Kidney Patients being told to accept death, forgo Dialysis

I don’t know what bothered me most in this story. What I do know, is there is an orchestrated effort to desensitize us to what the so-called “Death Panels” will bring us. What seems to appear in the story is an even-handed, rational approach to death. You see, it is much better to not to use medical resources. In this case Dialysis. Except they are talking about you and me, our parents, and possibly our children. As they calmly say:

“It was meant to keep young and middle-aged people alive and productive”.

So of course if you are no longer productive, you are really of no use to the Progressive Society. So here tis a piece from the NY Times including the header.

Asking Kidney Patients to Forgo a Free Lifeline

Kidney specialists are pushing doctors to be more forthright with elderly people who have other serious medical conditions, to tell the patients that even though they are entitled to dialysis, they may want to decline such treatment and enter a hospice instead. In the end, it is always the patient’s choice. But for how much longer?

One idea, promoted by leading specialists, is to change the way doctors refer to the decision to forgo dialysis. Instead of saying that a patient is withdrawing from dialysis or agreeing not to start it, these specialists say the patient has chosen “medical management without dialysis.”“That is the preferred term,” said Nancy Armistead, executive director of the Mid-Atlantic Renal Coalition, a Medicare contractor that collects data and patient grievances.

Of all the terrible chronic diseases, only one —end-stage kidney disease — gets special treatment by the federal government. A law passed by Congress 39 years ago provides nearly free care to almost all patients whose kidneys have failed, regardless of their age or ability to pay.

But the law has had unintended consequences, kidney experts say. It was meant to keep young and middle-aged people alive and productive. Instead, many of the patients who take advantage of the law are old and have other medical problems, often suffering through dialysis as a replacement for their failed kidneys but not living long because the other chronic diseases kill them. Full story: New York Times

Here is Donald Berwick. The overlord of the quality and quantity of our lives under Obamacare.

33 Responses to “Kidney Patients being told to accept death, forgo Dialysis”

  1. Canada’s New Euthanasia Laws Echo Nazi-Era | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Recall our earlier post: Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo dialysis […]


  2. Canadian Children’s Book Indoctrinates Kids Into Euthanasia | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Recall our earlier post: Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo dialysis […]


  3. Biden Administration Paying Doctors to Push COVID-19 Vaccines | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] From: Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo dialysis […]


  4. New York to Give Preference to Minorities in Receiving Covid Antivirals and Monoclonal Antibodies | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] this? Kidney Patients told to accept death, forgo Dialysis –  Asking Kidney Patients to Forgo a Free […]


  5. Medicare physicians could be paid for ‘End of Life’ chats | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] From: Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo dialysis […]


  6. Belgium Eyes Child Euthanasia – How far behind are we? | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] this? Kidney Patients told to accept death, forgo Dialysis –  Asking Kidney Patients to Forgo a Free […]


  7. Sebelius: ‘Some live some die’ – Kidney patients told to forget Dialysis | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] this? Kidney Patients told to accept death, forgo Dialysis –  Asking Kidney Patients to Forgo a Free […]


  8. Paul Krugman: ‘Death panels and Sales Tax’ is how we fix things « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Recall our earlier post: Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo dialysis […]


  9. Kidney Patients told to accept death, forgo Dialysis « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] From: Kidney Patients being to to accept death and forgo dialysis […]


  10. Mark Levin – A Neurosurgeon calls in about Death Panels, HHS « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] Mark Levin – A Neurosurgeon calls in about Death Panels, HHS November 23, 2011 — bunkerville In one of the most chilling phone calls that Mark has ever had, last night was something else. A Neurosurgeon had just attended a meeting with Government representatives. They let the group of Neurosurgeons know what they were in for. After age 70, no Neurosurgery will be the effect of the new rules coming down. People are no longer called people. We are now called Units. Comfort care is what we get. All to de-humanize us.I was hoping someone had snagged this, and indeed someone did. Check this earlier post as well. Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo Dialysis […]


  11. Obama’s speech no one is talking about: Death Panels « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] our earlier post: Kidney Patients being told to accept death and forgo dialysis  ”It was meant to keep young and middle-aged people alive and productive. Instead, many of […]


  12. DC Says:

    It’s all so ugly. Heard a show the other night that talked about there being a “dark light” and how dark is it. If you remember “Black lights for plants” that may give you an idea.

    Mat 6:23 “But if your eye be evil, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you be darkness, how great is that darkness!”

