Tucker Carlson is Back! Ukraine to Space Aliens


We got ourselves some Tucker. 50 Million views since he made his debut on Twitter last night and we get Tucker as only he can be. His sardonic view of events catches one’s attention. Good writing whether one agrees with him or not. His shreds the view of the dam in Ukraine that got blown up by Russia. After all Russia bad, bad, bad. He goes on to discuss the possibility of the view that there are more in the universe besides us, no new thought of his for sometime. I will throw in Jeannine’s thoughts on the matter as well.

‘The Five’ co-hosts discuss the whistleblower that came forward claiming that the government is in possession of alien vehicles.



One wonders why it is so hard to tolerate Tucker. Regardless if you agree with him or not, he goes where few trend and live to tell more, or at least are muzzled as we have learned.

The very best of the swamp indeed.

Twitter Hired More Than A Dozen Ex-FBI CIA Agents – Many Still There


We are concerned that Twitter and meetings with the CIA and FBI? Ex-Agents were embedded within Twitter and it appears they are for the most part still there. Here is a list of 15 names with their linked profiles. Tucker Carlson lists additional names in the video below.

What do all of these Twitter employees have in common? They were ALL hired since Donald Trump was elected. How many “Jim Bakers” are imbedded in Twitter, possibly working against Musk? or…..”watching” you. Musk needs  to do some investigating and clean house. How many at FaceBook and other Social Media sites?

Why, after Trump was elected, did Twitter hire over a dozen ex FBI/CIA agents and place them in Senior Management roles?


Fox News host Tucker Carlson questions why former intelligence officials were working as top executives for Twitter



I picked up this Twitter Thread and checked out most of their LinkedIn profiles. Looks like a couple removed FBI/CIA and have moved on but one can read between the lines. Their link is at the bottom of the dark print below the name and you can click on it.


Twitter has many ex FBI/CIA agents in high ranks. .


2. Kevin Michelena – current Twitter Sr. Corporate Security Analyst. Ex FBI Intelligence Analyst 12 years


3. Doug Hunt – current Twitter Senior Director. Ex FBI Special Agent 20 years.


4. Mark Jaroszewski – current Twitter Director Corporate Security/Risk. Ex FBI 20 years


5. Douglas Turner – current Twitter Senior Manager, Corporate and Executive Security Services. Ex FBI 14 years. Ex Secret Service 7 years.


6. Patrick G. – current Twitter Head of Corporate Security. Ex FBI Special Agent 23 years.




7. Karen Walsh – current Twitter Director – Corporate Resilience. Ex FBI Special Agent 21 years


8. Russell Handorf – current Twitter Senior Staff Technical Program Manager. Ex FBI 10 years.


9. Michael B. – current Twitter Senior Corporate Security Manager. Ex FBI 23 years.


10. Vincent Lucero – current Twitter Senior Security Manager. Ex FBI Special Agent 22 years.


11. Kevin L. – current Twitter Corporate Security Manager. Ex FBI Special Agent 25 years.





12. Matthew W. – current Twitter Senior Director of Product Trust, Revenue Policy, and Counsel Systems & Analytics. Ex FBI 15 years.


13. Claire O. – current Twitter Senior Corporate Security Analyst. Ex FBI 8 years.


14. Bruce A. – current Twitter Director, Corporate Security. Ex FBI 23 years.


15. Jeff Carlton – current Twitter Senior Manager. Ex FBI & CIA Intelligence Analyst 3 years.


You can find the thread as well as the thread reader below:


Kash Patel Asks Why Isn’t Elon Musk Releasing the FBI Emails and DHS Contact Documents with Twitter?

Conservative Tree House as well as Miranda Devine believe we are getting the Cliff Note edition of the posted Emails. Then again if they had embedded FBI agents it may not have required much of a conversation. Devine is “parking” her opinion of Elon Musk on the matter. One has to wonder how did Jim Baker manage to hang around for so long and in fact was vetting the emails. Then we have these FBI and CIA ex spooks and Musk is not dealing with it?

Former House Intelligence Committee lead investigator Kash Patel appeared on Steve Bannon’s podcast to discuss the Twitter Files. {Direct Rumble Link} Within the interview Mr. Patel asks the obvious question: Why are we not seeing the document trail where the FBI is making contact with Twitter?

The contacts are noted within the Twitter File release, but the specific methods, people and documents or email requests from the U.S. government into Twitter are not being released. Kash Patel asks Elon Musk to release these documents and asks why are we not seeing them?


