Church Leaders denounce Trump’s plan to favor Christian refugees

Forget that only a handful of Christians have been permitted refugees status while hordes in the millions have flooded Europe, mostly male. Forget that Christians are the most persecuted minority with horrendous stories of torture and murder. So where are our Christian church leaders in this? According to the New York Times, ‘outrage’ at Trump’s plan to save them. I can believe it. Many churches have become nothing more than indoctrination hubs for  progressivism. Here tis:

christiansThe executive order he signed on Friday gives preference to refugees who belong to a religious minority in their country, and have been persecuted for their religion.

But if Mr. Trump had hoped for Christian leaders to break out in cheers, that is, for the most part, not what he has heard so far.

A broad array of clergy members has strongly denounced Mr. Trump’s order as discriminatory, misguided and inhumane. Outrage has also come from some of the evangelical, Roman Catholic and mainline Protestant leaders who represent the churches most active in trying to aid persecuted Christians.

By giving preference to Christians over Muslims, religious leaders have said the executive order pits one faith against another. By barring any refugees from entering the United States for nearly four months, it leaves people to suffer longer in camps, and prevents families from reuniting.

Also, many religious leaders have said that putting an indefinite freeze on refugees from Syria, and cutting the total number of refugees admitted this year by 60,000, shuts the door to those most in need.

“We believe in assisting all, regardless of their religious beliefs,” said Bishop Joe S. Vásquez, the chairman of the committee on migration for the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

More at  New York Times and well worth the full read.

Bill Clinton wanted to build a wall – here’s his argument to Congress

Earlier I posted the names of those who in the past voted for the Mexican wall in 2006 including Schumer. Trump has these top Democrats who voted for the border wall to thank has the list. Let’s add Bill Clinton to the list as the video so clearly demonstrates.

Before Trump, there was President Obama’s Iraqi refugee ban and seven nations of terror proclamation.

But before Obama there was Bill Clinton who received a standing ovation for demanding stronger border defenses, and deporting criminal illegal immigrants.

H/T: Zero Hedge

Candidate Hilary spins her way to saying she wanted a fence not a wall. Ok.

Sunday Respite – Song of the Seas

I chose Vangelis “Song of the Seas” for my Sunday Respite. I suggest watching in full screen. Have a wonderful day.

Thanks Obama, gave foreign students 180,000 American jobs, cost 32 Billion

Our Community Organizer helping out big business.

A pro-immigrant program was expanded under President Obama that paid U.S. firms $2.7 billion to hire 180,000 foreign “students,” jobs that likely otherwise would have gone to Americans, according to a new report.

The so-called “Optional Practical Training” was supposedly set up for foreign students but actually included no training and put college graduates in the high-paying jobs for three years.

The Center for Immigration Studies, which on Friday urged President Trump to stop the program, estimated that the jobs paid $60,000, suggesting a total of $11 billion in annual wages lost to American workers, over $32 billion over three years. In his Inaugural Address, Trump advocated an “America First” theme.

“The best part of OPT for the foreign alums — and a devastating factor to U.S. resident college grads (both citizens and green card holders) — is that employers are given a $10,000-$15,000 bonus for hiring an alien rather than an American with the same salary.

“This is hard to believe, but true; recent administrations have waved a magic wand over the foreign grads and called them ‘students’ so that the usual payroll taxes (Social Security and Medicare) do not apply to either their employers or to the students.

“So the employer, faced with two equally qualified candidates for, say, a $60,000 a year job (for three years), each candidate being willing to work for that salary, has his choice. If he hires the alien the total payroll costs for three years will be $180,000; if he hires the citizen alternative, the employer will pay $193,770. The higher the salary, the bigger the bonus to the employer hiring the alien.”

H/T and more: Washington Examiner

Featured Women’s March speaker kidnapped murdered raped tortured man

George Soros should be really proud of himself for supporting this. We are starting to find out just who was included as featured speakers. Earlier I posted:Women’s march had organizer Pro Sharia, ties to Hamas UPDATE. Now we find this psychopath was another star. The video is chilling knowing what we know. She was sentenced to 25 years. She spent 27 years. The Spectator has a clip of her remarks at the rally as well as other speakers. Here tis:  UPDATE(Clip added as suggested by commentator.

