Valerie Jarrett on ‘Teachable Moments’



Let’s just say that Valerie Jarrett is not my favorite character from olden days. That said, Roseanne Barr did us no favors with her remarks she made regarding Val. It only proves what racists we are since we support Trump. Deplorable. Irredeemable. But what the heck, its been a year since I got to do a post on our gal… Thanks to everyone who has discovered my old posts. My Stats are booming says Word Press. Please leave respectful comments. Here are a couple:


Valerie Jarrett’s Father-in-Law Head of Communist Youth


Here is the “Teachable Moment” from Val Jar circa 2014. I made the prescient remark,

“Too bad we cannot require her to testify before Congress. Bet we would have the answers to all the scandals.” Oh yes we would.


Valerie is always watching

Regarding Roseanne Barr:

Valerie Jarrett broke her silence on Roseanne Barr Tuesday after the actress attacked her looks. “The Roseanne Show” was canceled by ABC after the star said that Jarrett looks like if the “Muslim brotherhood & planet of the apes had a baby.”

Jarrett called the attacks a “teaching moment” in a clip from an MSNBC special on race relations that airs Tuesday night.

Keep reading…

Here is one from WikiLeaks I picked out that does an analysis of the killing of Osama. It’s about what we figured. Val was running the shop.

[Analytical & Intelligence Comments] Getting Osama

… to this plan originated from Valerie Jarrett, and it was her … almost entirely on him. What Valerie Jarrett, and the president, did … and following that meeting, Valerie Jarrett was not seen in … President Barack Obama or Valerie Jarrett and it remained that …
Global Intelligence Files

26 Responses to “Valerie Jarrett on ‘Teachable Moments’”

  1. nomomrniceguy Says:

    …..”that said, Roseanne Barr did us no favors with her remarks she made regarding Val.” …

    ONE OF US? She is a socialist maybe even communist. Who are you? She is not Conservative. The fact that she supports the President does not make her like me or “us”….. Sorry…. Please do not allow her to be cast in the cloth of Conservatism or Constitutionalism. that said,

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      What I was referring to was that the favor would mean that now Trump would be attacked as the causing the matter. Most of us know she is a loose cannon…and blows with the wind.


      • nomomrniceguy Says:

        Understood – misread on my part I guess. We have to be careful we do not allow her to be classified as a conservative, constitutionalist etc… she needs to be called by what she is….. Marxist …. a mature PROGRESSIVE 🙂


  2. geeez2014 Says:

    Amazing coincidence that Valerie would suddenly show up somewhere…on a Townhall the night this happened..

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Yep…you read my mind… I was going to post on Gowdy and the Judge Nap for selling out Trump and didn’t have the heart…so decided to spin a Val Jar…and Gowdy over at CNN as well as Fox and I bet MSNBC tomorrow … as he is going out the congressional door.


      • geeez2014 Says:

        Bunkerville….I keep remembering Gowdy’s “and it has nothing to do with Trump!” which he added every single time he talked about this. I keep thinking that’s an endorsement more than not. Where am I wrong?
        Also, are you a fan of Napolitano’s? (the judge?!)

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Z… I did a post today on my position on it… No not at fan, and nothing changed. He did not see the documents.


  3. thetinfoilhatsociety Says:

    OK can someone please enlighten me here? Since when is a Jew calling another Jew a name racist? Or even a Jew calling a Muslim a name racist? Since when can a Jew be a Nazi? Other than George Soros who gleefully admits it. But no one on the left calls him out on it. For crying out loud, her comment might have been in poor taste but I hardly think it’s racist. And no, I could care less about the ethnicity or religion of either of them.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. pcockroft Says:

    Where is my post?


  5. petermac3 Says:

    …and Booker not unlike Obama is a master race card player.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Anyone who has heard him at a hearing play the card knows this. But then again, probably it is just you and me watching the hearings. Sad isn’t it?? Maybe I will drag out a couple of clips. Sadly YouTube is deleting most of my oldie moldies – so I guess they never happened.

      Liked by 1 person

  6. Always On Watch Says:

    Valerie Jarrett broke her silence on Roseanne Barr Tuesday…

    There is the real tragedy, IMO. 😉

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Oh she has been out and around… spewing forth at Commencement ceremonies and warning all of our little snowflakes of the troubles that lay before them. OR is it “lie”?


  7. Mustang Says:

    I am one for speaking openly and honestly about public individuals, but at the same time I realize that there may be consequences to what I say … or how I say it. So if Barr is going to speak her mind, then she has to be prepared for what may result from that. As for me, personally, I’m too old to give a damn.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Mustang Says:

      I should add to the foregoing that I have a very low opinion of Jarrett. It isn’t only because she associated herself with the Soros-Obama Cartel … yes that, but also because she has made a fortune in government subsidized slum housing in Chicago. A woman of color screwing people of color. Still, I think that Roseanne’s comment about Jarrett being the product of sexual intercourse between Moslems and monkeys does a grave disservice to the community of apes Were I an ape, I would be seriously pissed off.

      Liked by 2 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        I too frankly don’t give a damn.. but then again, I am sick of Russia Russia Russia as I watch Rubio, Napalitano and Gowdy last night and others turn and support Mueller. Bye bye America, I wish I knew you.

        Liked by 2 people

  8. Simply Linda Says:

    I’m really too closed minded to even comment on Jarrett, as for Barr, I was never a fan, but feel, she got the short end of the stick. I do believe ABC was looking to fire her anyway, and she knew that. Just my humble opinion.

    …and I can tell you, most employers will look at your social media, I can tell you with 100% certainty my current school does. Hence why both accounts are private, although, I am pretty sure they can hack into anything they want. Want privacy? Don’t put it on social media. I’m not really shocked over Barr’s comments, however, there is a double standard, isn’t there?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. petermc3 Says:

    During several conversations yesterday and yesterday evening with fellow New Jerseyites, you know the ones who would put the scimitar to their first born if it would mean a third Obama term, and enlightened them to the fact that our gal Val was the president for eight years and other than bring race relations in this country along to a boil, along with Hillary gave us the Arab Spring, paving the way for ISIS and the muslim invasion of Europe and giving her fellow Iranians $150 billion with which to fund world wide terrorism and to continue on their quest to build the nuclear weapons that will surely kill their grandchildren living in the Garden State due to its proximity to both New York City and Washington DC., what good did she do for us, for the world? These Trump haters remain convinced that a woman of Jarrett’s stature should not be tweeted, I mean treated, so disrespectfully. Cory, Cory, Cory….

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      Agree totally. What is Iranian born Val doing now holed up with the Obamas in D.C.? She more than Obama was the destructive force of the presidency. I will indeed take the pipe if we end up with the likes of a Harris or Booker in the WH.

      Liked by 1 person

      • petermac3 Says:

        For the Obama syncophants Booker’s physical appearance fulfills their fantasy which is all they need sickoos that they are.

        Liked by 1 person

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