The removal of Steve Bannon was greatly exaggerated. Attends NSC meeting

The palace intrigue continues. It does look like Bannon is not totally down and out. Either way, Syria has now taken over the headlines and the old war horses seem to be gaining the Trumpsters ear.

One day after what was demonstrably one of the most-covered stories by the media focused on the “removal” of Steve Bannon, President Trump’s top adviser, from the National Security Council (NSC), he attended a council meeting, the Washington Examiner reported on Thursday.

“White House chief strategist Steve Bannon has attended the first meeting of the National Security Council after he was removed from the principals committee Wednesday,” the Examiner story said.

“Bannon is still permitted to go to NSC meetings,” Fox News reported on Wednesday.

More at Breitbart

Duck and Cover twins McCain and Graham beat the war drums UPDATE


Drudge Headlines Update: Boehner supports Obama military action in Syria… Developing…
Cantor jumps aboard…
First ‘rebels’ armed and trained by CIA ‘on way to battlefield’…
Pelosi tells grandson:  We’re at war…

Now our Rino twins are salivating at another war we just might get started and that could end in Armageddon. Now we have to save Obama’s credibility – really? What could go wrong? This is the same administration that told us Benghazi was over the infamous video. Just about everything could go wrong. During the holiday weekend, confined with several liberals in one of those “car rides from hell” listening to NPR, it was enough want to call it quits. Amazingly the Left thinks they have jammed up the GOP and “put it in the GOP’s court.” Saint Obummer some how is going to slide out from under the weight of his failed Middle East policy. Even better yet, the Progressives are war mongering citing “Right to Protect.” The same rhetoric that Samantha Power, Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton have been spouting that has the Middle East ablaze. So now, I am starting to think they really do want a full-fledged war.

From the post:  Anti-Semite Susan Rice rises to NSA and Samantha Power moves to U.N.

 As John Podhoretz explains in the New York Post, the “reason” behind the Libyan military strike is not the traditional justification of “protecting the national interest.” It is a “new” standard called “R2P” or “right to protect.” This concept is being promulgated by the “one-world” order activists at the United Nations, like Samantha Power.

“R2P is an effort to create a new international moral standard to prevent violence against civilians.

In her career as a genocide expert, Power was an indefatigable proponent of R2P, and now on the National Security Council has been “trying to figure out how the administration could implement R2P and what doing so would require of the White House going forward.” Hillary is her ally in this effort, it appears.”

Now, we have McCain and Graham out there setting up the GOP as war mongers once again. And Axelrod?

Axelrod  was in full  gloat:


Big  move by POTUS. Consistent with his principles. Congress is now the dog that  caught the car. Should be a fascinating week!

Consistent  with what “principles,” Dave? The principle that the president stood on when he  unilaterally and without congressional authorization took the country to war in  Libya?

What  Axelrod and many liberals are delighted about is that the GOP – especially in  the House – will now be in a similar position to where Democrats were in early 2002 with Iraq; the  prospect of political damage if they voted against war.

He  don’t know them very well, do he.

Jonathan  Strong at NRO:

GOP  sources say it is highly unlikely leadership will whip support  for the  proposal; such “votes of conscience” are typically left to  members’  discretion.

While  there is still plenty of time for Obama  to make the case for war, lawmakers are still seeking answers to big  questions, chief among them being what a  strike would accomplish.

That’s  true among Democrats as well. One Democratic aide says if the  “strategic  objective is to slap someone’s wrist,” that won’t exactly be   compelling.

Some  liberal commentators have reacted with glee that  Obama’s plan puts the  political onus on Speaker John Boehner. But the  initial reaction by Republican  insiders is that Obama faces far more  risk, since he would look profoundly weak  in defeat.

Read more: American Thinker

CIA’s deputy director to be replaced with WH lawyer, Morell retires

Avril D. Haines – Legal Adviser, Department of State now becomes the CIA deputy director. For some reason I though the CIA was supposed to worry about intelligence. Silly me. Might as well move someone from State over since its been hard to get the stories straight. Of course, it begs the question why the present fellow Michael Morell is getting out of dodge. I bet a couple of us have our suspicions.

NY Mag:

Retiring CIA Deputy Director Michael Morell Swears He Just Wants More Family Time

Michael Morell, the deputy director of the CIA who announced his retirement today, last found his name in the news after the White House released a trove of e-mails detailing how the much-maligned Benghazi talking points came to be. The documents suggest it was Morell who insisted on removing references to terrorism from the talking points, which U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice used on the Sunday talk shows after the attack. That omission has helped fuel cries that there was a cover-up of the nature of the attack. But Morell insists his departure a month later has nothing to do with the fact he was left holding the talking points bag.

