Pelosi: It’s Cheaper to Treat Teens for Drug Use Than Interdict Drugs at Border

While pointing out that it is the responsibility of the federal government to secure the U.S.-Mexico border, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D.-Calif.) said Thursday it is cheaper to treat teens for drug use than it is to interdict drugs being smuggled across the border. HINT: Incarceration is next.. stay tuned for the unbelievable from this idiot-may I say that? Do go to the link if you must see the vid–warning, really scary….

… then asked: “Are you committed to sealing the border against the influx of illegal drugs from Mexico and, if so, do you have a target date in mind for getting that done?”
“Well if your question is about drugs, I’m for reducing demand in the United States,” said Pelosi. “That is what our responsibility is on this subject. The RAND Corporation a few years ago did a report that said it would be much less expensive for us to, through prevention first and foremost, but through treatment on demand to reduce demand in our country, is the cheapest way to solve this problem.

“Incarceration is the next cheapest,” Pelosi continued. “It costs seven times more to incarcerate than to have treatment on demand. It costs 15 times more to interdict at the border. And it costs 25 times more with eradication of the cocoa leaf. This is an issue that it is very important to our country because of what it’s doing to our teenagers. That is the problem, what it is doing to our people.”

Obama insults Cameron before he is even Prime Minister

Obama and Cameron meeting

Yesterday, on the Bill Bennett radio program, his guest opined that it was Baracks Kenyan background, and thus the issues with British colonialism that plays a heavy part in Obama’s distaste for Europeans, particularly Great Britain. He just can’t help himself.

After Cameron attempted to stress his pro-American credentials, Barack Obama labeled him a “lightweight.”
The Guardian reported, via FOX Nation:

According to tomorrow’s New Statesman, Barack Obama was unimpressed by his encounter with David Cameron earlier this year and commented: “What a lightweight!”

According to James Macintyre’s report, Cameron’s attempt to stress his pro-American and Eurosceptic credentials did not meet with Obama’s approval. According to Macintyre’s diplomatic sources, the Democratic candidate was “distinctly unimpressed” and labelled Cameron a lightweight.

Macintyre notes that 48 hours earlier Obama had delivered a speech in Berlin stressing “the importance of Europe’s role in our security and our future”.

Following the meeting with Cameron, Obama apparently asked officials for more information on Tory Euroscepticism. Macintyre also speculates that Cameron’s support for the Iraq war – which Obama opposed – did not help the relationship either.

The report is sure to dismay Cameron and damage his attempts to portray himself as a world-class statesman – not to mention relations between Obama’s incoming administration and a possible future Tory government.

You can’t make this up. what is worrisome, he has no shame, nor does he care what any of us thinks. It can only get worse.

CBS’s Bob Orr Despairs Shahzad ‘Lived a Spartan and Seemingly Lonely Existence’

Terrorists digs

Well now isn’t this just too bad! Maybe instead of paying for the 16 trips back and forth to Pakistan he could have paid his mortgage and tooled up the ole homestead.

A night after CBS’s Bob Orr insisted botched terrorist bomber Faisal Shahzad’s “motive also remains unclear” and fretted “he has not realized any American dream,” Orr on Thursday night asserted “investigators say financial pressures may have helped fuel his rage” because “he defaulted on both his mortgage and another $65,000 equity loan.”

Orr highlighted Inside Edition video of Shahzad’s Bridgeport, Connecticut apartment, empathetically describing how Shahzad “lived a spartan and seemingly lonely existence” as evidenced by “a weight bench that passed for furniture, a collection of art supplies, a largely empty kitchen with a solitary plant on the counter. And in the bedroom, a rumpled air mattress on the floor.”

ABC’s Diane Sawyer saw “a bare kitchen” with Oreos, but she also showed “a shelf with the George Clooney movie in it – Up in the Air,” as well as “professional paints on the table” he may have used to make a painting of “a mosque and a tree.” Unmentioned by ABC and CBS? The Inside Edition’s site reported their video “found a copy of the Koran written in English.”

Story continues:
Read more:

Brit Sniper kills 5 Taliban one mile away

A British sniper shot dead five Taliban gunmen in just 28 seconds to save the lives of comrades walking into an ambush.

The marksman felled the rebels from more than a mile away as they prepared to attack troops on foot patrol in Afghanistan.

The corporal – whose identity cannot be revealed for security reasons – has killed a record 37 enemy fighters during a four-month tour of duty.

But his most remarkable feat of arms came when he and the spotter who accompanies him saw the group of armed Taliban.

They were taking up positions to fire on a patrol that included the platoon commander in Helmand Province.

Hiding in an old fort, the sniper prepared his British-built L115A3 Long Range Rifle.

The firearm, which fires 8.59mm bullets at three times the speed of sound and uses a state-of-the-art telescopic sight, is so effective that it has been nicknamed The Silent Assassin.

Requesting permission to shoot – needed because the British had not yet been attacked – the corporal made sure the rebel leader was in the crosshairs of his sights.

He would have had to make precise calculations in a split-second on wind speed and other weather conditions to compensate for the drift of the rounds in flight.

Moments later his commander gave him the go-ahead to fire and in less than half a minute the five Taliban gunmen lay dead.

Greece to end Government Healthcare

I caught this on Fox news…. 

IMF requiring Greece to privatize their health care

Hayes mentioned that  importantly Greece is beginning to end much of its socialism, including Healthcare. I found a mention in the NY times. We are lucky, we were given a glimpse into our future if we don’t get control of government spending.

Another reform high on the list is removing the state from the marketplace in crucial sectors like health care, transportation and energy and allowing private investment. Economists say that the liberalization of trucking routes — where a trucking license can cost up to $90,000 — and the health care industry would help bring down prices in these areas, which are among the highest in Europe.

“Hayes  from the Weekly Standard on Fox News then made an observation furthering Liasson’s point:

STEVE HAYES, THE WEEKLY STANDARD: There was a report in the New York Times over the weekend that was widely overlooked in part because I think the significant detail of it was buried. But the report said that in, in, as part of these austerity rules that Greece had agreed to in order to get this bailout from the IMF and from, from Europe, one of the things that they had to do was move to privatize their healthcare system. It was too statist, their healthcare system. So at the time that the IMF and others are demanding that Greece move to, to privatize or at least spin-off part of its state-run healthcare system in order to make it more efficient, liberalize the economy, we’re moving in the opposite direction. I mean, there’s a great irony there that I think adds to Mara’s point.
Here’s the article Hayes was referencing to:

Another reform high on the list is removing the state from the marketplace in crucial sectors like health care, transportation and energy and allowing private investment. Economists say that the liberalization of trucking routes – where a trucking license can cost up to $90,000 – and the health care industry would help bring down prices in these areas, which are among the highest in Europe.

Imagine that: removing the state from healthcare would help bring down healthcare prices.

Didn’t Obama, the Democrats, and their media minions tell us for months that government involvement in healthcare would bring down prices?

 Among the most significant features of the plan, a Greek government official said, would be a measure making it easier for the government to lay off some of the many thousands of public sector workers, whose low levels of productivity and high wages are a big contributor to Greece’s debt problem. Until now, the government has not been able to lay off civil servants, whose employment rights are in effect constitutionally guaranteed.