Obama’s ethic chief yells foul with hiring string of family related hires in administration


Hey they want their 10 percent too. Don’t they have the right for some Benjamins for their “big guy?” One has to wonder if the Obama clan is feeling left out with one of their own going to the Washington Post with this complaint about Biden.

A former ethics chief in the Obama administration has accused President Joe Biden of thumbing his nose at government ethics with the prevalence of family ties among his administration’s hires. 

‘I’m sorry, I know some folks don’t like hearing any criticism of him. But this royally sucks. I’m disgusted,’ tweeted Walter Shaub, who led the Office of Government Ethics from 2013 to 2017.

‘A lot of us worked hard to tee him up to restore ethics to government and believed the promises. This is a a real ‘f*** you’ to us—and government ethics,’ he added.

Shaub was responding from a new report in the Washington Post, which revealed that press secretary Jen Psaki, White House counselor Steve Ricchetti, deputy chief of staff Bruce Reed and presidential personnel office director Cathy Russell each have at least one direct family member working for the Biden administration.

(Jen Psaki –   who found her name on my wall of shame yesterday as one of the fine members of WestExec.)

WestExec – Meet the firm that’s running our country & Biden and is fearful of

Many of the highest-ranking members of the Biden administration came from the same shadowy firm. It is a relatively new name among revolving-door power brokers in Washington D.C., which makes it all the more surprising.

Founded in 2017, WestExec describes itself as a “diverse group of senior national security professionals with the most recent experience at the highest levels of the U.S. government.



The scrutiny on hiring practices was triggered in part by the Treasury Department’s announcement on Monday that it was hiring J.J. Ricchetti, son of Biden counselor Steve Ricchetti, leading to accusations of nepotism.

The Treasury Department announced on Monday that it was hiring J.J. Ricchetti (second from left), son of Biden counselor Steve Ricchetti (center), leading to accusations of nepotismThe Treasury Department announced on Monday that it was hiring J.J. Ricchetti (second from left), son of Biden counselor Steve Ricchetti (center), leading to accusations of nepotism

J.J. Ricchetti, a recent college graduate with no other experience listed on his department bio, will be a special assistant to the Treasury’s office of legislative affairs.

The scrutiny on hiring practices was triggered in part by the Treasury Department’s announcement on Monday that it was hiring J.J. Ricchetti, son of Biden counselor Steve Ricchetti, leading to accusations of nepotism.

J.J. Ricchetti, a recent college graduate with no other experience listed on his department bio, will be a special assistant to the Treasury’s office of legislative affairs.

From Daily Mail

Let’s not forget Cathy Russell, Biden’s director of presidential personnel in the WH is wife of Tom Donilon, Chairman of the investments firm BlackRock that has been buying up housing across US and renting it out at higher price Their daughter Sarah works in the WH National Security Council.

The best of the swamp today.

32 Responses to “Obama’s ethic chief yells foul with hiring string of family related hires in administration”

  1. Baysider Says:

    And people are surprised when the 2nd oldest profession (closely allied to the 1st) continues to be practiced today? What Z said. Then what Mustang said at 9:10 and 4:48. Hunter Biden was such a big flag that a lot of voters polled after the elections said they would not have voted for Joe had they known about the China-Biden working group. We have always had this, but they usually get parked in positions of little significance. It’s a problem when they aren’t. I was a fan and not of fan of some of the things Jared and Ivanka did, but they were certainly competent.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I agree. Jared concerned me particularly, however things did get done in the Middle East. More than I can say from these relatives of consulting firms that have now come into power. Check out yesterday’s post if you have not read it. Think WestExec that has strong ties to China and has implanted over 20 into high positions. Now they have joined Teneo as a strategic partner….the feeder for the Clinton Crime Foundation.
      Thanks for stopping by..Appreciate your good comments.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. geeez2014 Says:

