It’s an Invasion: One Million Invade USA Illegally



by Mustang

Beginning on 18 September 1931, the Kwantung Army of Japan began its invasion of Manchuria.  Ultimately, the invasion force numbered 60,000 men.  It was a de facto illegal assault upon the sovereign territory of China.  More recently, ONE MILLION people from Central and South America, India, China, and East Africa invaded the sovereign territory of the United States.  No, they weren’t carrying firearms (at least, most of them weren’t), but an overwhelming number did carry a more lethal weapon: a Chinese manufactured virus.

Japanese troops entering Tsitsihar.jpgJapanese troops marching into Mukden on 18 September 1931

The world turned against the Japanese in 1931.  More recently, Democrats/Progressives have pushed back against using such words and phrases as “invasion” and “illegal alien.”  No, they argue, these people are simply unauthorized immigrants.  Really?  Sixty-thousand is an invasion, but one-million people doing the same thing (that is, illegally invading a sovereign country) is something other than an invasion?  The projection of these invaders through the end of 2021 is around TWO MILLION.


Here’s what else we know: illegal aliens from Mexico are no longer the majority of illegal aliens.  About 4.9 million illegal aliens from Mexico live in the United States, but there are 5.5 million illegal aliens from Central America, South America, Asia, the Middle East, and Africa.  These diverse peoples have in common that they all accessed the United States (illegally) through the southern border.


My friend Bunkerville reminds us that if we wish to discover answers, follow the money.  So, let’s do that.  Estimates on how much money is sent south each year ranges between $10 to $30 billion annually.  This is the money 10 million American drug addicts feed to the Mexican/Central American drug cartels.  How much money is being made from human trafficking?  That is, people illegally transported to or across the US southern border (with the tacit support of Joe Biden/Kamala Harris and the US Congress)?  Answer: $150 billion/annually.  The invasion is a money maker.  Best of all, though, from the standpoint of the businessman who makes his money from illicit drugs, decreased drug activity equates to an increase in drug prices.  Less risk/more profit.


The American people are now (and have always been) at the mercy of the junta in this country.  Currently, that is Biden/Harris/Pelosi.  So, the question I have is this: do you NOW understand that elections have consequences?


Mustang also blogs at Fix Bayonets and Thoughts From Afar


Tensions escalate at US-Mexico border

The situation at the United States-Mexico border continues to worsen with new footage emerging of dramatic encounters between drug smugglers and US law enforcement. July 24, 2021



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26 Responses to “It’s an Invasion: One Million Invade USA Illegally”

  1. Sorta Blogless Sunday Pinup » Pirate's Cove Says:

    […] last, but not least, Bunkerville covers the illegal alien […]


  2. Baysider Says:

    It looks, walks and quacks like a duck. How can 98% of the populace not SEE this? Are people so fooled by the slight of hand in phraseology (I never use “immigrant” except for actual immigrants)? 1 million? 2 million? It’s just a statistic, to paraphrase Stalin. We’ve shifted into ‘overwhelmed by big numbers which no longer mean anything’ phase. The impact on real communities and people has been lost in the media tears over often fictional stories of the ‘plight’ back home.

    What about that ‘plight?’ That brings up another facet. It’s ignored by the media, but anyone trained to think sees it clearly. Hey, yous guys who think this country is a racist sh*t hole, track back to ALL the points of origin of these illegals. People of every race, from all over the globe, think it’s much better than where they’re from. Maybe you’d like to trade places with ’em. That, at least, would solve one problem here!

    Liked by 3 people

  3. peter3nj Says:

    FYI- The wife and I are renovating and remodeling the home and for the first time in severe years I have been in stores for obvious reasons. I ask every single mask wearing salesperson and cashier if they are vaccinated-all without exception have answered in the affirmative. I follow up with the obvious, so why are you wearing a mask? The stock answer so far has been “we have to, it’s management policy.”
    Meanwhile back at the border the unvaccinated infected are free to enter the country. We could teach the ancient Romans a few tricks on how to lose ones country in decades rather than centuries. I’m telling all of child bearing age who will listen to not have children and leave the northern hemisphere to the negroes and Muslims to be enslaved by their eventual Chinese masters.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      I recall from various history courses the phrase. “The hordes from the North descended upon plunder and pillage” “Sacking Rome” to that effect. Now what are they called? Immigrants. Period. Anyone who thinks increasing the population by the millions ina few years is not “sacking the USA” is living in a strange psychotic universe.

      Liked by 1 person

      • peter3nj Says:

        Hey maybe when America del Sur y America Central don’t have enough workers to pick bananas, coconuts and coffee beans those countries can welcome in workers from Africa; it’s their next store neighbor. Amazon, Apple and Nike can take over the Southern Hemisphere and shop their cheaply made goods up north. Oh snap maybe not since with the former US collapsed economy….where is Isaac Asimov to write the science fiction novel describing the end of civilization?

