347,000 plus convicted illegal ‘immigrants’ on the lose – Clinton supports Sanctuaries

How are those sanctuary cities working out Hillary?? We wonder why the cities are going down the tubes. Here are a few statistics that should put our hair on fire:

UPDATE: Silverfiddle included this little item in the comments section:

While illegal immigrants account for about 3.5 percent of the U.S population, they represented 36.7 percent of federal sentences in FY 2014 following criminal convictions

Hundreds of thousands of convicted criminal immigrants remain at large in the U.S. and a number have gone on to commit additional crimes.

In January, the Department of Homeland Security revealed in a 38-page document to Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) showing that of those criminals released in 2013, 1,000 had gone on to commit additional crimes including, terroristic threats, lewd acts with a minor, various types of assault, DUI, robbery, hit-and-run, gang activity, rape, and child cruelty.

According to a March 2, 2015 “ICE Weekly Departures and Detention Report” obtained by Center for Immigration Studies expert Jessica Vaughan and shared with Breitbart News, there were 168,680 convicted criminal immigrants who had final orders of removal but who remained at large in the U.S.

Another 179,018 convicted criminal immigrants with deportation cases pending also remained at large.

While the vast majority were not in custody some were detained — namely 6,220 criminal immigrants facing final deportation orders and another 7,680 convicted criminal immigrants with immigration cases pending.

In recent years there has been a focus on the number of annual criminal immigrant releases.

Keep reading…

Vote Tally Count Immigration funding full fiscal year


(Reuters) – The House of Representatives approved full fiscal-year funding for the U.S. domestic security agency on Tuesday, dealing a blow to conservative Republicans who had wanted the bill to include language blocking President Barack Obama’s recent executive orders on immigration. (167 GOPers voted no)

The House, in a 257-167 vote, backed a Senate-passed funding bill stripped of any immigration provisions, ending a bitter fight that raised new questions about House Speaker John Boehner’s ability to manage fractious conservatives and brought the agency within hours of a partial shutdown last week.

Obama has said he will sign the funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security, which spearheads domestic counterterrorism efforts. Spending authority for the department was scheduled to end at midnight onFriday.More at Reuters

Click on “Blue” Yea and Nay below for individual votes. Added gov track link for easier to read results with breakdown by States. and party.


FINAL VOTE RESULTS FOR ROLL CALL 109(Republicans in roman; Democrats in italic; Independents underlined)

H R 240      YEA-AND-NAY      3-Mar-2015      3:14 PM
QUESTION:  On Motion to Recede and Concur in the Senate Amendment
BILL TITLE: Making appropriations for the Department of Homeland Security for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2015, and for other purposes


TOTALS 257 167   9


Obama DHS Now EXPEDITING Visa Requests From Ebola-Infected Countries

Two posts today, if my earlier one wasn’t a blockbuster, this one should make us sick. Literally. Dept. of Homeland Insecurity

UPDATE: From Judicial Watch No sources other than the post. Washington Examiner now carrying the story with clip.

Obama Plans to Let Ebola-infected Foreigners Into U.S. for Treatment

Washington, DC – Judicial Watch has learned that the Obama administration is actively formulating plans to admit Ebola-infected non-U.S. citizens into the United States for treatment.  Specifically, the goal of the administration is to bring Ebola patients into the United States for treatment within the first days of diagnosis.

Back to the post:

Wondering how Thomas Eric Duncan was able to enter the U.S. while suffering from Ebola? He asked for a visa and received one in August.

In fact, the Department of Homeland Security is proudly advertising its “Ebola Outbreak-related Immigration Relief Measures to Nationals of Guinea, Liberia and Sierra Leone Currently in the United States.”

You read that right. Not only are the Obama Democrats leaving our doors wide open to those seeking entry from Ebola-infected countries, they’re actually expediting visa requests!



Doug Ross gets a Hat Tip with more graphs over at his place. How about this for a contrast?

Texas-Based Carnival Magic Cruise Ship Stuck At Sea With 4,633 Passengers and Dallas Healthcare Worker With Ebola Symptoms – Belize Refuses Port Entry – Belizeans Saying “Sink Ship” – Armed Belize Coast Guard Keeping Ship At Sea…

Intelligence reports: Oil tanker training now of potential terrorists

Add this to what we are not hearing about. I always felt our energy sources were the most vulnerable and could cause the most damage for anyone who wished us harm. Here is a story that should be front and center. Add to that an earlier post:

Missing Libyan Planes pose threat, Obama lifts ban on attending flight schools

U.S. intelligence agencies last month reported that a group of 22 Yemeni-Americans were training in Houston to be seamen on oil tankers, raising terrorism concerns over the unusual activity.

The Department of Homeland Security issued an Aug. 26 report from its National Terrorism Advisory System about the case.

Reporting revealed that 22 students of Middle Eastern descent from Michigan and California were enrolled in recent maritime training courses in Houston, TX to obtain training, licensing, and/or mariner ratings during calendar year 2014,” the report said. “All students were naturalized U.S. citizens from Yemen.”

