12 State AG Secretaries Warn Large Banks About UN Net Zero Participation

A sleeper story that deserves attention. Much of Europe is being rocked by demonstrations of farmers protesting. Yesterday the French farmers began an assault on Paris, threatening to block all road leading into Paris. Belgium too joined the protests.

The undisclosed intent of governments is to ultimately control our food supply and put the farmer out of business. The farmer is paying the price.

The European Union is pushing hard. Last year Bunk posted:

European Union Fires the shot to start WWIII in the Netherlands

The Netherlands are about to lose many of their farms by confiscation. At least an attempt at that is in the process. How did the Netherlands get here? “Essentially, the EU has now achieved what Kaiser Wilhelm and Adolf Hitler failed to achieve between 1914 – 1945”.

The Netherland is the number two exporter of food, second only to the U.S. While we keep hearing about Ukraine as the breadbasket, it is the Dutch who lead.

Here in the U.S. a more sinister approach is in the making to control our food supply. Not limited to controlling farms. The fossil fuel industry; iron, steel and cement manufacturing; and real estate. This under the guise of the U.N. It will be the banks who will be the Headless Horseman.

Back in 2011 I posted this and I doubt it has gotten any less in 2024:

10 Banks Own 77 Percent Of All U.S. Banking Assets

A sage opinion then:

They are predators.

In fact, a very revealing article in Rolling Stone described Goldman Sachs this way….

The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money.

Unfortunately, they may have actually been understating things a bit.

These megabanks have rigged the game so that the wealth of the nation is slowly transferred from us to themselves and to the international financial interests that control them.

They can make money if the markets are going up, and they can make money if the markets are going down.

We pick up the story at Zero Hedge

“It Must Be Stopped”: 12 Agriculture Officials Warn Largest U.S. Banks About Net Zero Agenda

A dozen Republican state agriculture commissioners have penned a letter to six U.S. megabanks, informing them that their push for ESG investing could wind up leading to price increases and may impact food availability.

The letter was sent to executives at Bank of America, Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan Chase, Morgan Stanley and Wells Fargo and took exception with the group’s membership in the UN organized Net-Zero Banking Alliance (NZBA), according to Fox News.

According to the United Nations, which organized the formation of the NZBA, the alliance is a global group of financial institutions “committed to financing ambitious climate action” to transition the economy to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050. The NZBA’s framework encourages its member banks to additionally “design, set, and achieve” science-based net zero targets for 2030 or sooner.

The alliance issued a progress report during last month’s U.N. climate summit in Dubai, highlighting how two-thirds of its growing membership pool had made aggressive green energy commitments. The report further noted that member banks are increasingly targeting the power sector; fossil fuel industry; iron, steel and cement manufacturing; and real estate.

The NZBA is “committed to financing ambitious climate action” and is attempting to force the economy to net zero greenhouse emissions by 2050. The letter notes that this could result in “severe consequences” for farmers.

They said the goal of net zero emissions could “permanently damage American agriculture and endanger our country’s food security” and said that “American farmers should not be forced to put our food supply at risk.”

Georgia Agriculture Commissioner Tyler Harper commented to Fox: “American agriculture is sending a clear signal: we will not bend the knee to the failed, left-wing climate agenda of the United Nations that seeks to cripple one of our country’s most critical industries.”

“Now more than ever, banks that do business with America should be unquestionably supporting American industries — and that starts with the one that puts food on our tables, clothes on our backs, and shelter over our heads.”

Harper continued: “The UN’s Net-Zero Banking Alliance would be the equivalent of a run on the bank for our nation’s agriculture industry and pose a serious threat to our national security — and it must be stopped.”

Read more

The best of the swamp today.

United States and its Bizarre Energy Policies – Now Bans Nat Gas Exports

John Kerry Told The Washington Post He Wants To Remove 1.6 Trillion Tons Of Carbon Dioxide From The Atmosphere Via Direct Air Capture Estimated Cost For Tax Payers: $1.6 Quadrillion Dollars That’s $1,600,000,000,000,000 (This isn’t a joke, he’s serious) “The lowest periods of carbon in the atmosphere and not only recorded history, in the history of life existing on the planet.

Just in: Can Biden get any dumber?

