Tea Party Terrorists in Waco, Texas

Waco, Texas, now that sure rings a bell.  That is not the place to put attention upon. It was a location, a town, and a reminder, of all that could go wrong with the Government, and the ATF in particular. Ruby Ridge, Gun Runner, Walker, or whatever you want to call  it. All brought to us by a Government out of control.

H/T:Big Government

From Accuracy in Media’s Ben Johnson:

Have you ever been taken hostage by an 86 year old white haired lady in pink glasses?  I have.  I am lucky to be alive today and writing this after my near death experience with the terrorists of the Tea Party in Waco, TX.  AIM present’s to you, the face of evil in America.

The Tea Party movement is not a militia, it is 55% women, most with children. They are educated and caring Americans that simply want the Constitution returned. They all understand that violence is not acceptable, against others, or against the government. It is also unnecessary. The ballot box will do just fine.

Those on the left, like Clinton, seem to be longing for the violence to come. Perhaps because they realize they are going to lose power without spilling a single drop of blood, and there is nothing they can do about it. At least if they were to incite violence, the government would have a reason to step in and shut down the protests. VA Right 

pictured: children murdered by the U.S. government during the Waco Massacre]

Some of the children murdered in the Waco Massacre by Bill & Hillary Clinton and the ATF and FBI. Who are the Terrorists? From: Clintons and their Waco Slaughter:

Mrs Clinton grew more and more impatient as the Waco stand-off came to dominate the headlines during the early months of the Clinton administration, said Bell. It was she, according to Bell’s sources, who pressured a reluctant Janet Reno to act.

“Give me a reason not to do this,” Reno is said to have begged aides shortly before orders were issued for the final assault.

Final H/T to: Commie Blaster for the lead.