The Women’s March on Washington last week featured as a speaker convicted felon Donna Hylton who, along with several others, kidnapped a man and then tortured him to death.

Hylton, along with three men and three other women, kidnapped 62-year-old real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him for ransom, before eventually killing him. As noted in a 1995 Psychology Today article, when asked about forcibly sodomizing the victim with a three foot steel pole, Hylton replied: “He was a homo anyway.”

For the next 15 to 20 days (police aren’t sure just when Vigliarole died), the man was starved, burned, beaten, and tortured. (Even 10 years later, Spurling could recall Rita’s chilling response when they questioned her about shoving a three-foot metal bar up Vigliarole’s rear: “He was a homo anyway.” How did she know? “When I stuck the bar up his rectum he wiggled.”)

Speaking about Hylton, New York City Detective William Spurling told Psychology Today: “I couldn’t believe this girl who was so intelligent and nice-looking could be so unemotional about what she was telling me she and her friends had done. They’d squeezed the victim’s testicles with a pair of pliers, beat him, burned him.”
Read more: Daily Caller and Spectator

Donna Hylton on women’s march

Trump has these top Democrats who voted for the border wall to thank

Who would have thought we have so many Dems to thank so that Trump can go ahead with that big beautiful wall down Mexico way. These are the folks who voted “aye” in 2006 and still had some common sense.

President Donald Trump will be able to order the construction of a wall on the Mexico border Wednesday with the stroke of a pen, because of a 2006 law passed with the help of Democrats including Barack Obama, Joe Biden and Hillary Clinton.

If Trump and Republicans follow through, a number of top Democrats will find they inadvertently handed Trump the border wall they now oppose. Their only option to block the construction would be to shut down the government over the matter by blocking the spending bill, a strategy they have consistently mocked and derided Republicans for using in the past.

In addition to then Sens. Obama, Biden and Clinton, 64 House Democrats and 23 Senate Democrats voted for the wall in 2006. Many of them are still in Congress, including newly-established Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer.

Other Democrats in the Senate who voted for the wall in 2006 are Sens. Barbara Boxer (CA), Sherrod Brown (OH — then in the House), Tom Carper (DE), Dianne Feinstein (CA), Barbara Mikulski (MD), Bill Nelson (FL), Debbie Stabenow (MI), and Ron Wyden (OR).

There are also a number of Democrat representatives still in the House who voted for the bill: Sanford Bishop (GA), Corrine Brown (FL), Michael Capuano (MA), Jim Cooper (TN), Jim Costa (CA), Peter DeFazio (OR), Steve Israel (NY), Ron Kind (WI), Daniel Lipinski (IL), Stephen Lynch (MA), Carolyn Maloney (NY), Bill Pascrell Jr. (NJ), Collin Peterson (MN), C.A. Dutch Ruppersberger (MD), Tim Ryan (OH), and Adam Smith (WA).

Former Democrat Rep. Barney Frank and now-disgraced former Democrat Rep. Anthony Weiner also voted for the bill. Read more: Libertarian Republic



Planned Parenthood latest lie debunked – ‘We don’t provide prenatal care’

The most egregious fact is that Planned Parenthood is nothing but a money-making machine including selling baby parts. They kill babies. The mammogram lie that they provide mammograms has been debunked. Now the prenatal care myth goes the same way. Yet the CEO Richards continues her lies, even to congress.

Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards likes to boast that her organization offers necessary prenatal care for women. Supporters of Planned Parenthood and Democrat politicians do the same — but surprise! — it’s just a myth. A video from Live Action shows Planned Parenthood clinics across the country telling callers they “don’t offer prenatal care.” One operator even says, “We specialize in abortions.” Callers are told over and over again that Planned Parenthood has no prenatal care or doctors, but they are reassured that if you need an abortion, you’ve come to the right place. Unbelievable:

Read more at: National Review

Planned Parenthood Richards caught in lies regarding Mammograms

October 1, 2015 — bunkerville

Stories that may be of interest done:

Clinton pays Planned Parenthood campaign funds to ‘get out the vote’  March 2016

Planned Parenthood paid millions in Medicaid fraud settlements  


U.S. Pilots to rally at WH, urge blockage of export of White Collar jobs UPDATE

UPDATE: Google this topic and nothing found about it. I did see a picture slide by on twitter yesterday.Here tis and that was it.