    I’m not quite as against these hires as many….I was Interior Design Coordinator for a very large hospital company (first to hit a billion$$ in business years ago..) My uncle founded it with 2 partners. I got my degree in interior design and became their coordinator…I worked hard and did a good job. I got some nasty comments only to have them reneg on them when they saw my work “OH, you DO know what you’re doing”


    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      J.J. Ricchetti, a recent college graduate with no other experience listed on his department bio, will be a special assistant to the Treasury’s office of legislative affairs.
      Trumps kids did not receive a dime. These kids with zero experience will be in positions of power no doubt making 100k or more. What happened to internships for a couple of years/ Many others of these are in strategic positions. Especially security positions…..its not the way it is suppose to work.


    • Mustang Says:

      I agree with Bunks; it’s one thing to work inside the family business — if it’s a private business — and perfectly acceptable/sensible. But if the “family business” is government position, power, influence, wealth obtained from the US taxpayer, particularly a “dynasty” that is corrupt and harmful to the country, then no … what is going on here with West Exec is not proper. When “private companies” take over control of the US government, then Houston, we have a problem.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. peter3nj Says:

    Markone understand that when one is a quandary as to whether (pun intended) it will rain-or not- there is little time left for commenting on cognitive dissonance when ruminating over what attracts a Buffalo 🦬 woman to a mulatto in a straw hat smoking blunts weighing 90 lbs soaking wet? Inquiring minds need to know. Oh crap did I just see a raindrop? Priorities my good man.


  4. markone1blog Says:

    At the point of my comment, it has been over three hours since this post has been put up and nobody has commented on the cognitive dissonance created by the phrase “Obama’s ethics chief.”

    Have we become so desensitized to the nonsense of Democrats that this stuff just slips by? How can this happen to people like Bunkerville, Mustang, and Peter3nj? Really!

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      As I commented earlier:
      and this same fine fellow complaining about Biden after implying Obama was so wonderful…curious why he attacks Biden…some ruffled feathers somewhere….waiting for this to all shake out.
      … 🙂


    • kidme37 Says:

      My first thought Mark.

      “Obama’s ethics chief.” should be three words that result in a horrific explosion like putting Ammonium Nitrate and Diesel Fuel together. Or Bruce Jenner and Arnold Schwarzenegger…..

      Liked by 3 people

    • Mustang Says:

      Speaking for myself only, of course, I thought “ethics” and “Obama” were written tongue-in-cheek. Kind of like “Obama was born in Hawaii.”

      Liked by 2 people

    • geeez2014 Says:

      Markone: “cognitive dissonance created by the phrase “Obama’s ethics chief.””
      I’ll go you one better…we have a Zoom family night since COVID and I have four sisters; only one is liberal (she has a doc’s degree from Berkeley!) and she was talking about how she only reads non-fiction….then holds up Barack and Michelle’s books…………It took everything in me not to say “And you call THOSE NON FICTION?” 🙂

      Liked by 2 people

  5. Mustang Says:

    I’m noticing a trend but tell me if I’m wrong. We seem to be in the habit of privatizing certain governmental functions. I’m not saying that’s wrong in every case, but I do find it curious. Privatization of federal goods and services has been with us from around 1787 but has dramatically increased since the mid-1970s. Since private companies are paid through government contracts, the revenues used to pay for these services comes from the US taxpayer. The topic therefore easily shifts to “public accountability” because none of the companies that provide “goods and services” seem accountable to anyone other than congress, which overall ranks as a negative integer in the trustworthy department. “We” are paying for these contracts, not congress-critters.

    In 1997, a former navy officer founded Blackwater, Inc. with contracts to certain individuals with various backgrounds to enable George Bush to “nation-build” in Afghanistan and “nation-rebuild” in Iraq. Well, how did that work out? Blackwater was sold to a number of investors in 2009 and renamed Xe Services, Inc. Why the Chinese-sounding name? I have no clue. Then, in 2011, the company’s name was changed to Academi, Inc. Academi is but one company within a slew that “offers solutions” to clients. Take a peek at what they do here: https://www.constellis.com/.

