Hughes dismissed out of hand the evidence presented by prosecutors that Khan continued to proselytize for ISIS after he returned to Texas.

What are these implications?  Oh, I don’t know.  Do we really want 150 combat-tested terrorists returning to the United States with their hatred of the American Republic and anyone connected with it?  Maybe what we need are stiff consequences for treasonous behavior.  Perhaps our judges ought to be able to make a distinction between that and stealing bb’s from a local toy store.

And there is another issue.  Khan told Judge Hughes he’d learned his lesson —easily said.  The fact is that terrorists, having committed themselves to that course, do not change their ways over time.  They don’t “age out” of their lust for barbarism.  Judge Hughes has access to this material, and he has no further to look than the tribunals at Guantanamo Bay.

Whether the 5th US Court of Appeals will increase Khan’s sentence is yet to be seen —but you know, that may not matter quite as much as the number of chowder heads at work within our federal government who, every single day, impose a clear and present danger to the Republic.

Neither does one require all of the details; no, they only need to take a cursory look around.  Jeff Sessions, Rod Rosenstein, Robert Mueller & Company, James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Lisa Paige, Candice Will, Lynn Hughes … and too many others to mention.  One can even forget the characters; look instead at the number and scope of challenges to justice and sovereignty: an unprecedented number of illegal invasions along our southern border, a congress that refuses to act in the interests of the American people, and a media that aids and abets America’s enemies.

We don’t just need Donald Trump; we need another 49 just like him.  No one man can keep pace with the unrelenting power of this anti-American tidal wave that every second of every single day assaults our values and —worse, common sense.

Well, I suppose that when you think about it, common sense isn’t all that common in American today —not even on the federal bench.

Thanks to WhatFingerNews for the coverage! A great site for all the news.



Iran’s Rouhani Makes First Visit Ever To Iraq To “Bypass Unjust US Sanctions”


Cable TCM’s showing of “Lawrence of Arabia” recently reminded us of the eternal quagmire of the MIddle East. When I saw this headline out of Zero Hedge I could only feel sadness. How much blood and treasure we have given.  Yet, in today’s news we hear nothing. Only the latest antics of three women plus Sarsour, roaming Congress, Muslim supporting women – who would destroy us from within. Add Israel as well. And the Kurds? We leave then to their own devices one more time.



What Iran is billing as President Hassan Rouhani’s first “historic” and landmark visit to Iraq, both the United States and Israel are seeing as a provocative move to solidify Iran’s influence over Baghdad.

Just prior to arriving in Iraq Monday, Rouhani said on state television that his country is determined to “strengthen its brotherly ties” with neighboring Iraq. It’s expected that the three-day visit will result in a wide range of economic deals in fields such as energy, transport, and agriculture; however, as Israel’s Haaretz writes based on a Reuters report:

The visit is a strong message to the United States and its regional allies that Iran still dominates Baghdad, a key arena for rising tension between Washington and Tehran.


Over the past year immense tension has grown between allies Baghdad and Washington over Iraq’s reliance on Iran-backed Iraqi Shiite paramilitary units to wage war against ISIS and other Sunni terror groups.

As Al Jazeera notes:

Since Rouhani’s election in 2013, Iraq has relied on Iranian paramilitary support to fight ISIL following the group’s capture of the Iraqi city of Mosul and other territories in both Iraq and Syria.

Now, with the armed fighters facing a final territorial defeat in the Syrian village of Baghouz, Iran is looking for Iraq’s continued support as it faces a maximalist pressure campaign by President Donald Trump after his decision to withdraw the United States from Tehran’s nuclear deal with world powers.

But this is ultimately the lasting legacy of Bush and Cheney’s 2003 regime change war and toppling of Saddam Hussein: they overthrew a Sunni Baath secular dictator in exchange for entrenching pro-Iran influence in Baghdad, to the delight of the Ayatollahs.

Washington can now behold the fruits of its neocon interventionist labor as Iran’s president is granted a hero’s welcome in the heart of Baghdad (this after Iran and Iraq were very recently bitter enemies)  all the while US officials in the same city will look on helplessly from the sidelines.

