Kidney Patients being told to accept death, forgo Dialysis

I don’t know what bothered me most in this story. What I do know, is there is an orchestrated effort to desensitize us to what the so-called “Death Panels” will bring us. What seems to appear in the story is an even-handed, rational approach to death. You see, it is much better to not to use medical resources. In this case Dialysis. Except they are talking about you and me, our parents, and possibly our children. As they calmly say:

“It was meant to keep young and middle-aged people alive and productive”.

So of course if you are no longer productive, you are really of no use to the Progressive Society. So here tis a piece from the NY Times including the header.

Asking Kidney Patients to Forgo a Free Lifeline

Kidney specialists are pushing doctors to be more forthright with elderly people who have other serious medical conditions, to tell the patients that even though they are entitled to dialysis, they may want to decline such treatment and enter a hospice instead. In the end, it is always the patient’s choice. But for how much longer?

One idea, promoted by leading specialists, is to change the way doctors refer to the decision to forgo dialysis. Instead of saying that a patient is withdrawing from dialysis or agreeing not to start it, these specialists say the patient has chosen “medical management without dialysis.”“That is the preferred term,” said Nancy Armistead, executive director of the Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition, a Medicare contractor that collects data and patient grievances.

Of all the terrible chronic diseases, only one —end-stage kidney disease — gets special treatment by the federal government. A law passed by Congress 39 years ago provides nearly free care to almost all patients whose kidneys have failed, regardless of their age or ability to pay.

But the law has had unintended consequences, kidney experts say. It was meant to keep young and middle-aged people alive and productive. Instead, many of the patients who take advantage of the law are old and have other medical problems, often suffering through dialysis as a replacement for their failed kidneys but not living long because the other chronic diseases kill them. Full story: New York Times

Here is Donald Berwick. The overlord of the quality and quantity of our lives under Obamacare.

Abbas offers to release Hamas Terrorists to form Unity Deal

Looks like everything is on track for Obama in the Middle East. I am at a loss as to why Americans and American Jews in particular, are not outraged at what is going down. The intent is destroy Israel. It is clear.

As part of its latest list of incentives, the PA offered to place between 15,000 and 20,000 of Hamas’ forces in Gaza on official PA salary if Hamas joins in a unity government.

“The Obama administration’s abandonment of (U.S. ally President Hosni) Mubarak in Egypt sent a big sign to the moderate Arab world that we can no longer depend on American support,” said the official.

The official further argued that popular sentiment on the Palestinian streets dictates the PA must orient itself away from the U.S.

JERUSALEM – In a desperate bid to sign a unity government with Hamas, Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas has offered to release from prison scores of terrorists responsible for attacks against Jews, WND has learned.

The PA is funded and armed by the U.S.

Earlier this month, WND reported the PA has been engaged in an intense effort to convince the Hamas terrorist organization to join it in a new unity government.

According to a senior PA official, the PA has been sending mediators to Hamas in an effort to persuade it into a unity deal.
Read more: ‘Peace partner’ to free jailed terrorists World Net Dailey

Senate Confirmation of Appointees? No need say the Rhinos

So two Rino’s Collins and Alexander are all for this. Lets get more of Obama’s Marxist friends into the Government, sight unseen. I know, the Senate Judiciary is soooo busy. Looks like this one will pass. This is really getting disgusting.

Don Todd of Americans for Limited Government, a conservative group that has closely tracked Obama’s nominees, is concerned about the proposal. “With the Administration’s record of recess appointments and other methods of going around the confirmation process this is no time to reward them with less oversight,” he said in an email.

Presidential appointments are one way the White House can impose its agenda on the nation  without having to actually pass legislation. Once confirmed, political appointees can operate relatively under the radar, making new rules that have widespread implications but aren’t well known out of the small community of people who follow these issues carefully. Now, a group of Senators is pushing to eliminate the confirmation process for 200 of these positions — removing the one check on them.

 The plan was put together by Rules Committee Chairman Charles Schumer, D-N.Y., the committee’s top Republican Lamar Alexander of Tennessee and the heads of the House Homeland Security and Government Affairs Committee, Joe Lieberman, I-Conn., and Susan Collins, R-Maine. Read more at the Washington Examiner