We learn of one more time bomb inserted by Obama a couple of days before his departures. In this case,foreign workers. The more the merrier for him, but in this case let’s have those of us flying the friendly skies supported by American workers, not those earning a buck an hour. Here tis:

Airline pilots will hold a White House rally on Tuesday asking President Donald Trump pilotsto block Obama’s last-minute approval of a plan that would replace thousands of American pilots with foreign aircrew paid at rock-bottom foreign wages.

The airline pilots’ appeal will come one day after Trump’s signature on Monday killed the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade deal, which would have allowed an unlimited number of foreign companies to replace U.S. workers with imported foreign workers paid $1 an hour wages.

“This [Obama pilot] decision is just another failed trade deal by the Obama administration, giving foreign companies an unfair advantage over U.S. companies,” said Captain Jon Weaks, Southwest Airlines Pilots’ Association president.

Throughout his two terms, Obama worked to increase the annual inflow of foreign white-collar workers, and his last-minute regulations allow many more white-collar contract workers to get permanent residence.

Obama’s expansion of the H-1B outsourcing program would take effect just three days before he leaves the White House. It can be seen as a direct challenge to incoming President Donald Trump, who promised to reform the H-1B program.

“This is an attempt to rewrite the Green Card [immigration] system through regulation,” said John Miano, an attorney who represents American workers hit by H-1B outsourcing. “The effect is to make an even bigger hash of the problems we have now,” he told Breitbart News. Currently, roughly 1 million while-collar jobs in Americans are held by multi-year foreign contract workers. These professionals include 100,000 H-1B contract workers employed in universities, and 147,00 foreign graduates of U.S. universities. Also, several Democrat-run states are granting professional licenses to illegal immigrants. In addition, legal immigration brings in more than 150,000 white-collar immigrants each year.

More at Breitbart

Women’s march had organizer Pro Sharia, ties to Hamas UPDATE

Amazing wasn’t it? These marches popped up all over. Ever wonder who was behind it all? As time unfolds, no doubt we will find out all of the nefarious characters who are behind this. But we do know one. One that should have all women angry.UPDATE:More Than 50 Soros “Partners” Behind “Women’s March”. But back  Here tis:

Approximately 200,000 people participated in a ‘Women’s March’ in D.C. on Saturday. One of the organizers of the march, Linda Sarsour is a Pro-Palestine Muslim activist.  

She also advocates for Sharia Law in America and has ties to terrorist organization, Hamas.

Linda Sarsour is very vocal about her support for Palestine and her utter hatred for Israel. She has ties to the terrorist organization, Hamas as the Daily Caller reports:

Linda Sarsour, one of the organizers behind Saturday’s Women’s March, being held in Washington, D.C., was recently spotted at a large Muslim convention in Chicago posing for pictures with an accused financier for Hamas, the terrorist group.

Sarsour, the head of the Arab American Association of New York and an Obama White House “Champion of Change,” was speaking at last month’s 15th annual convention of the Muslim American Society and Islamic Circle of North America.

While there, she posed for a picture with Salah Sarsour, a member of the Islamic Society of Milwaukee and former Hamas operative who was jailed in Israel in the 1990s because of his alleged work for the terrorist group.

Linda Sarsour is very active on Twitter. She is pro Sharia law and a couple of her tweets even have a seditious tone to them where she romanticizes Sharia law and hints at it taking over America whereby we would have interest free loans.

1979 – Iranian feminists protest over Hijab, a symbol of patriarchy. 2017 – US feminists put Hijabs on women.



More Gateway Pundit

Sunday Respite – Peacefully

I think we could use a bit of relaxation after all we have been through this week. I suggest watching it full screen. That little button at the bottom right of your video. Enjoy and have a wonderful day!

Andreea Petcu Peacefully.