Update on Oscar – A feel good story



An update on Oscar —  A Feel-good Story

The original story below:



by Mustang

A few weeks ago, I wrote to you about Oscar Saxelby-Lee, a five-year old child who suffers leukemia.  I titled it “A Feel-Good Story.”  Now I want to give you an update on his condition.

Oscar was diagnosed with this killer disease in December.  Since then, this child has had twenty blood transfusions accompanied by four weeks of chemotherapy.  When it became clear that Oscar wasn’t improving, his parents went public and made an appeal for volunteers for a possible stem-cell match.  Initially, 5,000 citizens from Worcester, England showed up for testing —people who stood in the cold rain for hours waiting their turn to find out whether they could become the match that might save Oscar’s life.

The number of British volunteers from Worcestershire grew to over 10,000.

A match has been found!  In fact, three matches were discovered, which greatly increases Oscar’s chance of survival.  Oscar’s other vitals are such now that physicians will proceed to a bone-marrow transplant operation.  If you have been one of thousands who’ve been saying a prayer for Oscar … from the bottom of my heart, I thank you.  I hope you will continue to ask for God’s mercy that the bone-marrow transplant will proceed successfully.

Photo’s attached (2): Credit Daily Mail, UK