Unions require photo I.D. to vote in their elections

I snagged this from Doug Ross. A picture is worth a thousand words, indeed.

[Via] John Romano at “Yes, But, However!” at the link. He asks the perplexing question of why do Democrats so fear voter ID? Apparently even unions don’t see the requirement of a photo ID as too burdensome.

“A picture is worth a thousand words. According to OpenSecrets.org unions belonging to the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) have donated over $26 million to Democratic candidates and causes since 1990. During that same period, the union gave a paltry $272,311 to the Republican Party.

As you’ll note in the photo below the union requires its own members to produce a photo ID in order to vote. The photo shows a union worker voting earlier today on whether to sanction a new four-year contract with Boeing, clearly the union understands the need for a picture ID in order to help guarantee a clean election:

In America, one needs an ID to vote in a union election, buy liquor, drive a car, board an airplane, use a credit card and a slew of other things in our society. Yet, the Democratic party refuses to back the idea of requiring an ID to vote in state and federal elections under any circumstances. A sensible voter ID law that respects the rights of the poor, elderly, and minorities is a great idea. What are Democrats afraid of? You connect the dots. More at Doug Ross

Nice going. Answers the question. Yet how much longer are we going to keep up this charade? I guess until Zero gets through the next election.

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