IMF Chief Want Global Currency, Global Central Bank

“A crisis is an opportunity”…Where have we heard this before?  After shipping out billions of our dollars to the IMF, and Greece now vowing to sue U.S. Banks for their problems, when are we going to call a halt to this nonsense?

IMF chief calls for elite to exploit economic crisis in order to impose fascist world government.

During a recent speech at a conference of elitists in Zurich Switzerland, IMF chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn called for the introduction of a global currency backed by a global central bank which would act as the “lender of last resort” in the event of a severe economic crisis, which would represent another lurch towards fascist centralization of power by financial terrorists busy exploiting the fiscal chaos they created in order to impose world government.

Stating that “crisis is an opportunity,” Strauss-Kahn said that globalists should exploit the financial chaos plaguing the world in order to push for “a new global currency issued by a global central bank”.

Strauss-Kahn said that this global currency would represent a “risk-free asset for the system independent of national currencies,” and that a “global central bank could also serve as a lender of last resort”.

The IMF chief is basically arguing for an expanded model of a system that is habitually used to swallow up and turn entire countries into debt slaves to the IMF.

Good  read over at Prisonplanet: November cannot come soon enough.

Supreme Court takes into account “International Opinion”?

No one is mentioning the tidbit buried in the supreme court decision yesterday. A post over at Volokh has a review of  a SCOTUS decision that should make our concern with Kagan even more worrisome. Hard to believe she will not be in lockstep with the liberals. The world court is mere a nanosecond away once we take into account the  Kennedy’s statement:

 “But “‘[t]he climate of international opinion concerning the acceptability of a particular punishment’” is also “‘not irrelevant.’”

So holds the Court, by a 6–3 vote, in Graham v. Florida. Hope to have more later today, when I’ve read the opinions, but here’s one item that’s likely to be quite controversial: The majority opinion (Justice Kennedy writing for the four liberals and himself) has a subsection near the end that begins,

There is support for our conclusion in the fact that, in continuing to impose life without parole sentences on juveniles who did not commit homicide, the United States adheres to a sentencing practice rejected the world over.This observation does not control our decision. The judgments of other nations and the international community are not dispositive as to the meaning of the Eighth Amendment. But “‘[t]he climate of international opinion concerning the acceptability of a particular punishment’” is also “‘not irrelevant.’”

Pelosi to appear on ‘Top Chef’

Oh yummy! I can hardly wait to see what fine vittles Nancy whips up. Of course, we will have to eat it first to find out what’s in it. Lot’s of luck. Will they ever go away??  A day without these buffoons would be swell.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and a handful of other Washington celebrities will appear on next season’s “Top Chef,” Bravo announced today.

 This season’s competition takes place in Washington, and Bravo says “it’s only natural” that DC pols would make an appearance.

Besides Pelosi, Rep. Aaron Schock (R-Ill.), Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.), CIA Director Leon Panetta, MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough and NBC’s Savannah Guthrie will make appearances.

The season begins airing June 16.

AFL-CIO and Union clash over Arizona law

Remember when Unions were against Illegal Aliens? Taking away U.S. Jobs? Here is a trip down memory lane:

In 1969, Chávez and members of the UFW marched through the Imperial  and Coachella Valleys  to the border of Mexico to protest growers’ use of undocumented immigrants as strikebreakers. Joining him on the march were both Reverend Ralph Abernathy and US Senator Walter Mondale.[10]  In its early years, Chávez and the UFW went so far as to report undocumented immigrants who served as strikebreaking replacement workers, as well as those who refused to unionize, to the Immigration and Naturalization Service. In 1973, the United Farm Workers set up a “wet line” along the United States-Mexico border to prevent Mexican immigrants from entering the United States illegally and potentially undermining the UFW’s unionization efforts.

And today the AFL-CIO are only concerned about filling their coffers. Hat Tip from NewsRealBlog

Amid blind support for his left-wing ideology, AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka forgot his claim to represent the “working man” and joined Wade Henderson, President of the Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights, in a letter this week to Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano, calling for the immediate stop of federal cooperation with Arizona law enforcement officials or,

“be complicit in the racial profiling that lies at the heart of the Arizona law. [S.B. 1070]“

But Trumka’s ideology differs from his union members. Recognizing Trumka’s support for Amnesty as an opportunity to undermine employment opportunities for legal citizens while increasing the union’s voting power and dues, union members are loudly expressing their discontent with leadership on the AFL-CIO’s blog: read more… Will this be the next “Awakening”?

Jarrett, Van Jones, Obama, Acorn and a Chicago Bank – UPDATE

Update link.


Oh we have a winning combo here ! Van Jones, Obama, Valerie Jarrett. Acorn oh yes, throw in the Clintons too. Glenn Beck to the rescue!

Great Update over a Michelle Malkin with the latest buzz : Don’t miss it here Follow her link in her post and you will find the connections.

…discussions to bail out the bank, which has close ties to both senior members of the Obama Administration, as well as the Clinton family, went deep into the weekend as Chicago politicians scrambled to save the bank.

Focus on the White House’s role is due in large part to the ties senior staffers there have to the investors and management of the bank, which started out as a community bank, and lately has been deeply involved in “micro-financing” and “green” loans.

In 2006, before his Presidential race, then-Sen. Barack Obama visited his father’s homeland of Kenya, and around the same times ShoreBank donated $1 million to that country to assist in micro-loan programs there. At the time, Obama officials said it was a coincidence that ShoreBank made the contribution to Kenya. Why I am just laughing myself silly!

Senior White House aide Valerie Jarrett appears to be the central figure in the Financial Services’ interest, according to Republican staffers with ties to the committee. A Tri-fecta of intrigue just coming our way!