Arizona’s Jeffrey Landrigan executed-drugs not FDA-approved: Supreme Court gives OK

Do you think the guy is going to get Cancer? A non-approved drug for a non approved killing. So it takes a little long- do I really care? Struggle on. The second time this scumbag murdered. He should have been killed the first time around. I must say, this is the one thing the Islamo’s have right. No 5-4 decisions there. Justices Ruth Bader Ginsburg, Stephen G. Breyer, Sonia Sotomayor and Kagan voted for the stay. Justice Elena Kagan cast her first vote on the Supreme Court late Tuesday, joining the liberals in dissent when the high court cleared the way for the execution of an Arizona murderer. Shocker-two libs of Zero vote to stay.

The state of Arizona executed a convicted murderer on Tuesday night despite objections from attorneys that the state would use a non-approved drug from overseas for the lethal injection. Just hours before Jeffrey Landrigan‘s death, the Supreme Court voted 5-4 to lift a stay issued by a federal judge to halt the execution.

“There is no evidence in the record to suggest that the drug obtained from a foreign source is unsafe,” the Supreme Court said.  GEE WHIZ. 

 Due to a U.S. shortage, the state turned to a non-FDA approved drug. It was later revealed that the source was the U.K., although the actual company that makes the drug is still unknown.

Landrigan was convicted of the grisly 1989 murder of Chester Dean Dyer, whom he strangled during an armed burglary after escaping from an Oklahoma jail where he had been serving another sentence for second-degree murder.

More at the NY Daily News

4 Responses to “Arizona’s Jeffrey Landrigan executed-drugs not FDA-approved: Supreme Court gives OK”

  1. FDA Helps States Get Execution Drug « BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] memory lane, recall this? Supreme Court OK’s non-apporved execution drugs – yes, the ACLU had brought this up last year before the Supreme Court because the […]


  2. Matt Says:

    If this were advertised, this is how the commercial might go…

    “If, after using death drug, you have shortness of breath or a rash, call your Dr. immediately, and these are signs of a serious medical condition. “


  3. fleeceme Says:

    “There is no evidence in the record to suggest that the drug obtained from a foreign source is unsafe,”…We are trying to kill the guy right? I think safe is kind of irrelevant.


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