Pakistan’s Web Censorship Guidelines to Go Beyond ‘Blasphemy’

All this over Facbook

All this over Facbook

Pakistan is a leading force in the campaign at the United Nations – an effort led by the Organization of the Islamic Conference (OIC) — to have such material outlawed across the globe. This is really getting old with the U.N.

Stepping up efforts to prevent citizens from accessing “blasphemous” material on the Internet, Pakistani authorities have banned more than a dozen Web sites, are closely monitoring others, and reportedly are laying the groundwork to block any site viewed as meeting such vague criteria as harming “national sentiments.”

The Pakistan Telecommunication Authority (PTA) announced that seven major Internet Web sites – Google, Yahoo, YouTube, Hotmail, MSN, Amazon and Bing – would face ongoing scanning and that any offensive material would be blocked.

So much for our new best friends. How much longer will our Internet remain “free”? Step by step we go back into the stone age. How many billions are we sending to these fine folks?

Read more CNS

AG Eric Holder to the rescue – goes to Afghanistan – Sure

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder was in the Afghan capital to talk with officials about improving the justice system and fighting corruption Wednesday, a day after Afghanistan’s top prosecutor defended himself against allegations that he’s being pressured not to pursue cases against powerful figures.

 I am sure this will add to the confusion. When in doubt, send in the lawyers. It was the first thing that  Obama did with the Oil Spill- so why not.  They know nothing about Holder, but with his record here in the USA he should be a hit. Knowing perfectly well of the Afghan corruption, I would hardly believe that Holder is the “go to guy.”  Maybe McCrystal was on to something. It doesn’t sound like Eikenberry is a big hit over there either. This is the first time our AG has gone outside our country fox reports. We only send the very best.

Mohammad Ishaq Aloko also accused U.S. Ambassador Karl Eikenberry of overstepping his diplomatic authority by suggesting that he step down as attorney general if he wasn’t going to charge an Afghan banker in a corruption case.

“It is against all diplomatic ethics that the U.S. ambassador is telling me: ‘If you don’t put this person in prison, you must resign,”‘ Aloko told reporters, recounting a conversation he had with Eikenberry two weeks ago. “I am the attorney general of an independent country.”

Caitlin Hayden, a spokesman for Eikenberry, did not comment on the conversation, saying the ambassador’s discussions with Afghan officials were private. More at Fox News


Big winners in this economy has got to be bus drivers.  They will be treated to fun loving summer of busing.  The SEIU is harping on members to get their state governors to Washington   to protest for a Jobs Bill.  And well, if that doesn’t happen you can be sure members will be called on for a trip. Read more: SEIU ORG

And this right on the wings of all those buses out of California heading to Arizona.   Apparently the answer to  Michelle Malkin’s question on the SEIU spending their members money – no they are not done.

When will the members get weary of paying blackmail dues to keep a job while forking over more bucks for the likes of Andy Stern and Patrick Gaspard…and in the end pony up  more taxes? Read more: The Freedomist

…by the way..Comrade Matrix wants to know, how ‘green’ are these buses??

Obama, Meeting Tuesday With Hispanic Lawmakers, Will Push for Immigration Reform

Obama and SEIU- Happy Together

Obama and SEIU- Happy Together

We’re going to make absolutely crystal clear who’s at fault here,” said Eliseo Medina, a leader of the Service Employees International Union.  You Betcha~

Obama is to meet Tuesday with Hispanic members of Congress.

President Barack Obama is enlisting activists and labor leaders in a push for comprehensive immigration legislation that will showcase Republican opposition and include a speech by the president.
The strategy was discussed during a meeting Monday by a range of prominent labor leaders and activist groups. Participants said Obama reiterated his support for immigration legislation but noted the political realities that have stalled it in Congress.

This sure wasn’t on his offical schedule posted yesterday.

Full story hear at CNS

Sharia Alert: Mother of two set to be stoned to death for adultery in Iran

Just 50 lashes

Just 50 lashes

She already received 99 lashes- not enough? Where is the outrage? Sharia law- coming to a town near you.

The imam of the Islamic supremacist mega-mosque at Ground Zero, Feisal Abdul Rauf, is an open proponent of Sharia. This is what that means.