Foreign spies? Check out internal spies.

The best of the swamp today.

FTC Going After Musk Over Twitter

The Federal Trade Commission. It has been reported without much fanfare that the FTC is sticking their nose into the Twitter purchase by Musk. Of concern is the radical head of the agency.

The Federal Trade Commission could be unfairly biased against Elon Musk’s acquisition of Twitter due to its chairwoman’s previous employment at a left-wing group, according to Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH).

Jordan asked FTC Chairwoman Lina Khan to provide extensive details of her interactions with her former employer, the Open Markets Institute, and say whether she or the FTC have had any interactions with the agency regarding an April 26 statement from OMI Director Barry Lynn advocating federal intervention regarding the Twitter takeover bid. More

We heard a lot about the agency during the Obama administration.  So while it is easy to shrug off this story as nothing since it appears to be obvious that there cannot be anything that they can sink their teeth into….well not so fast. At the least they can tie up the Twitter purchase by months if not longer. After all, don’t we want at least to get passed November 2022? Better, block it and tie it up in litigation for years even when everyone knows the FTC will lose in the end. We have seen this play before.

Front Page Mag:

So why is the FTC even considering an antitrust review of Twitter? The answer is obvious: the FTC is part of today’s political establishment, which is dominated by Leftists who don’t believe in the freedom of speech and are trying to destroy it in the name of stamping out “hate speech” and disinformation. The FTC today is full of people who believe that Old Joe Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board is a grand idea, and that their friends, colleagues, and allies ought to have the power to silence anyone who says things they believe are false, hateful, or damaging in whatever way.

Also part of this establishment is the Open Markets Institute, which claims to “address threats to our democracy, individual liberties, and our national security from today’s unprecedented levels of corporate concentration and monopoly power.” Yet instead of fighting against the social media giants’ monopoly of Leftist speech restrictions, OMI Director Barry Lynn is going after Musk’s acquisition of Twitter.

Lynn stated, “The Open Markets Institute believes the deal poses a number of immediate and direct threats to American democracy and free speech. Open Markets also believes the deal violates existing law, and that the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), the Department of Justice (DOJ), and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have ample authority to block it.”

This is a rancid pile of hooey, and Lynn likely knows that. The FTC may well block the deal, but if it does, it will be because the establishment determines that such a block would be the most effective way it can deal with the problem Musk presents, not because it actually has the authority to do so or because there is any actual justification for not allowing the deal to go through.

Even worse is Lynn’s claim that Musk’s purchase of Twitter “poses a number of immediate and direct threats to American democracy and free speech.” This is straight-up Orwellian “War Is Peace” territory. Twitter right now is a far-Left propaganda platform on which saying that a man can’t be a woman (although that has relaxed somewhat since news of Musk’s acquisition) and that there was chicanery involved in the 2020 presidential election can get you banned.

Innumerable people who have spoken out in various ways against the Left’s fantasies and delusions have been banned; others remain but are heavily shadowbanned, which means that they might as well be gone, as hardly anyone ever sees what they say aside from a few people of like mind.

Read more

Let’s take a look at this flashback:

We are picking up where Obama left off and it isn’t taking any eight years to get there.

FTC to “reinvent” journalism

This is not a document meant to salvage an independent press.  It’s a road map for government control over the news.

The nation needs a strong, independent press, the FTC argues, and so they want to find ways for government to “reinvent” journalism.  If that sounds vaguely Orwellian to you, the actual language in the Federal Trade Commission’s discussion-points memo should have hairs standing on the backs of necks across the nation.  It shows a wildly laughable rationale for government intervention that would prop up the failing newspaper model in a manner that would put the entire industry at the mercy of the federal bureaucracy it’s supposed to keep in check.

Not only that, it then offers a very strange definition of “subsidy” in order to provide cover for a government intervention:

There are reasons for concern that experimentation may not produce a robust and sustainable business model for commercial journalism. History in the United States shows that readers of the news have never paid anywhere close to the full cost of providing the news. Rather, journalism always has been subsidized to a large extent by, for example, the federal government, political parties, or advertising.

Mark Tapscott warns that a government reinvention of journalism will mean a journalism much less likely to be independent:

[W]hat they cannot deny is what is clearly written in the FTC document and what it reveals about the intention behind the initiative, which is to transform the news industry from an information product collected by private individuals and entrepreneurs as a service to private buyers, to a government-regulated public utility providing a “public good,” as defined and regulated by government.