Zero Hedge

Bonus flashback:

Sarsour caught on camera talks about her mentor WTC terrorist Siraj Wahhaj



French Conservative Le Pen is mightier than the Sword!


Think this can’t happen here? The trial balloons have already been set loose regarding Trump’s mental fitness and the use of 25th amendment. Let’s take a look at how the Conservatives are doing over in France regarding this issue.

They must be afraid Le Pen will run for President again, and win this time.

By Mustang

I’m not sure that many people in the USA care all that much about European politics —and perhaps even less about politics in France, and yet what is happening in France today is uncannily similar to the antics of the American left.  Activities, by the way, that seem to demonstrate that the leftist movement is indeed one of global proportions.  I would not be surprised to learn that the founder and financier of the so-called Open Society Foundation has a hand in the anti-Democratic/anti-Republican shenanigans unfolding in France today.

Marine Le Pen is a French politician and lawyer who serves as President of the National Rally Party (formerly known as the National Front).  She is a member of the French National Assembly and the youngest daughter of the founder of the National Front, Jean-Marie Le Pen.  She additionally serves as a regional councilor and a member of the European Parliament.  In 2012, she placed third in France’s contest for the presidency, and in 2017 she placed second in the first round of elections.  In certain American publications, Le Pen is regarded as among the world’s most influential people (2011, 2015, 2016) and ranked in Politico as the second-most influential member of the European Parliament.

Marine Le Pen may be described in several ways, but she is unmistakably pro-French.  She received extensive media attention during her run for the presidency in 2010 when, during a speech at Lyon, she compared the blocking of public streets and squares within French cities, in order to accommodate Moslem prayer, with the Nazi occupation of France during World War II.  She said, “For those who want to talk a lot about World War II, if it’s about occupation, then we could also talk about Muslim prayers in the streets, because that is occupation of territory.  It is an occupation of sections of the territory, of districts in which religious laws apply.  There are, of course, no tanks, there are no soldiers, but it is nevertheless an occupation and it weighs heavily on local residents.”

Naturally, the media did flip-flops and the Moslem’s who have come to believe that they are allowed to do anything they wish —because they are Moslems — rioted.  Apparently, Le Pen is made of sand; she doesn’t care what Moslems think —or the press either, for that matter.  She speaks directly to the French people.  It is my belief that Le Pen wants to regain large swathes of French territory lost to the Moslem horde and it will be interesting to see whether she will eventually make it to the presidency.

It will be a rough road.  In 2015, the French government instituted an investigation for “distributing violent images.”  The images she publicized were pictures of the murder of American journalist James Foley —which came only a few weeks after jihadists murdered 130 people in Paris attacks (November 2015).  Ah, but as a member of parliament, Le Pen has immunity from prosecution.  No matter … her immunity was lifted in order for her to face trial for posting images that her political enemies claim will “incite terrorism, pornography, or harm human dignity.”  Were she ever convicted for this crime, she could end up in jail for 3-years and face a hefty fine.  Le Pen isn’t giving up, though …

“I thought I had been through it all: well, no.  For having condemned Daesh [ISIS] horrors in tweets, the justice system is putting me through psychiatric tests.  Just how far will they go?”  Later on, Le Pen appeared on BFM-TV, a French 24-hour news broadcast stating, “Totalitarian regimes use such methods against opponents to make them look like their crazy.”  She told reporters that she would not submit to such tests.  “I’d like to see how the judge would try and force me to do it,” she said.  Apparently, magistrates in France do have the power to order psychiatric tests —but Le Pen is having none of it.

Why did she share “horror pictures” of Moslem atrocities?  She did it in response to a French journalist who drew a comparison between ISIS and her own political party.  She later deleted the picture of James Foley after a request from his family to do so.  She said that she had been unaware of the identity of the individual in the murder picture.

So, what is going on in France?  I think it’s politics as usual.  Le Pen represents the conservative right; her enemies are on the communist left.  Her claim that she is being politically persecuted has been picked up by other European conservatives, as well … and they have rushed to her defense.  While Le Pen is attempting to regain popular support after her defeat to President Macron in 2017, her party is facing separate legal inquiries into allegations over the misuse of EU funds.