“Iran: SKSW/WLUML Statement on planned stoning to death of young mother in East Azerbaijan Province,” from Women Living Under Muslim Laws, June 18 (thanks to Banafsheh)

A mother of two young children, Mohammadi-Ashtiani has asked for amnesty from the Judiciary twice, but both times her requests have been denied.

During this trial, Mohammadi-Ashtiani retracted the ‘confession’ she supposedly made during pre-trial interrogation, alleging that she had been coerced to confess under duress, and declared her innocence. Two of the five judges found her not guilty, pointing to the lack of evidentiary proof in the case against her, and noting that she had already suffered 99 lashes due to her previous sentencing. Even though double jeopardy is illegal in Iran, the other three judges, including the presiding judge, found Sakineh guilty on the basis of the ‘judge’s intuition’, a provision in Iranian law that allows judges to make their own subjective and arbitrary rulings based on a ‘gut feeling’, even in the absence of clear or conclusive evidence. Mohammadi-Ashtiani was sentenced to death by stoning on 10 September 2006.Read the full story here at Jihad Watch

Here is a powerful story of the Suffering Afghan Women on Video produced by CNN-

Obama’s promise to bankrupt coal industry to cost 1,000 jobs in upper Midwest

Well, Obama promised you this result so why be surprised? The best part is that you Union men and women support this Zero who will bankrupt our country. Enjoy……

Obama gave his now infamous interview to the San Francisco Chronicle, when he told them:

So if somebody wants to build a coal-powered plant, they can; it’s just that it will bankrupt them because they’re going to be charged a huge sum for all that Greenhouse gas that’s being emitted.

Read more Pajamasmedia

That quote sat in plain sight for much of the rest of the year in the middle of an hour-long video clip the Chronicle uploaded back then as part of a routine news dump.

Bucyrus just lost a $600 million project for a new coal-burning electricity plant in India, thanks to a decision by the Congressionally-funded US Export-Import Bank to deny the Wisconsin firm credit, based in part on Barack Obama’s policies:

Up to 1,000 jobs at Bucyrus International Inc. and its suppliers could be in jeopardy as the result of a decision by the U.S. Export-Import Bank, funded by Congress, to deny several hundred million dollars in loan guarantees to a coal-fired power plant and mine in India.

About 300 of those jobs are at the Bucyrus plant in South Milwaukee, where the company has 1,410 employees and its headquarters. The remaining jobs are spread across 13 states, including Illinois, Minnesota and Indiana.

On Thursday, the Export-Import Bank denied financing for Reliance Power Ltd., an Indian power plant company, effectively wiping out about $600 million in coal mining equipment sales for Bucyrus, chief executive Tim Sullivan said.

The fossil fuel project was the first to come before the government-run bank since it adopted a climate-change policy to settle a lawsuit and to meet Obama administration directives.

“President Obama has made clear his administration’s commitment to transition away from high-carbon investments and toward a cleaner-energy future,” Export-Import Bank Chairman Fred Hochberg said in a statement. “After careful deliberation, the Export-Import Bank board voted not to proceed with this project because of the projected adverse environmental impact.”

Read the full story here at HotAir

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President Obama’s Schedule (6/28/10)- Where’s the Beef?

Let’s see—- then there is golf,  Soccer on the tube…. Oil spill? What oil spill? War? What war? Economy? (30 Minutes) Hey dude, fill in the blanks will you!

In the morning, President Obama will receive the Presidential Daily Briefing in the Oval Office. In the afternoon, he will receive the Economic Daily Briefing then meet with senior advisers in the Oval Office. 

Here’s the Full Schedule from the White House (all times Eastern): 

11:00AM: President Obama receives the Presidential Daily Briefing

 2:00PM: President Obama receives the Economic Daily Briefing

 2:30PM: President Obama meets with senior advisers

CBS News

Byrd Dies – Special Election Required in W. VA UPDATE

Looks like the process is more than murky regarding the appointment and special election requirements:

But a special election is unlikely. State law says Manchin’s appointment will be valid “until a successor to the office has timely filed a certificate of candidacy, has been nominated at the primary election next following such timely filing and has thereafter been elected and qualified to fill the unexpired term.”