    Academi was likely the company that hired the security force protecting diplomats at Benghazi. This seems a bit odd to me since the State Department has its own security service, but then you can fill a warehouse with stuff that I don’t know. What we do know is that when the contractors needed backup from regular forces, they didn’t get it.

    We also know that administration of Medicare is contracted to an HMO in the same way Tricare is meted out to (I think), Blue Cross/Blue Shield. Walgreens has a pharmaceutical arrangement with Medicare, too. Certain states have privatized prisons, educational programs, utilities, police departments … and I wonder if the courts aren’t also leaning in that direction given the preference for mediation in lawsuits.

    Your articles over the past two days seem to suggest that far more than the above have also been privatized. Maybe it’s all a matter of “hiding the deep state” inside the private boardroom. Suppose in matters of national security, Constellis begins providing intelligence data to the US government, and then suppose that the company is purchased by the Chinese government. What then? If the government is “precluded” from spying on its citizens without a warrant, does that apply to spying on citizens if accomplished by a contractor?

    I’m asking because the company hired to gather dirt on DJT seemed a disaster, but hey … that’s just me. Does anyone have a take on this?

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I have been headed that way with this interesting group WestExec that seemed to spring from no where and just happened to land in Biden’s lap…even the transition team. Big time ties to China. They seem to have a penchant for wanting jobs in spying… thus Tucker claimed Avril Haines… no less than a principal from WestExec…knew who….
      Grenell added that Avril Haines, current Director of the DNI, would know who unmasked Carlson:

      “Who requested to unmask his name? It’s an easy answer for Avril Haines….there’s always a list of requesters kept. Always.”

      Grenell, of course, knows how these things work. But don’t hold your breath on Haines releasing the name of the unmasker.

      A good read:


      Liked by 1 person

    • kidme37 Says:

      Mustang, All I wanna know is Are You Happy WIth Your Haircut ?!

      Liked by 2 people

    • Mustang Says:

      Let me answer Kid this way: Kid, are you wanting to be thrown off a balcony, too? All I have to do is contact the assassin company whose dog-eared contact card appears on the Clinton Rolodex and it can happen.

      Liked by 1 person

      • kidme37 Says:

        I’m not worried. President of Haiti just got suicided and I think the clinton’s will lay low now long enough for me to slip away out of reach.

        Liked by 2 people

  6. peter3nj Says:

    Off topic: From the Why people are confused file.
    As a baseball umpire I check the weather each morning for obvious reasons. So today depending on which site you believe there is a 20% chance of showers beginning at 9;00 PM tonight through 11PM tonight or 70% chance of a downpour beginning at 11AM this morning continuing non-stop through 10:00PM this evening. Ya gotta love it…24 hour news 24 hour sports 24 hour. Like incest even today’s weather reports are relative.

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      When we were growing up there was no such thing for us as a weather forecast. Whatever the day brought was what it was. The surprise mornings to wake up with so much snow….a quick turn on the radio move to find school cancelled. Now that was pure joy to have a day to go out and have some fun…. I will take that any day.

      Liked by 3 people

      • peter3nj Says:

        I have always loved rain, thunder and lightning so for me what could be grander as opposed to a light shower ruining the day for most.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Mustang Says:

      I don’t think I could get through a day without listening to the dire predictions of climate change from the geniuses at the weather channel. I guess you didn’t think about that, did you?

      Liked by 4 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Good one… and this same fine fellow complaining about Biden after implying Obama was so wonderful…curious why he attacks Biden…some ruffled feathers somewhere….waiting for this to all shake out.

      Liked by 3 people

  7. peter3nj Says:

    Well golly gee sergeant surprise surprise surprise!
    Who woulda thunk it, the Biden administration hiring unqualified inexperienced staff. The next lingering question of course is with the coke head Hunter outed who will be the next bagman for the Biden cartel?

    Liked by 5 people

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