WH admits we have zero allies for Syria attack

Too bad Candy Crowley wasn’t as concerned about the truth when she moderated the debate between Romney and Obama. There are zero countries that will stick their neck out to support our one man band Syrian war event. Get off your horse Lurch, and go back and enjoy your rowboat. We are tired of being played as fools by fools.

Recently WSJ reported on John Kerry’s claim that the number of countries supporting a U.S. attack on Syria reached “double digits” but Kerry failed to name any.

JihadWatch noted the following:

Liechtenstein? Luxembourg? Andorra? San Marino? Monaco? Seychelles? Tuvalu? Tannu Tuva? No, not even them. Kerry didn’t name them because he doesn’t have them. He is bluffing.

Apparently, McDonough has a similar problem. In a CNN interview with White House Chief of Staff, Dennis McDonough was repeatedly pressed by Candy Crowley to provide examples of countries that will endorse or provide personnel or equipment for a military intervention in Syria. McDonough emphasized other nations condemnations of Syria but no specifics on support for intervention. The key WH strategy seems to be the repeated memo phrase:  ”Holding him [Syria] to account,” and vague references of “support.”

H/T:Gateway Pundit

Published on Sep  8, 2013

Appearing on CNN on September 8, White House chief of staff Denis McDonough couldn’t provide one example of a country currently offering military support for an intervention in Syria.