There you have it, folks.  The leftist assault on conservative (traditional) values is not just happening in the United States.  I can only conclude that George Soros (and his minions) is a very busy little bee.


Bombshell: Report confirms U.S. coalition struck deal with ISIS, Permanent bases set up

Once again, Americans give blood and treasure and in return our government lies to us, the media fails to report that we are setting up shop in one more country. Syria. We make our bargain with the devil. In this case, giving away the Syrian oil fields. Selling out the Kurds in the process. The swamp is alive and well.

I will give you the concluding paragraph of the post:

So it appears that the US allowed ISIS terrorists to freely leave areas under coalition control, according to no less than the BBC, while at the same time attempting to make the case before the public that a permanent Pentagon presence is needed in case of ISIS’ return. But it’s a familiar pattern by now: yesterday’s proxies become today’s terrorists, which return to being proxies again, all as part of justifying permanent US military presence on another nation’s sovereign territory………

And astoundingly, even foreign fighters who had long vowed to carry out attacks in Europe and elsewhere were part of the deal brokered under the sponsorship of the US coalition in Syria. According to According to the BBC report

 America’s Syrian adventure went from public declarations of “we’re staying out” to “just some logistical aid to rebels” to “okay, some mere light arms to fight the evil dictator” to “well, a few anti-tank missiles wouldn’t hurt” to “we gotta bomb the new super-bad terror group that emerged!” to “ah but no boots on the ground!” to “alright kinetic strikes as a deterrent” to “but special forces aren’t really boots on the ground per se, right?” to yesterday’s Mattis declaration of an open-ended commitment. And on and on it goes.

At a moment of widespread acknowledgement that the short-lived Islamic State is no longer a reality, and as ISIS is about to be defeated by the Syrian Army in its last urban holdout of Abu Kamal City in eastern Syria, the US is signalling an open-ended military presence in Syria. On Monday Defense Secretary Jim Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon that the US is preparing for a long term military commitment in Syria to fight ISIS “as long as they want to fight.”

Mattis indicated that even should ISIS loose all of its territory there would still be a dangerous insurgency that could morph into an “ISIS 2.0” which he said the US would seek to prevent. “The enemy hasn’t declared that they’re done with the area yet, so we’ll keep fighting as long as they want to fight,” Mattis said. “We’re not just going to walk away right now before the Geneva process has traction.”


Meanwhile Turkey once again reiterated that the US has 13 bases in Syria, though the US-backed Syrian YPG has previously indicated seven US military bases in northern Syria. The Pentagon, however, would not confirm base locations or numbers – though only a year-and-a-half ago the American public was being assured that there would be “no boots on the ground” due to mission creep in Syria.

During the last year of the Obama administration, State Department spokesman John Kirby was called out multiple times by reporters for tell obvious and blatant lies concerning “boots on the ground” in Syria.

Remember this? “We are not going to be involved in a large scale combat mission on the ground in Syria. That is what the president [Obama] has long said.”
“It all depends what your definition of ‘boot’ is” John Kirby, State Department Spokesperson. U.S. Department of State – Daily Briefing: Apr.25.2016

According to yesterday’s bombshell BBC report:

 The BBC has uncovered details of a secret deal that let hundreds of Islamic State fighters and their families escape from Raqqa, under the gaze of the US and British-led coalition and Kurdish-led forces who control the city. A convoy included some of IS’s most notorious members and – despite reassurances – dozens of foreign fighters. Some of those have spread out across Syria, even making it as far as Turkey.