The authors hide this dangerous intention behind carefully worded expressions of concern for preserving “quality journalism” and “addressing emerging gaps in reporting,” and they rationalize their proposed approach of massive government intervention in the news process as simply an extension of what government has always done via postal subsidies, tax breaks, and so forth. …

Better to explain yet again that the original intention of the Founders with respect to the media – “Congress shall make no law respecting … the freedom of the press” – is the key to saving independent journalism.

Then we must remind them that the adversarial relationship that is supposed to exist between journalists and public officials must apply no matter who those public officials might be or what political party or ideological school of thought they represent.

Elected officials’ first thought is always about re-election, while career government workers’ is job security. A journalist’s first thought is supposed to be getting the facts.

To that end, we’re supposed to be adversaries, not co-conspirators, partners, favored “stakeholders,” or beneficiaries. That’s why the Constitution made us independent.

Best of the swamp today.

Will the government internet ‘kill switch’ going to be used?



At 3pm ET on June 2, 2019 it appears that Google Cloud (affecting Gmail, YouTube, SnapChat, Instagram, Twitter and Facebook among others) mysteriously (and almost unprecedently) went offline. Was this the trial run?

This brought to mind Obama’s Executive Order just in case you think this is a tin foil hat thing. Congress had big plans too.

Incident began at 2019-06-02 12:25 (all times are US/Pacific).

Jun 02, 20 12:25 We are investigating an issue with Google Compute Engine. We will provide more information by Sunday, 2019-06-02 12:45 US/Pacific.

One Google insider explains (via YCombinator):

I work on Google Cloud (but disclaimer, I’m on vacation and so not much use to you!).

We’re having what appears to be a serious networking outage. It’s disrupting everything, including unfortunately the tooling we usually use to communicate across the company about outages.

There are backup plans, of course, but I wanted to at least come here to say: you’re not crazy, nothing is lost (to those concerns downthread), but there is serious packet loss at the least. You’ll have to wait for someone actually involved in the incident to say more.

The internet is having a very bad day… Zero Hedge  and more of the details and a tip of the hat.




If you think this couldn’t happen, check back at what Obama and Congress had in mind a few years ago.

Presidential powers over the Internet and telecommunications were laid out in a U.S. Senate bill in 2009, which proposed handing the White House the power to disconnect private-sector computers from the Internet. But that legislation was not included in the Cybersecurity Act of 2012. I caught some discussion of this at the time, and the rationale was that  “misinformation” may need to be curtailed. Where did I hear that before? Anyone still wondering where we are headed with this? Think the Dems won’t try this again?

President Obama signed an executive order the week of July 12, 2012 that could give him control over the web in times of emergency.

According to The Verge, critics of the order are concerned with Section 5.2, which is a lengthy part outlining how telecommunications and the Internet are controlled. It states that the Secretary of Homeland Security will “oversee the development, testing, implementation, and sustainment” of national security and emergency preparedness measures on all systems, including private “non-military communications networks.” According to The Verge, critics say this gives Obama the on/off switch to the Web.

The order, known as the, “Assignment of National Security and Emergency Preparedness Communications Functions,” exists to hand over full control of communications and the internet to certain government authorities in times of natural disaster and security emergencies.

The wording for the executive order is of course lengthy and uses politician language, but the part worth pointing out is in section 5.2. It is in this section that the order states that Homeland Security will be able to monitor and control all non-military forms of communications in times of extreme measures, which is essentially giving the White House the on/off switch to the internet, according to some critics.

You can read more about the executive order, which still at the time still had 30 days before it became a law, over at CNET and The Verge. If you want to check out the order in its entirety, go to the White House press page.


Executive Order — National Defense Resources Preparedness

In a nutshell, it’s the blueprint for Peacetime Martial Law and it gives the president the power to take just about anything deemed necessary for “National Defense”, whatever they decide that is. It’s peacetime, because as the title of the order says, it’s for “Preparedness”.