The Biden Administration on Jan. 26, 2024, announced that the U.S. would pause pending decisions on permits to export liquefied natural gas (LNG) to non-free trade agreement countries until the U.S. Department of Energy can update the underlying analyses for authorizations.

Tucker at his best at the absurdity of it all.

So in summation, the world continues on. The United states continues to play the Chump Card. Just for laughs and giggles. 

China is, by a very wide margin, the world’s largest consumer of coal. China’s consumption of coal exploded after 1999 and has more than tripled through 2023.

India has expanded its consumption of coal much more slowly over the decades covered in the data, but has more than quadrupled its consumption since 1996. Although its population has grown to exceed that of China, India recorded a little over 26% of China’s total consumption of coal in 2023.

The United States is historically the world’s largest consumer of coal, but the nation has greatly reduced its consumption since it peaked in 2005. In 2023, U.S. annual coal consumption has dropped by 70% from that peak.

Worldwide Coal Consumption, Exajoules Consumed from 1965 through 2023

Read more at Political Calculations

Other than that…the swamp continues.

Trump’s $83 Million Judgement & the Scene of the Crime – a Store Called Bergdorf Goodman.

Anyone who has been to Bergdorf Goodman knows you don’t wander around the store for long on you own. There are no bargain basement days of rooting around for yesterday’s reject. This store is for the rich, actually for the very rich and the rich like to be well attended. And so they are. The store? A setting for numerous films where glamor reigns.

If there is any argument as to why the sexual assault charges against Trump, given by someone who is selling a book, is not true, the scene of the crime may reveal it all.

Miss Marple AKA Bunk takes you first to the scene of the so called crime.

Let’s take a quick look.  

The idea that some male, as well known as Trump, even back in the day, would be wandering around, by himself, on his own in area of the the ladies dressing room is simply absurd. There would be other salespeople, salespeople attending customers, attending the so called victim. Salespeople in attendance, exchanging clothes tried on. As if Bergdorf would ever leave the women’s dressing area unattended for the very CHICHI “The Ladies Who Lunch.” titled women.

No salesperson witnessed nor heard anything, no complaints at the time made to anyone associated with the store by the victim. Nothing to the police, then, 25 to 35 years later when she couldn’t remember the exact year or month the incident took place, only then she claims it took place.

Keep in mind this is not the jury that convicted him of the sexual assault – no, it’s over a charge he maligned her in statements. The man is not allowed to defend himself.

Here we go with the rest of the story:

Friday, a crooked New York City court slapped President Trump with an $83 million judgment for speaking out against the disgusting lies of a crazed woman who said he lured her into a Bergdorf Goodman store some 25 or maybe 30 years ago and raped her in a dressing room where they were trying on lingerie. The entire story lacks credulity and is like something from a Law and Order sketch.

Trump Attorney Alina Habba described to reporters how villainous the court treated President Trump and his team during the show trial.

Attorney Alina Habba: Ladies and gentlemen, you are not allowed to be stripped of every defense that you have. You are not allowed to be told that you can’t bring it up. And imagine a point where a judge tells the lawyer before your client, the former President of the United States, the leading candidate and obvious nominee for the Republican Party, before he takes the stand to defend himself. Ms. Haba, tell me the questions you’re going to ask in open court and tell me exactly what he’s going to respond. And then edited my questions, edited the response he was allowed to give…

…We will immediately appeal. We will set aside that ridiculous jury. And I just want to remind you all of one thing. I will continue with President Trump to fight for everybody’s first Amendment right to speak.

On Friday Rudy explained to Rob Schmitt why this case should have been tossed from the courtroom before it ever started.

Rob Schmitt: Former New York mayor and U. S. Attorney Rudy Giuliani joins us tonight with his perspective on this. What has happened to our legal system, sir?

Rudy Giuliani: Yeah, it’s gone to hell. That’s what’s happened. I mean, we have an embarrassing situation in the United States in which we’re a country without laws. We don’t follow the laws that we have. First of all, it’s patently absurd that this even happened. I’ve been going to Bergdorf for 30 years, and when I was us attorney, I wasn’t all that well known. But the minute I walked into Bergdorf, about ten people had come around me to help me. This man was one of the most famous people in New York at the time this happened. This would be like doing this in the middle of Madison Square Garden. It’s totally ridiculous.