IMPORTANT NOTE: Omar fields falling into hands of SDF could well have been part of a Quid pro quo deal that allowed ISIS to leave Raqqa for allowing SDF to capture Omar oil field after ISIS attacks  positions. If you read 1 article today, make sure its one by BBC below 

Full story over at Zero Hedge

Obama – ‘Bathtub falls take more lives than Terrorism’

A much overlooked story that appeared in the Atlantic April 2016 issue, tells us more than we care to know about our Commander. The title The Atlantic’s April cover story,The Obama Doctrine”  Did anyone know there was a Doctrine? Considering the carnage that is going on, it is time to pay attention.  The man-child is revealed. I picked out a couple of hits.
“ISIS is not an existential threat to the United States. Climate change is a potential existential threat to the entire world if we don’t do something about it.”—President Obama

President Obama was recently interviewed by The Atlantic, where it was reported that the commander-in-chief “frequently reminds his staff that terrorism takes far fewer lives in America than handguns, car accidents, and falls in bathtubs do.”

That statement was taken by many to mean that the president believes the fear of terrorism is exaggerated, Chris Wallace noted. And bathtubs don’t try to kill people.

On Syria-

And the fact that I was about to pull back from the immediate pressures and think through in my own mind what was in America’s interest, not only with respect to Syria but also with respect to our democracy, was as tough a decision as I’ve made—and I believe ultimately it was the right decision to make.”

The move stunned U.S. allies and Obama’s cabinet and closest advisors. Goldberg reports that when Secretary of State John Kerry learned of the decision, he told a friend, “I just got fucked over.” Goldberg also reports that, over the last year, Kerry has repeatedly lobbied Obama to launch missiles at specific Assad regime targets in Syria, which Obama has steadfastly resisted. Goldberg reports: “Recently, when Kerry handed Obama a written outline of new steps to bring more pressure to bear on Assad, Obama said, ‘Oh, another proposal?’ …At a National Security Council meeting held at the Pentagon in December, Obama announced that no one except the secretary of defense should bring him proposals for military action.”

Of course here Obama blames……

On Europe’s responsibility for the “shitshow” of Libya:
Obama blames Great Britain and France, in part, for losing Libya (which he refers to privately as the “shitshow”). “When I go back and I ask myself what went wrong, there’s room for criticism, because I had more faith in the Europeans, given Libya’s proximity, being invested in the follow-up.”—President Obama

H/T: Atlantic Monthly for the full version go to The Obama Doctrine

So Mr President how about this J.V. team called Isis?

Amazing how this petulant President of ours comes out yesterday with a zero plan on how to deal with terrorism in the so-called “Homeland” but can give a crack about guns. I guess he forgets about pressure cookers and assorted other methods of death and destruction. The blood is on his hands. Just a few short years ago Isis could have easily been destroyed. Instead he allowed them to march across the Middle East unimpeded except for a few drone attacks here and there authorized by Val Jar and perhaps himself after wringing their hands incessantly. So Mr. President, how about this JV team? Huh? Give us your best answer. We deserve it. Or is it just more of those “shovel ready” jobs you proclaimed were just around the corner.

Watch what you write on your bank check’s memo line

Put this down as a heads up folks. While Obama is in the process of importing tens of thousands of “refugees” from terrorist ridden countries, the bank is checking out your memo line on your checks, even if you do online banking, to see if your a terrorist. So the man gets investigated for using the word Dash. Good luck America.

The Department of Treasury flagged a California man’s bank account — because his dog’s name, Dash, was similar to a term used for ISIS in the Islamic world, Daesh.

The alarm bells went off after Bruce Francis, who suffers from multiple sclerosis, put “for Dash” in the memo line of his monthly payment to his dog walker.

But earlier this month, he found out that his check hadn’t gone through.

“The dog walker comes to me and says, ‘I haven’t gotten your check,’” Francis told KTVU San Francisco.

“I looked in my Chase account and there was a message saying, ‘Please explain what ‘for Dash’ means,’” he said.

Banks are required to turn over any suspicious financial transactions to the Treasury Department. You betcha.

“What happens is that the government requires the banks to become in effect, outsourced spies for the government,” Hasbrouck said. (You think so huh? Anyone want to guess if they don’t a big ole fine will be coming from the DOJ over something)?

More at New York Post

Obama Said The Day He’s Inaugurated Muslim Hostility Will Ease

I know we are all weary of words from Chairman Obama. But at this time of year let us review his predictions made in the good old days prior to his election and his thoughts of what a wonderful world we would have if we elected this community organizer. In the background, what has really happened.