Clapper: ‘Thinking Of Something Else’ When he Lied To Congress


Keep in mind, Senator Wyden knows that metadata on every single one of us is being kept at the Utah Data Center.

Every itty bitty bit of everything we do say or may even be thinking is kept. Stored in a facility that is large enough to store everyone’s information for one hundred years. Wyden is very upset about it. He knowingly wants to nail Clapper down. Clapper knows he knows.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper claimed Tuesday that he “made a mistake,” but that he didn’t lie when he told Sen. Ron Wyden in 2013 that the National Security Agency doesn’t collect data on Americans.

Clapper was defending himself on “The View” after President Donald Trump called him a “lying machine.”

A report from The Guardian later that year showed that Clapper’s statement was false, that the NSA does collect phone metadata on millions of Americans.

Keep reading…


We have the short Wyden take down.

Ron Wyden’s exchange with Director of National Intelligence James Clapper. 2013

Then Clapper on “The View” – move it along to about 3:00 if your short on time:

I will add the chilling clip of the Utah Data Center being built. It is now up and running. He states on The View that he was in “a bad place” to reveal he was spying essentially on every single one of us, since the program was Classified.



UPDATE: For an even better explaining, see an old post 2013. Clapper offers his “metaphor” explanation as to why he lied.


NSA Utah Data Spy Center Revealed

This is what Clapper termed “Classified” and that is “The bad place he was in” ???  We weren’t suppose to know about it!!

Filmed from Redwood Road, you can see the progress of the NSA’s Utah Data Center also called the NSA Spy Center.