Second thing that’s ridiculous is I don’t know why this case isn’t thrown out. You’re supposed to plead a tort, which is what this is. Right, with specificity. Specificity means to give you enough information as a defendant so you can defend yourself. When you can’t give me a day and time, how the hell can I defend myself? 

Now, why doesn’t she do that? She doesn’t do it because trump travels a lot, and she just might pick a day because she’s lying her backside off. She might pick a day in which he was in Scotland or a day in which he was in Mar a Lago, or a day in which the way they did to Michael Cohen, when they said he was in poland meeting with the Russians and he was in California…

…This judge is a pure disgrace. He’s telling a lawyer what questions to ask. That’s totally ridiculous. He won’t let him defend himself. And how is it inconsistent? Let’s say, first of all, he was found not guilty or not liable for rape. It was sexual assault, not rape. And second, you can be guilty of rape, and still a person can be a whack up. That wasn’t defamation. You’re allowed to still defend yourself against defamation.

More at Gateway Pundit

It’s hard to find on Google, so here’s what you need to know about E. Jean Carroll, most of which was deemed “inadmissible” by the judge:

– She couldn’t recall the date, month, season, or year the incident happened – She never told anyone about it, despite being publicly obsessed with her own sexuality

– The dress she claims to have been wearing didn’t exist at the time – Her description of the dressing room at Bergdorf Goodman was inaccurate, making her sequence of events impossible

– Her lawsuit was bankrolled by Jeffrey Epstein pal and Democrat (and Nikki Haley) mega-donor Reid Hoffman

– Democrats created a law (The Adult Survivors Act in 2022) to enable her lawsuit to proceed

– Her accusation is the exact plotline of an episode of Law & Order (one of her “favorite shows”) – Trump’s Apprentice was also one of her favorite shows – She has a history of falsely accusing men of r*pe, including Les Moonves

– She told Anderson Cooper, “most people think of r*pe as being sexy. Think of the fantasies.”

– She made a career promoting promiscuity, even writing glowingly of sexual assault and naming her cat Vagina.

– How many other high profile trials are you aware of where the defendant is not allowed to present exculpable evidence or testimony?

Breaking. A whole new avenue of appeal for Trump opens up.

IT WAS A UNITED FRONT… Trump’s Legal Team Reveals Shocking ‘Conflict of Interest’ in E. Jean Carroll Case: Judge Lewis Kaplan and E. Jean Carroll’s Lawyer Roberta Kaplan Worked Together at Same Law Firm — Judge Allegedly Served as Mentor

The best of the swamp.

Sunday Respite – Imagination

A reminder of what a beautiful world in which we live. Chill out with some great photography.

In case you missed yesterday’s post full of fun and nonsense here is your second chance

By all means watch this in full screen. Enjoy.

Edelis Ashterra – Imagination

A few links to fellow bloggers who toil in the swamp.


Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

Tacky Raccoons – tunes from those you never heard of before

Saturday Matinee – There I Ruined It, Matteo Mancuso, 8 Ball Aiken & The Gary Hoey Band

Pirates Cove

Who’s Watching The Environmental Media Associate Awards Tonight?

Vermont Folk Troth

No diploma? No problem! Navy again lowers requirements as it struggles to meet recruitment goals — Hellbound and Down

The Daley Gator

Is MSNBS host Joy Reid Cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs……..


That’s all she wrote – Have a wonderful day.

Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 1/27

Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week. It’s Saturday and time for a break and maybe a smile or two. Satire, Memes and Mayhem and animals as well.


Page may take a few seconds to load.  For politics page down and/or check top posts at the right side of the page. Check for sound!  

If you don’t see the tweets, go to Bunkerville’s home page.


Good Morning!

We will start off with our usual “Deep Thoughts”

Deep Thoughts by Kamala Harris

The Deep Thought is Playing fair

Deep Thoughts by Joe Biden

The Deep Thought is Not sure

Best of the Bee

Now Bunks Prime



I will close out the post with a visit to one of our neighbors.



Have a wonderful day.

