Omnibus ‘Crap Sandwich’ budget bill passed without reading it

This says it all now doesn’t it? Still not caring enough to read the bill. Too anxious to get their sorry a** home for the Holidays. The 296-121 vote  breakdown of the vote tally from Gov Track here: Gov Track Keep your eye out for the GOPers who voted for this. The next primary let’s send them home.

“I rise in strong support of this bill. I urge my colleagues to support this piece of legislation. None of them have read it. Not one of us has read every page in this bill,” Rep. Steny Hoyer (D-MD) said on the House floor about the $1 trillion spending bill that would prevent a government shutdown. The Hill

Hoyer is in the House Democratic leadership. 

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.), who voted for the omnibus spending bill along with 146 other Republicans, called the measure a “crap sandwich” and said he wished it cut more. “I have consistently said throughout my time in Washington that the American people deserve more from their government,” he said. “This bill is a crap sandwich! You definitely do not want to bite into it, you cannot stand the taste, but you know you have to eat it.” The Hill 

No sir, you do not have to eat it, and you do not deserve to be in the Congress. You are a disgrace.

14 Responses to “Omnibus ‘Crap Sandwich’ budget bill passed without reading it”

  1. Teeing it up: A Round at the LINKs | SENTRY JOURNAL Says:

    […] BUNKERVILLE: Omnibus ‘Crap Sandwich’ budget bill passed without reading it […]


  2. Always On Watch Says:

    What a bunch of asses we have in Congress!



  3. TexasFred Says:

    Congress, ALL of em, need to go… It’s time to start over, without the perverts and crooks that Washington DC seems to breed…


    • bunkerville Says:

      He is really mocking us. The message needs to be made more clear apparently. So much for the Tea Party.


      • TexasFred Says:

        I was a HUGE TEA Party supporter, I was VP of the TEA Party here in Rowlett, I saw the flaws from the start, they are too disorganized and once they were consumed by Libertarians and Paultards, it was all over…


  4. rjjrdq Says:

    Hypocrite. When Hoyer was asked if he read the Obamacare bill, he laughed. He said if (congress) read every bill nothing would get done.


    • bunkerville Says:

      This was the height of arrogance. If they wrote the bills in a few pages similar to the Constitution we all would understand, but they dont want us to know what it going on. Boehner has to go.


  5. Teresa Rice Says:

    Throw em’ all out! Yes, this is disgraceful.


    • bunkerville Says:

      Yep= a complete overhaul. Apparently, they have not received our message. How many days did they promise to post the bill???


  6. silverfiddle Says:

    I think a hard financial crash will be all that saves us now…


    • bunkerville Says:

      There will have to be an awakening and however it comes, it will be painful. They learned nothing from the last election.


  7. republican mother Says:

    same as it ever was, huh?


    • bunkerville Says:

      It is worse, they now seem to be proud of it, and advertise it. It is crap, we did not read it, and we are going home. In the vernacular, we were given the finger.


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