Sec. 201. Priorities and Allocations Authorities. (a) The authority of the President conferred by section 101 of the Act, 50 U.S.C. App. 2071, to require acceptance and priority performance of contracts or orders (other than contracts of employment) to promote the national defense over performance of any other contracts or orders, and to allocate materials, services, and facilities as deemed necessary or appropriate to promote the national defense, is delegated to the following agency heads:(1) the Secretary of Agriculture with respect to food resources, food resource facilities, livestock resources, veterinary resources, plant health resources, and the domestic distribution of farm equipment and commercial fertilizer;(2) the Secretary of Energy with respect to all forms of energy;(3) the Secretary of Health and Human Services with respect to health resources;(4) the Secretary of Transportation with respect to all forms of civil transportation;(5) the Secretary of Defense with respect to water resources; and(6) the Secretary of Commerce with respect to all other materials, services, and facilities, including construction materials



A very good day in the swamp.

Mika Brzezinski demands twitter remove ‘sick disgusting Trump’


Mika of Joe Scarborough fame apparently poked the bear one too many times and the tirade began. Weeks of Joe and Mika’s apparently reached the limit. Amazing that Mika thinks she can call up twitter and banish him to the land of Oz. Perhaps she can. Yet to see the Trump’s tweets that caused her rampage.

Mika Brzezinski, co-host of MSNBC’s Morning Joe went off on a rant about President Trump today, calling him “sick” and “disgusting,” and calling on Twitter’s Jack Dorsey to censor the President’s tweets. Mika told Twitter, “you should be ashamed of yourself — you’ll be hearing from me on this, because this is BS.”

“He’s tweeting again, all sorts of crazy things … once again tweeting conspiracy theories about Joe [Scarborough], falsely accusing him of murder, talking about the death of a young staffer in his congressional office years ago, and calling him dangerous to walk the streets.”

“That’s sick, Donald, you’re a sick person…to put this family through this… To do this just because you’re mad at Joe, because Joe got ya again today, because he speaks the truth, and he speaks plainly about your lack of interest and empathy in others, and your lack of ability to handle this massive human catastrophe, the fact that you’ve made it worse, and that you make it worse every day, and that you won’t even wear a mask to protect people from your germs.”


Then there is this?




For more of Mika’s rants and tweets directed to twitter go to and a H/T Breitbart

Not the first dust up: July 2017

Mika Brzezinski said “My parents found me very difficult to educate”

Amazing isn’t it? Donald tweets about low I.Q. Mika and what should we find? Mika had admitted that she was “very difficult to educate.” I guess the Donald wasn’t so far off.

In March of 2012, co-host Joe Scarborough revealed on the show that Brzezinski’s brother once jested, “You know… Mika had the lowest SAT scores in the history of Williams College.”

 In 2012, a New York Times reporter noted that Brzezinski’s older brother and mother “have taken great delight in announcing publicly that” her “SAT scores were the lowest of any student ever accepted to Williams College.”

Brzezinski replied:

What you’re hearing about is mostly joking. But my parents had very high standards academically, and my brothers were in a lane that my father could understand and be proud of. They were intellectually far superior to me. My parents found me very difficult to educate.

When asked how low her SAT scores were, Brzezinski said, “You’re not getting that out of me. I told my daughter the other day, and she was like, ‘Wow, you better not tell anyone, Mom.’’’

So what is it all about? Something silly on a Thursday morning from the swamp.


Twitter will hide ‘harmful tweets’ from public figures. Hint: Trump


Today, Twitter is rolling out a new notice for tweets belonging to public figures that break its community guidelines. Now, if a figure like President Donald Trump were to tweet something that broke Twitter’s rules, the platform could notify users of the violation and lessen the reach of the tweet. In recent interviews, Twitter executives have hinted that a change like this would be coming soon.


“In the past, we’ve allowed certain Tweets that violated our rules to remain on Twitter because they were in the public’s interest, but it wasn’t clear when and how we made those determinations,” Twitter’s safety team wrote in a blog post. “Serving the public conversation includes providing the ability for anyone to talk about what matters to them; this can be especially important when engaging with government officials and political figures.”

Trump, in particular, has drawn criticism for perceived violations of Twitter’s rules. In 2017, he tweeted a picture showing himself wrestling with the CNN logo, which many saw as encouraging violence targeted at the media.

In January 2018, Twitter specifically addressed calls to ban Trump from the service. “Blocking a world leader from Twitter or removing their controversial Tweets would hide important information people should be able to see and debate,” the company said in a blog post at the time.

Read more

This should work out swell for the 2020 election. We can’t say we didn’t see this coming.

This should look familiar soon….



Other than this, all is well in the swamp.

Be sure and visit  WhatFingerNews  A great site for all the news.

Our Rights. Do most of us even understand them?