Posted in Fun. Tags: , , , , . 14 Comments »

Time for Americans to Step Up and Support Texas in the Escalating Border Crisis

It looks like we have come to the fork in the road with the migrant crisis and that fork happens to be in Texas of all places. With its rich history of struggles over its borders, it is the perfect setting for the final showdown between good and evil. We know that “they” want to end the United States as known because they have told us so. Let’s set that argument aside.

No less than their buffoon has told us.





So as we head to the OK corral, Zero Hedge gives us a refresher with thoughts to consider. If we don’t understand their battle plan, we cannot win the war. The crux of the author’s position? Time for America to rally up. It will require all of us supporting Texas.

If the current trend is allowed to continue, the stage will be set for a host of emergencies that will be exploited to give elites the excuse to erase what constitutional protections we have left. This cannot be tolerated. It’s time to end it.

We’ve all heard of the Cloward-Piven Strategy by now, and it’s not all that difficult to understand – Create social destabilization by using migrants as a weapon. But there’s a lot more going on here than meets the eye. Cloward-Piven is almost too simplistic an explanation; it doesn’t really define the bigger picture. There are a few ways that this strategy could open the door to authoritarianism in the US. Lets examine these scenarios to better comprehend why…

Operation Garden Plot And Martial Law

In 1968 the US Department of Defense at the request of the government drafted a civil disturbance plan called ‘Operation Garden Plot’ which outlined what was essentially a martial law response to large scale social breakdown. One of the main factors listed in the plan as a trigger for martial law was the uncontrolled mass migration of minorities into the US, as well as riots by minorities in light of economic uncertainty.

Garden Plot has provisions designed to install a long lasting domestic military presence in the US if deemed necessary, and was even tied to programs like REX 84 which planned out the installation of “FEMA camps” or detention facilities meant to hold large numbers refugees during a mass migration crisis. These programs were accidentally exposed during the Iran/Contra hearings of 1987 and were kept secret from a majority of representatives in Congress.

In other words, political elites designed a set of operations to swiftly impose martial law if a migrant disaster occurred. But were these measures meant to solve the crisis? Or were they meant to use the crisis as an excuse to put boots on the ground in the US and permanently end whatever constitutional protections we have left? That is to say, it may very well be the plan of the establishment to keep the borders open until illegals overwhelm the system and the public is willing to accept martial law.

Amnesty And Creating An Illegal Immigrant Military

Democrats have fielded multiple bills including legislation in 2022 to give illegal immigrants the option to serve in the US military and gain citizenship as a reward. Representatives mention the growing shortfall in military recruitment as a rationale for the policy (a shortfall which they created after allowing woke cultism into armed forces curriculum).

Look at it this way: With the current military around 70% conservative and independent it is far less likely that the armed forces will follow orders to subjugate the populace, especially in the name of an increasingly unpopular leftist/globalist president like Joe Biden. It is much easier for the elites to use foreigners with no inherent regard for American culture or the American people as a suppressive force.

Cultural Replacement Theory

“Replacement Theory” is often denigrated by the media as a racist conspiracy held by white people who are “afraid to lose power.” This is nonsensical for a number of reasons, including the fact that if “white people” were a monolith and we had all the power, then we would simply snuff out any threats to that power and lock down our borders. There would be nothing anyone could do to stop us.

The truth is, there is no white monolith, there is no patriarchy and there is no such thing as systemic racism. 

The replacement going on is not so much about replacing white people as it is about replacing western culture. The goal, I believe, is to open the floodgates to foreign elements because most of them come from more socialist systems that have no understanding of individual freedom. In this way, the establishment can dilute the American culture of independence and use the tyranny of the majority (democracy) to erase our values and principles forever.


This is why you will hear Biden and his ilk constantly pontificate on “democracy” and the “defense of democracy’ and the conservative “threat to democracy.” This is very deliberate terminology. When they say “democracy”, they are talking about the rule of the mob; the tyranny of the majority. They are talking about collectivism, socialism and ultimately authoritarianism for the “sake of the greater good.”

Migrants are being used to phase out the pillars of western civilization. This is why the borders must be secured now and illegals must be kicked out of the country with haste. No martial law, no FEMA detention facilities, no amnesty, no asylum, no welfare and no subsidies. They just need to be removed and sent back to where they came from and if they return illegally they should be severely punished.