    This ‘dark light’ shows its kind of darkness working on the earth today. Those shining their dark light ‘reveal’ more of what’s going on and happening, even in the stone hearts of mankind and the ugliness.

    Caught this concept from Perry Stone’s show – I don’t go with everything he teaches but this hit me as very true today. It’s as if God is allowing us to see this ‘darkness’ this “Black light, if you will” and the sickness / depravity behind it.

    You might enjoy this show I was inspired to arrange from the program “End of the Age.”
    Find it at
    “Four Horsemen – 4 World Spirits”


  13. Saturday Night Links: The Alfa Romeo TZ3 Corsa Edition | Says:

    […] Kidney Patients being told to accept death, forgo Dialysis […]


  14. Steve Dennis Says:

    This is exactly what we were warning about and now we are beginning to see it become true. Ther only way the government is going to bring down the costs of adding millions of people to the healthcare system is to control what healthcare the people receive. The “death panels” are alive and well.


    • bunkerville Says:

      So true. People prefer to stay in denial. Most people are well so do not appreciate what will happen when they become ill.


  15. Always On Watch Says:

    Those with kidney disease should have the choice to refuse dialysis. In fact, I do know several who have used dialysis for quite some time, then called a halt to the treatment.

    Now, the key word in my comment is “choice.” I don’t see the government allowing for the choice for much longer. The getting rid of the choice will be done via defunding the treatment.

    In fact, some private policies have long defunded dialysis, transplants, etc.


    • bunkerville Says:

      If someone wants to call a halt that is fine.The NY Times article presents the issue as a problem with what it is called. The question is where this will end. No doubt there will be an ‘protocol” .


  16. Matt Says:

    This reminds me of how Nazi doctors were encouraged to terminate people that allegedly had, “lives not worth living.” There was a special a few years back, on the History Channel, that was called, “Hitler’s Doctors.” It reviewed this in great detail. Of course, that will never be shown again.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Very few people understand what the Progressive movement is all about or its origins. Under the guise of caring, they have no use for people really. People are perceived as pawns to move around on the chess board.


  17. rjjrdq Says:

    They tried to implement this with Obamacare, were forced to strip it out, then tried to sneak it back in with new Medicare regulations but got caught, and now this. I knew they wouldn’t stop trying. Ezekiel Emanuel wouldn’t have it any other way.


    • bunkerville Says:

      It is sickening. What is most important to us…life, and our health. And now they will prey on the elderly.


  18. fleeceme Says:

    Do they even take the hippocratic oath anymore? Or, does being a “specialist” recuse you from that horrid ethical obligation?


  19. Conservatives on Fire Says:

    Sure! When we old folks get sick, just give us some of that special cool-aid and we won’t bother you anymore.

    That is where this is going and we all know it, don’t we?


    • bunkerville Says:

      Yes, and I am not so sure the youngins are going to be wanting to go to bat for us. How are things down there with Healthcare?


    • Robin Says:

      This will not just be “Old Folks… It will be anyone needing dialysis. They are putting Aspartame and High Fructose Corn Syrup into every edible processed food … all known to cause diabetes. So, first they poison your kidneys and then deny you treatment… simple Eugenics of anyone any age. < period


      • Designs by Dianne Says:

        Robin’s right.
        The insidiousness of this demonic take-over goes deep. What’s rising up out of the mire will make this look like nothing.
        Another example: ‘fluoride’ Now we’re told of all the warnings, after years of being told how good it is for us:
        Just as Scripture states, it’s getting darker. But, Scripture also states the solution, for each us. Who to trust and who not to.


      • Robin Says:

        They know that fluoride is a brain specific poison… they’ve always known it…. just like when they use to require lead be put into paint.

        But the real planet poison is brought to you by MonSatano via GMO’s and the very real poison Round-Up. They know that Round-Up is causing “Leaky Gut Syndrome” in cattle, cows, swine and humans alike. This is the main reason for the skyrocketing increase in Autism.

        If you know anyone with an Autistic child… get them on purely organic food and Pro-biotics and they will reverse the effects and get their kid back. No kidding Google it and research it for yourselves. My apologizes for the RANT.


      • bunkerville Says:

        Thanks for stopping by, and stop by again. We must stop this train wreck which will destroy out health system.


  20. KingShamus Says:

    Scary stuff.

    Defund, destroy and bury–that is the only way to keep the death panels from taking over.


    • bunkerville Says:

      My hopes are sinking with this Congress. Defund the sucker. $115 Billion was hidden in it. Bachmann is the only one out there plugging away.


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