The CIA’s deputy director plans to retire and will be replaced by White House lawyer and agency outsider Avril D. Haines, Director John O. Brennan said Wednesday.

Haines, who will succeed career officer Michael Morell on Aug. 9, has served for three years as President Obama’s deputy counsel in charge of national security issues and as legal adviser to the National Security Council. Although she has never worked inside the intelligence agency, “she knows more about covert action than anyone in the U.S. government outside of the CIA,” Brennan said in his first interview since becoming CIA director in March. Sure, sure, sure, but it helps to have a lawyer around these days!

Washington Post

Anti-semite Susan Rice gets defended by Obama for new position

Just who is Susan Rice? Beside carrying the water, or lies for Obama on the now  famous five Sunday morning shows about Benghazi and the video, there is much more to fear if she becomes our Secretary of State. Obama, now the angry black man who said today at his presser he will not tolerate anyone who “besmirches” his gal Susan. His believer in R2P. First the Presser: The president calls McCain’s efforts to criticize U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice “outrageous

Frankly, I am sick as well that the GOP cannot mount a more substantial rebuttal of why she should not be considered for the post. Simply appearing on the Sunday show will not do it. So GOPers get with it. So, lets take a look. She, Samantha Power, and Hillary Clinton and their belief in R2P and their push for war:

Ever hear of Samantha Power? Now you have Susan Rice on your radar. Their background check is well worth i:

One thing is clear: The sudden emergence of Obama’s National Security Council Advisor, Samantha Power, Susan Rice and the “new theory” she is using as justification for action in Libya, has very serious implications for future military action against Israel. As John Podhoretz explains in the New York Post, the “reason” behind the Libyan military strike is not the traditional justification of “protecting the national interest.” It is a “new” standard called “R2P” or “right to protect.” This concept is being promulgated by the “one-world” order activists at the United Nations, like Samantha Power.

“R2P is an effort to create a new international moral standard to prevent violence against civilians.

In her career as a genocide expert, Power was an indefatigable proponent of R2P, and now on the National Security Council has been “trying to figure out how the administration could implement R2P and what doing so would require of the White House going forward.” Hillary is her ally in this effort, it appears.”

from: Three women who brought us the new long war in Libya March 2011.

[]Susan Rice, U.N. Ambassador
This shameful United Nations ambassador,with her most recent anti-Israel tirade, gashed open an already-raw-wound in Obama administration U.S. Israeli relations.
“But then Rice opened her mouth, and as I write, is delivering a truly foul speech in which she flatly declares that “we reject in the strongest terms the legitimacy of continued Israeli settlement activity,” and declares that such activity is, essentially, the cause for “corroded hopes” in the Middle East. She condemned “the folly and legitimacy” of continued settlement activity”.
Rice, who now purports to be so concerned about the “human rights violations” committed by Muammar Gaddafi in putting down a revolution, is behind the horrific appointment of Iran to the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women.This despite such facts as Iran is a country whose prison guards rape female inmates before executing them because it is illegal under shariah law to kill a virgin.


And now she is a senior foreign policy adviser to Presidential candidate Barack Obama, as well as occupying the Anna Lindh Professorship of Practice of Global Leadership and Public Policy How appropriate: Anna Lindh, the late Swedish Foreign Minister, was a dedicated opponent of Israel.”

New York Times:

“The change became possible, though, only after [Secretary of State] Mrs. Clinton joined Samantha Power, a senior aide at the National Security Council, and Susan Rice, Mr. Obama’s ambassador to the United Nations, who had been pressing the case for military action, according to senior administration officials speaking only on condition of anonymity. Ms. Power is a former journalist and human rights advocate; Ms. Rice was an Africa adviser to President Clinton when the United States failed to intervene to stop the Rwanda genocide, which Mr. Clinton has called his biggest regret.

Now, the three women were pushing for American intervention to stop a looming humanitarian catastrophe in Libya.

In joining Ms. Rice and Ms. Power, Mrs. Clinton made an unusual break with Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates, who, along with the national security adviser, Thomas E. Donilon, and the counterterrorism chief, John O. Brennan, had urged caution. Libya was not vital to American national security interests, the men argued, and Mr. Brennan worried that the Libyan rebels remained largely unknown to American officials, and could have ties to Al Qaeda.”

U.N. UNESCO grants full membership to Palestine UPDATE