The shape of this secure border action will require trial and error, but as long as Texas is willing to continue arresting illegals and shipping them out of the country, all that is needed is a contingent of deputized Americans to help watch the border and catch people trying to cross. There may also be a need for people to defend border walls and fences from federal sabotage.

Some will argue that this constitutes a violation, a defiance of federal authorities, and I would say yes, it is, and that’s a good thing. The Biden Administration is in dereliction of its duty to keep the country safe from foreign invasion. Doing nothing and leaving borders undefended from mass immigration is no different from refusing to defend the border from a foreign military.

Read the full thing here.

Republican governors all over the United States are backing Texas and governor Greg Abbott in the state’s escalating conflict with Joe Biden’s administration over its border and the ongoing immigration crisis. According to the latest data, 25 States are backing Texas.

The worst of the swamp today.

Texas Gov Says “NO” to Removing the Border Wire Ordered by the Supremes; 14 States Give Assistance

“In total, 14 states—Arkansas, Florida, Iowa, Idaho, Nebraska, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, & Wyoming have stepped up to support Texas’ efforts and deployed personnel and resources to secure the border.” 

Last week an appeals court reversed a lower court ruling and now permits the water barrier buoys to remain that divide Mexico and the U.S.

Governor Greg Abbott  invoked Texas’ Constitutional authority to defend itself against the lawless Biden Regime.


Abbott escalated his fight against Joe Biden on Wednesday after the US Supreme Court sided with the Biden Regime and allowed Border Patrol agents to remove razor wire installed on the Texas-Mexico border.

Full statement from Abbott:


“The Executive Branch of the United States has a constitutional duty to enforce federal laws protecting States, including immigration laws on the books right now,” reads the statement. “President Biden has instructed his agencies to ignore federal statutes that mandate the detention of illegal immigrants. The failure of the Biden Administration to fulfill the duties imposed by Article IV, § 4 has triggered Article I, § 10, Clause 3, which reserves to this State the right of self-defense. For these reasons, I have already declared an invasion under Article I, § 10, Clause 3 to invoke Texas’s constitutional authority to defend and protect itself. That authority is the supreme law of the land and supersedes any federal statutes to the contrary.”

Texas Governor Greg Abbott and Attorney General Ken Paxton on Monday evening vowed to defy the Supreme Court’s ruling on razor wire at the southern border.

“The Supreme Court’s temporary order allows Biden to continue his illegal effort to aid the foreign invasion of America. The destruction of Texas’s border barriers will not help enforce the law or keep American citizens safe. This fight is not over, and I look forward to defending our state’s sovereignty.” Ken Paxton said.

H/T: Gateway pundit

So according to Paxton “the temporary order” – allows this action by the Feds. This implies further litigation. This decision was based on answering an injunction.  One would think that an issue with the magnitude concerning our border would be given a full hearing with oral arguments with case law presented. A decision would be reached with the a majority and minority position written. After all no bigger decision is being made and precedent set.

It would be great if some legal beagles would opine. Just to have the Supreme court present some ruling on an injunction with a vote and no reasoning given? A “temporary order is just that.” But I didn’t get any law degree.

What is an injunction in the Supreme court?
An injunction is a court order requiring a person to do or cease doing a specific action. There are three types of injunctions: Permanent injunctions, Temporary restraining orders and preliminary injunctions. Temporary restraining orders (TRO) and preliminary injunctions are equitable in nature.

A win last week.

Texas’ floating U.S-Mexico border barrier can remain, court rules in reversal

A federal appeals court on last wednesday reversed an order requiring Texas to move a floating barrier on the Rio Grande that drew backlash from Mexico — the latest development in legal battles between the Biden administration and Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott over control of migration at the border.

In December, a divided panel of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals had sided with a federal district judge in Texas who said the buoys must be moved. On Wednesday, the court vacated the panel’s 2-1 ruling after a majority of its 17 active judges voted to rehear the case.

The series of linked, concrete-anchored buoys stretches roughly the length of three soccer fields. The state installed it along the international border with Mexico between the Texas border city of Eagle Pass and Piedras Negras, Coahuila.