Our Rights

Do most of us even understand them?

By Mustang

A common complaint today is that one or another social media platform have banned someone because they, in some way, violated platform standards of conduct.  At least, that’s the allegation; but I have to ask: Um … so?

Perhaps it is true that social media standards are draconian, and they may even be politically biased.  We may not like these so-called standards, but there is another argument.  Given what we know about human behavior on social media, some of which is out-right cowardly and vulgar, most of which we would never tolerate from anyone in person, and some of which is clearly dangerous to public safety, what is wrong with an attempt by social media to enforce well-mannered and lawful dialogue?  

Hasn’t it been true in the past that terrorists have used social media to communicate their plans and aspirations? Aren’t there predators on these platforms, people who bully and harass others?  Aren’t there some people who are unable to construct simple sentences without using the “F-bomb”?  I’m trying to imagine how many of us would host an afternoon party at our homes and then put up with such nonsense from one of our guests.  Speaking for myself, I wouldn’t put up with it more than a nanosecond.

Beyond this, there is the inane argument that social platforms are denying its clients their first amendment right to self-expression (no matter how inappropriate those expressions may be).  Well, a short review of the First Amendment is in order. The Constitution and its amendments only apply to government’s behavior toward us … it does not protect behavior between private persons. 

In other words, there is no right to free speech when someone is standing in our living rooms making an ass of him or herself —and should I toss an offensive person out the door, they have no right to have me arrested, or drag me into a civil court, for doing so.  I’m thinking we ought to stop using the “first amendment” argument: it is silly.

I often wonder if social media platforms aren’t part of the reason our society has become so fractured—so, my final argument, allowing that Facebook or Twitter is not a government entity, is that if people are offended because social media restricts their speech or behavior, they can always cancel their accounts—which, as best as I can tell offers us access to their platforms free of charge.  We do have choices, right?  We could, for example, reduce our profanity, curtail the tendency to be rude or obnoxious to people we have never even met, and we could seek ways of expressing our political proclivities other than shouting at one another.

What say you?

Benghazi hero suspended by Twitter after criticism of Obama


We owe it to those who were willing to risk their lives and gave their lives in Benghazi to give some attention to what Twitter did to Kris Paronto. This is only going to get worse. Meanwhile Linda Sasour’s account remains in fine shape as well as:

Active Twitter accounts:

– Farrakhan
– Hamas
– Ahmadinejad

Suspended Twitter account:

– Benghazi hero Kris ‘Tanto’ Paronto

Now if he had criticized Trump all would have been okay. (Note there are some long breaks in my post.) Go over to Gateway Pundit to see the thread  Gateway Pundit


A refresher as Hillary Clinton breeches again for this November election- just what a liar she is with her evolving statements on Benghazi. No less than from CNN.


Barack Obama: “The politics of division and paranoia has found a home, unfortunately, in the Republican party. … they’ve embraced wild conspiracy theories by those surrounding Benghazi. Or my birth certificate.”

Benghazi hero Kris Paronto responded to the former president.

Kris has not forgotten about the men lost as Obama did nothing.

Kris Paronto@KrisParonto

Benghazi is a conspiracy @BarackObama ?! How bout we do this,let’s put your cowardly ass on the top of a roof with 6 of your buddies&shoot rpg’s&Ak47’s at you while terrorists lob 81mm mortars killing 2 of your buddies all while waiting for US support that you never sent🖕🏼

Kris Paronto@KrisParonto

After being in the @Twitter penalty box for a few and having to delete the below tweet 😏 for offending the leftist hate group @itmustend_ 😢 for their epic fail of telling Rob O’Neill that BHusseinObama killed UBL and not him I’m back up..sooo Twitter doesn’t censor ehh @jack ?


Twitter Sends Users Creepy ‘Big Brother’ Email Regarding Secret ‘Russian Influence’ Online

One of the founding members of Bunkerville received a sweet note from Twitter. It tells us where we are heading doesn’t it? 1984 has been here and is long past gone. I will let you connect the dots.