        Liked by 2 people

      • John Says:

        Many of the unwashed among us are concerned with nothing but instant gratification so they are either willingly ignorant of the invasion or they are too doped up to care. We know the immigrunts are not fleeing tyranny but are looking to American Taxpayers to support them in a new and lavish lifestyle. It’s all about, “Let’s go to America and they will give us a free house, free medicine, free food, good jobs, money, education for our children …and we won’t have to lift a finger to receive any of it. All this crap almost makes me want to renounce my citizenship and declare myself to be an immigrant. Most real Americans have to work their asses off for years to get what is handed freely to the invading hordes. It is egregious!!


    • Baysider Says:

      +1 !


  4. Mustang Says:

    I’m disgusted to find that Texas Governor Abbot is all talk and no walk. He is not protecting Texans from the invaders. He said he would. He isn’t. He’s been outsmarted and out-performed by a simple-minded crap-for-brains in the White House and his idiot vice president and the Speaker of the US House of Representatives (who represents nothing but their own point of view). Granted, the federal government’s weight is overpowering in some ways, but Texas is a sovereign state. Why hasn’t Abbot activated the Texas Guard to establish guard posts a mile north of the federal stations at Falfurrias and Sierra Blanca to stop and arrest all vehicles containing illegal aliens (even those in federally contracted buses), why hasn’t he prohibited supplies of aviation fuel from reaching airports in Brownsville, McAllen, or Laredo? The federal government is smuggling invaders out of South Texas on every route controlled by Texas troopers and Abbot is doing nothing to stop an invasion of two million people (projected through 31 December 2021).

    A reminder to Governor Abbot: no guts, no glory. Grow a pair. I want to see Texas state troopers arresting every federal agent engaged in the smuggling operation of millions of illegal invaders. The governor has that authority.

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      I am with you…. DeSantis sent over his National Guard as well as Noem and some others. What the heck are they doing? And now that nit wit DOJ is sending letters to him threatening him.. We need a good court case and injunctions….and the courts are favorable in Texas for the most part. Appeal the damn thing to the Supremes and let us live or die there.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Mustang Says:

      “… and let us live or die there.”

      I think it would depend on who made the argument and how they formed it. If the issue is federal power over the border region, then Texas would likely face an impossible challenge. On the other hand, while the federal government is constitutionally empowered to regulate and enforce immigration, it has no duty to protect any citizen of Texas.

      The state does have that duty and is empowered to do so by state law/sovereign authority. Not only does Texas have a duty to protect its citizens from illegal activity, (including illegal presence, evading arrest, failing to obey law officers, conspiracy to commit fraud) but the governor also has a duty to protect the health of Texans.

      Texas also has the authority to arrest and charge any person who violates State laws, including federal employees who conspire against the State and its people.

      So, in my unlearned view, Abbot should be sitting down in a room with key legislators, law enforcement leaders, and the brightest legal minds in the country, and formulating a plan of action, including legal action, to prevent Biden from conspiring against the citizens of Texas. Doing nothing is not the answer.

      What a shame US senators no longer represent the interests of their state governments …

      Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Agree totally. Texas has some uniqueness about its position when it joined the Union as I understand it…. but we are through IMO if this continues.. Two million this year….and it will only increase as time progresses.. It is all in how the legal attack is positioned and as you indicate, we need best legal minds add that to being on our side. Abbot it appears doesn’t have it in him. There is someone running against him and will be primaried, though not sure when his term is up….time is not on our side. I do believe in the end it will wind up in the Supremes otherwise it may be via a barrel of a gun. Which is exactly what they want and I have no doubt this is the bait they are giving….to justify their next step.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Mustang Says:

        For starters, Texas could shut down every major highway leaving the RGV; it could shut down every airport. Texas could establish “checkpoints” at strategic locations along US77 (at Corpus Christi), US281 (at 3-Rivers), US59 (at George West), and at I-35 (south of San Antonio). That is, if Abbot was serious about curtailing federally abetted illegal immigration.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Baysider Says:

        Agree! the 17th amendment is a travesty.

        Liked by 2 people

    • peter3nj Says:

      Another republican Governor who went flaccid? They just don’t disappoint do they?

      Liked by 2 people

    • John Says:

      Hey fellas! Let us not forget that immigrants who get all the freebies and who are treated with silken gloves by the hierarchy eventually become grateful voters who return thanks to their benefactors at the ballot boxes.

      Liked by 1 person

  5. markone1blog Says:

    Don’t forget that a large number of them also carry a Wuhan-manufactured substance called fentanyl.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Ed Bonderenka Says:

    You and I are under attack by our own government. Prove me wrong.
    You get a jab or lose your job and get locked in your house.
    But foreigners with no jabs get welcomed and shipped on Air Force planes across the country, given debit cards and released.
    Then rates of illness increase. SURPRISE!
    And no one knows how to strike back.


    Liked by 5 people

  7. hocuspocus13 Says:

    I was just reading over my cup of morning coffee at Gateway Pundit

    HHS whistleblower came forward to tell the story of the CoVid problem in the facilities that house the illegal aliens

    They were told to shut up about it…

    Liked by 3 people

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