Keep reading

UPDATE: Pirate’s Cove finds that Texas has come up with a sliver of an opening of the court ruling…it doesn’t say they can’t put up wire– Read more 

Kingston Trio – The Alamo

Back in the day the Kingston Trio gave us this song.  The border issue needs to get settled and quickly. Someone could get very upset and its a dangerous situation of all concerned. The Migrants, and the soldiers on both sides. As our fearless President often says, “It’s not joke.”

The Deep Swamp never disappoints.


In a statement, Paxton said the federal justices’ decision passes the matter back to the 5th Circuit appeals court, where arguments are scheduled Feb. 7. Paxton filed the appeal after U.S. District Judge Alia Moses of Del Rio found in November that Texas did not present sufficient evidence to demonstrate that federal agents cutting the wires violates state law.



Majority of Nikki Haley Voters Were Not Registered Republicans

Wait, here’s the real headline – 70% of Nikki Haley voters in New Hampshire were not registered Republicans. The system is broken. “Ultra-liberal Hanover, NH had just 841 Republican votes in the 2020 general election. Tonight, the same town has 1,472 votes for Nikki Haley. This is Democrat election interference, enabled by an insane open-primary system.” 

Dean Phillips? Not too shabby for an unknown until this weekend. Dean Phillips and Marianne Williamson will be on the upcoming Nevada, South Carolina ballot and the Iowa Democrat Caucus ballot. Do I think he will win? No, but he could be a big embarrassment if his numbers increase.

Considering most lefties were over at the GOP primary causing havoc. 30 percent left the farm and voted for someone else. Almost 29 percent went to Phillips and Williamson. (Unofficial as of last night when I put this post together around 11:00pm)


Let’s see how this goes. Yesterday I posted Democrat President Candidate Dean Phillips Might Just Shock the NH Primary

I think a statement was made.

U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat who represents Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District, said his run for president has already been a win.

“I’m practicing democracy. I’ve had the most extraordinary 90 days of my life. I’ve been reinvigorated about our great country. I’ve met people with the most people stories, the most heartbreaking stories,” Phillips told Boston Public Radio in Manchester, New Hampshire, one day before the state’s primary. “And I showed up. And that was my mission, is to demonstrate that in this country we do not do coronations, we have competitions.”

You would have thought Nikki Haley won the primary last night with her post primary speech to her faithful. The wolf in sheep’s clothing.

I’ll finish with Dean Phillips.

Democrat President Candidate Dean Phillips Might Just Shock the NH Primary

Watch out for the sleeper Democrat presidential candidate Dean Phillips. Some polls show his support as high as 30 percent against Biden. Add that Biden is not on the ballot in NH. Phillips has been toiling away gathering votes. For someone that has received almost zero media coverage that ain’t too shabby as they say down my way.

We also have Marianne Williamson as well who trundles along in the primaries. Both now are opposing Biden in the upcoming New Hampshire, South Carolina and yes, the Iowa Democrat caucus yet to be held.  Both NH and SC are open primaries.

It may explain why Biden has commenced a massive campaign of encouraging voters to write in his name. Up to now the Dems were happy enough to cause a bit of mayhem in the GOP primary.


U.S. Rep. Dean Phillips, a Democrat who represents Minnesota’s 3rd Congressional District, said his run for president has already been a win.

“I’m practicing democracy. I’ve had the most extraordinary 90 days of my life. I’ve been reinvigorated about our great country. I’ve met people with the most people stories, the most heartbreaking stories,” Phillips told Boston Public Radio in Manchester, New Hampshire, one day before the state’s primary. “And I showed up. And that was my mission, is to demonstrate that in this country we do not do coronations, we have competitions.”

Democratic presidential candidate Dean Phillips joins ‘Fox & Friends’ ahead of the New Hampshire primary, where President Biden’s name will not appear on the ballot.

Should make for an interesting day.

Check out the Dems’ ballot for New Hampshire: 21 Prez Candidates; No Biden

How does Biden receive the electoral college votes for the state if his name isn’t even on the ballot? 21 candidates are on the Dem Primary ballot in New Hampshire. No Biden. Even better, Marianne Williamson and Congressman Dean Phillips will be on the next three primary presidential ballots. New Hampshire, the Iowa Democrat Caucus and South Carolina. Wouldn’t that be a hoot of Marianne pulled out a win?

