Gingrich in 2008 video passionate about Healthcare mandate

So much for Newt’s Notes years ago. Now this video shows up. As of 2008 he was well on board. From  Buzz Feed

Newt Gingrich has had a hard time attacking Mitt Romney’s Massachusetts health care plan — which, like “Obamacare” — required all citizens to have health care. What’s more — as The Wall Street Journal reports today — Gingrich actively praised Romney’s plan. And in this newly-unearthed video from a Gingrich speech to the Alegent Health Clinic in June 2008, Gingrich did much more than defend the mandate: “I think you gotta require that everybody have insurance or post a bond,” he said. To be able to afford insurance and not buy it, he said, is “immoral.” Isn’t the Internet great? At least Romney doesn’t lie about it.

Newt Gingrich, in a 2008 appearance at Alegent Health Clinic in Bellevue, Nebraska, expresses strong support for an individual mandate.