——– Original message ——–
From: Twitter <info@twitter.com>
Date: 1/19/18 6:32 PM (GMT-05:00)
To: Silence2Tyranny <xxxxxxxxxx@gmail.com>
Subject: Information Regarding Russian Influence Campaigns on Twitter
Dear Silence2Tyranny,
As part of our recent work to understand Russian-linked activities on Twitter during the 2016 U.S. presidential election, we identified and suspended a number of accounts that were potentially connected to a propaganda effort by a Russian government-linked organization known as the Internet Research Agency.
Consistent with our commitment to transparency, we are emailing you because we have reason to believe that you either followed one of these accounts or retweeted or liked content from these accounts during the election period. This is purely for your own information purposes, and is not related to a security concern for your account.
We are sharing this information so that you can learn more about these accounts and the nature of the Russian propaganda effort. You can see examples of content from these suspended accounts on our blog if you’re interested.
People look to Twitter for useful, timely, and appropriate information. We are taking active steps to stop malicious accounts and Tweets from spreading, and we are determined to keep ahead of the tactics of bad actors. For example, in recent months we have developed new techniques to identify accounts manipulating our platform, have improved our process for challenging suspicious accounts, and have introduced new measures designed to identify and take action on coordinated malicious activity. In 2018, we are building on these improvements. Our blog also contains more information about these efforts.
People come to Twitter to see what’s happening in the world. We are committed to making it the best place to do that and to being transparent with the people who use and trust our platform.


Twitter shuts down ‘Truckers Ride for the Constitution’

UPDATE:   Background Maggie’s Notebook Has more on what’s going down:

Truckers Ride October 11, 12, 13 – No Freight Hauling, Flags Flying – How You Can Help Locally, Where to Meet-up

Having just learned that Government shutdown: The National Mall will be open for a pro-amnesty rally from America’s Watchtower:

But as sickening as all of this is, what is even more sickening is this story:

    While the National Mall is closed to most of the American people there is one group which is going to be allowed to hold a rally on that site tomorrow. While denying WWII veterans the chance to view their monuments the Park Service has given the green light to a pro-amnesty rally at the National Mall.

The “Truckers Ride for the Constitution” sounds like a great idea. How about throwing in some Bikers to take a look-see at the World War II monument?  Of course, Obama’s boys from Twitter and Facebook are now shutting down access to their Social Media sites. Sounds about right for this regime.

Enraged by low wages, fuel prices, regulations, the government shutdown, the debt ceiling, President Obama and  “the corruption that is destroying America,” the “Truckers Ride for the Constitution” aims to tie up three lanes of Interstate 495 circling the nation’s capital, with big rigs traveling 55 mph, an organizer told U.S. News & World Report.

UPDATE: Twitter account back up and running!

Twitter has suspended the account belonging to ‘Truckers for the Constitution’, a group that has received national media attention over its plan to roadblock traffic in DC and arrest members of Congress later this week.

Twitter reacted to the news by almost immediately terminating the group’s account.

Attempting to access the organization’s https://twitter.com/T2SDA page brings up the following message:

Twitter Shuts Down Truckers for the Constitution 071013sus

Although the group’s Facebook page currently has nearly 50,000 likes, its previous incarnation was also permanently deleted.

Facebook and Twitter’s targeting of ‘Truckers for the Constitution’ is yet another reminder that the social media giants have total contempt for the First Amendment and any form of political activism that is anti-Obama.

Despite the fact that Twitter routinely fails to shut down accounts that directly threaten violence, and is even slow in removing accounts belonging to terrorist groups (it took 5 days for them to shut down an Al-Qaeda account), its targeting of Truckers for the Constitution is ruthless in comparison.

Within hours of the group’s planned protest appearing in U.S. News & World Report and being linked up on the Drudge Report, the account was terminated. H/T: Prison Planet

Although the event, scheduled for Friday, has been public for around a week, it went viral this morning after being covered in a lengthy piece by U.S. News & World Report which was also linked on the Drudge Report.

“We are not going to ask for impeachment,” the group’s organizer Earl Conlon said. “We are coming whether they like it or not. We’re not asking for impeachment, we’re asking for the arrest of everyone in government who has violated their oath of office.”

Last week, one of the promoters said 3,000 truckers had said they planned to participate in the holiday-weekend rally. Two convoys reportedly will leave from the Doswell Truck Stop in Doswell, Va.

The “general strike” seeks to enlist sympathetic motorists — and will let them pass if they display the group’s calling card: T2SDA, which stands for “Truckers to Shut Down America,” the original name.

The group behind the rally, “Ride for the Constitution,” said in a news release that the “stage is now set for what we now consider the last peaceful defensive stand in a war that has been declared by Wall Street, Washington, and the Whitehouse upon the American people.” More at  USA Today