Of course Biden could receive a write in majority of the votes in NH, but what if he doesn’t?

Sample Ballots | New Hampshire Secretary of State

A big tip of the Fedora goes to “The View from Lady Lake” for the graphic.

From the National Archives – The Electoral College.

How many electors are there? How are they distributed among the States?

The Electoral College consists of 538 electors. A majority of 270 electoral votes is required to elect the President. Your State has the same number of electors as it does Members in its Congressional delegation: one for each Member in the House of Representatives plus two Senators

How are my electors chosen? What are their qualifications? How do they decide who to vote for?

Each candidate running for President in your State has their own group of electors (known as a slate). The slates are generally chosen by the candidate’s political party in your State, but State laws vary on how the electors are selected and what their responsibilities are. Read more about the qualifications of the electors and restrictions on who the electors may vote for.

Most States have a “winner-take-all” system that awards all electors to the Presidential candidate who wins the State’s popular vote. However, Maine and Nebraska each have a variation of “proportional representation.

Think about this.

So in essence, another one of the candidates could get more than any write in of Biden’s total and thus those electoral votes would go to that candidate I would assume.

Of course the end result if Biden does not get to the magic 270 and then the old brokered convention.

I checked the South Carolina primary election coming up on February 3. The Dems decide who is approved to be on the ballot. They too are an open primary.

February 3, 2024. Per state law, SCDP Chair Christale Spain will transmit the approved candidates to the South Carolina Election Commission:

  • President Joe Biden
  • Congressman Dean Phillips
  • Marianne Williamson
    • Iowa Caucus for the Democrats:
    • President of the United States
      • Iowa will have an estimated 46 delegates comprised of 40 pledged delegates and 6 superdelegates. Delegate allocation will be proportional.
      • The Democratic caucus will be closed, meaning only registered Democrats will be able to participate.

        Ballotpedia has identified the following noteworthy candidates seeking the Democratic nomination:

        • Joe Biden (D), incumbent president of the United States, announced he would run for re-election on April 25, 2023.[2]
        • Dean Phillips (D), a U.S. representative from Minnesota, announced his candidacy on October 26, 2023.[3]
        • Marianne Williamson (D), 2020 presidential candidate and author, announced her candidacy on February 23, 2023.[4]

How many States will actually have Biden on the ballot? Was NH a one off to have the Democrats mess with the GOP primary? NH is an open primary where anyone can vote in the GOP side.

Since Trump is really assured to be to GOP candidates in the closed primaries, what fun it would be for GOPers vote in the Democrat side in NH and SC and give it to Williamson!

While we are at it, how about the GOP ballot in New Hampshire. Looks like Trump got star billing.


I hereby declare my preference for candidate for the office of PRESIDENT of the UNITED STATES to be as follows:
  • Ron DeSantis Tallahassee, Florida
  • Nikki Haley Kiawah Island, South Carolina
  • Asa Hutchinson Rogers, Arkansas
  • Peter Jedick Rocky River, Ohio
  • Perry Johnson Bloomfield Hills, Michigan
  • Donald Kjornes Watertown, South Dakota
  • Mary Maxwell Concord, New Hampshire
  • Glenn J. McPeters Essex Junction, Vermont
  • Scott Peterson Merrell Norwalk, Connecticut
  • Darius L. Mitchell Lowell, Massachusetts
  • Mike Pence Zionsville, Indiana
  • Vivek Ramaswamy Columbus, Ohio
  • Tim Scott Hanahan, South Carolina
  • Hirsh V. Singh Linwood, New Jersey
  • Samuel Howard Sloan Oakland, California
  • David Stuckenberg Tampa, Florida
  • Rachel Swift Hagerstown, Maryland
  • Donald J. Trump Palm Beach, Florida
  • Scott Alan Ayers Carpentersville, Illinois
  • Ryan L. Binkley Dallas, Texas
  • Doug Burgum Bismarck, North Dakota
  • Robert S. Carney, Jr. Minneapolis, Minnesota
  • John Anthony Castro Mansfield, Texas
  • Chris Christie Mendham, New Jersey

So that’s it folks. The best of the swamp.