The WV primary took place May 11, making it unlikely that a special election will take place this year. And odd-year elections, used in many states to pick local officials, are a rarity in WV. In recent years, voters went to the polls only in ’05, when they voted on a constitutional amendment. No elections were held in ’07, ’03 or ’01.

Because the primary has already occured, the next opportunity to “timely file” will be Jan. ’12 — when Byrd’s seat would have come open anyway. A primary would follow in May, with a special election to be held in concurrence with a general election later that year.

There is settled case law on the point. In ’94, Kanawha Co. Circuit Court Judge John Hey resigned in April. A local GOP party chairman sued then-Gov. Gaston Caperton (D) to try and compel a special election for the following Nov. The state Supreme Court, in Robb v. Caperton, ruled against the local party chairman and said Caperton’s appointee would serve until the ’96 election, when the office would have come up for election anyway.

With an election set for more than 2 years away, Manchin has the chance to pick a successor to hold Byrd’s seat. It has been an open secret in the Mountineer State for years that Manchin covets a Senate seat, and his second term as the state’s chief executive expires after the ’12 elections — meaning he could very likely appoint himself.



Not to appear heartless, but I recall his being wheeled in for the dreaded Obamacare vote. He, who had the very best in Healthcare would have us have otherwise.

 Now the Obama agenda may be on hold, with a chance of a pickup of a Senate seat. The financial reform bill may go down without the 60 vote requirement. Scott Brown is now “iffy” at best.

 He is the longest-serving member of the US Senate in its history. West Virginia has some interesting state laws on appointing replacements if a member dies in office or resigns. If the vacancy happens within 2 1/2 years of the end of the term (January 3, 2013) the governor (a Democrat, btw) names the replacement who serves out the term. If the vacancy happens outside of 2 1/2 years, then the governor names a temporary replacement and there is a special election.

The deadline for it being 2 1/2 years is July 3rd, 6 days away. Byrd was 6 days away from the point where no special election will have to take place. I’m pretty sure the Dems don’t want another seat up for grabs in November.

Dem: We Must Pass DISCLOSE Act to Make Sure GOP Doesn’t Get Elected

Guam tipping over

Guam tipping over

Yes, it is the same Hank Johnson who was worried that Guam was going to tip over– here is a bit of memory lane– now this same bright bulb wants to make sure the dictatorship remains intact come this fall election.

Rep. Hank Johnson (D-Ga.) is afraid that the U.S. Territory of Guam is going to “tip over and capsize” due to overpopulation.

Johnson expressed his worries during a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the defense budget Thursday.

Addressing Adm. Robert Willard, who commands the Navy’s Pacific Fleet, Johnson made a tippy motion with his hands and said sternly, “My fear is that the whole island will become so overly populated that it will tip over and capsize.”

Willard paused and said: “We don’t anticipate that.”

Leave it to Rep Hank Johnson (D-GA), yes that Hank Johnson, to tell everybody exactly why some in congress want so desperately to restrict businesses free speech.

Yup. Its all about rigging the election process. Which is just a bit unconstitutional as Cubachi points out:

But we all know this bill is unconstitutional because its purpose is to undo the Supreme Court’s decision in January, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission. The Court said corporations, unions, and non-profits like the Tea Party and conservative groups are free to use their money to express themselves, especially with the November elections coming.

Of course liberals like Hank Johnson couldn’t care less about the Constitution. They want as much power as they can possibly grab so they can institute their agenda. Nothing is more important to them than their plan for America. Read more …Fox Nation

Dodd: Finance Reform – “No one knows how it will actually work”

This is about enough of all I need to know about this new monstrosity that the Dems are about to dump on us. What good thing is done in the dark of the night? How much thought could possibly go into this bill and the consequences thereof? Knock youself out and read the Washington Post piece. I have had enough of it.  November, please come soon.

“It’s a great moment. I’m proud to have been here,” said a teary-eyed Sen. Christopher J. Dodd (D-Conn.), who as chairman of the Senate Banking Committee led the effort in the Senate. “No one will know until this is actually in place how it works. But we believe we’ve done something that has been needed for a long time. It took a crisis to bring us to the point where we could actually get this job done.” Right, never let a crisis pass you by.

Read the sorry tale here at the Washington Post