The report said the U.S. government received confidential information from intelligence sources indicating suspicions about the Yemeni-Americans attending the seamanship classes. Most of the men were from Dearborn, Michigan, and their training in Texas was considered unusual because other marine training schools are located closer to Michigan.
Read more: Washington Times

Homeland Security raids home to seize Land Rover over EPA violation UPDATE

UPDATE: Video with the victim by Fox News added.
I could not think of a better companion piece to the Lawsuit vote taken yesterday by the House against this out of control government that appears to have no bounds. To all the trolling Obamabots, is this how you wish to live in America? The DHS grabbing your stuff under what purview? Yet, this story barely makes a ripple. Sadly, it is no longer rare. Every single agency is out of control.

Here we go:

In another example of how the Department of Homeland Security has expanded far outside the purview of its original function, six vehicles full of DHS agents were required to seize a Land Rover from a couple in Statesville, N.C. due to the fact that the vehicle allegedly violates EPA emission standards.As part of its mission to “protect the Homeland,” the DHS has been busy seizing imported vehicles that don’t comply with safety and CO2 regulations.

Jennifer and Bill Brinkley were satisfied that their $60,000 dollar purchase of a Land Rover Defender on eBay complied with regulations because it fell into the exemption category of a vehicle 25 years or older.However, when DHS agents turned up at the property, they compared the car’s Vehicle Identification Number to a list and immediately seized the Land Rover. The couple were not given “a chance to debate the issue.”

WBTV’s Steve Ohnesorge said DHS agents conducted “almost like a raid to get the car.”

“it’s just unnerving the way they did it,” said Bill Brinkley.
H/T: Dead Citizens Rigths Society

Iran links in Homeland Security’s troubled immigration program

A program that gives coveted immigrant green cards to wealthy foreign  investors was so susceptible to fraud and abuse that it was used by an Iranian  network that sought to send banned high technology home and spread terrorism  abroad, federal investigators said.

The memo called the EB-5 program a weak point in the nation’s immigration  security because visa holders can become green card holders and eventually  citizens — without going through the background checks that most prospective  immigrants face. The program is designed to attract foreigners who pledge to  invest in the U.S. economy.

If this is not enough to question the subversives that are running our government, recall an earlier post this week: Thousands of Iranian students here will benefit from “agreement” – thousands of Iranian students are here on much of our dime studying Science and Math, of course, under the auspices of the Iranian government to come to the so-called “Great Satan.” But I digressed.

The EB-5 program was used by “a network involved in a series of international  assassinations and terrorism operations” that also was “procuring a variety of  goods for Iranian entities,” states an unsigned memo from U.S. Immigration and  Customs Enforcement made public Thursday. The memo was written in response to  questions asked by Janet A. Napolitano as homeland security secretary.

CIS Director Alejandro Mayorkas has  touted his reforms to the program, centralizing its administration at  headquarters in Washington, instituting anti-fraud measures and hiring as many  as 100 economic and business analysts.

The memo was made public by Sen. Chuck  Grassley, Iowa Republican, in a letter to ICE acting Director John  Sandweg asking a series of questions about the case.

Read more: Washington Times>

ICE shuts down 84,000 websites…again!

This must have been great for the business sites. Keep working at it, and they might get it right! Maybe if ICE and homeland security works on our border issues, we would be better served. Stunning and a scary business. Damages? What damages by the government.

Most of the subdomains in question are personal sites and sites of small businesses. A search on Bing still shows how innocent sites were claimed to promote child pornography. A rather damaging accusation, which scared and upset many of the site’s owners.

The US Government has yet again shuttered several domain names this week. The Department of Justice and Homeland Security’s ICE office proudly announced that they had seized domains related to counterfeit goods and child pornography. What they failed to mention, however, is that one of the targeted domains belongs to a free DNS provider, and that 84,000 websites were wrongfully accused of links to child pornography crimes.

As part of “Operation Save Our Children” ICE’s Cyber Crimes Center has again seized several domain names, but not without making a huge error. Last Friday, thousands of site owners were surprised by a rather worrying banner that was placed on their domain.

The domain in question is mooo.com, which belongs to the DNS provider FreeDNS. It is the most popular shared domain at afraid.org and as a result of the authorities’ actions a massive 84,000 subdomains were wrongfully seized as well. All sites were redirected to the banner below.


More at Torrent Freak

Homeland Security seizes domain names -Websites being shutdown.

They are starting to make their move. What does DHS have to do with shutting down websites? By what authority? Of course this would happen on a Holiday weekend. No sense waiting for Congress which has a bill before it. -DHS and North Korea have a lot in common. I thought we had something called Due Process. Watch for the FCC to make their move on Net Neutrality. George Bush gave us the DHS and the TSA. The Terrorists are winning.

The investigative arm of the Homeland Security Department appears to be shutting down websi tes that facilitate copyright infringement.
Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has seized dozens of domain names over the past few days, according to TorrentFreak.
ICE appears to be targeting sites that help Internet users download copyrighted music, as well as sites that sell bootleg goods, such as fake designer handbags.
The sites are replaced with a note from the government: “This domain named has been seized by ICE, Homeland Security Investigations.”

The effort come as Congress considers the Combatting Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA). Critics, including Sen. Ron Wyden (D-Ore.) say it is too heavy-handed. He has vowed to put a formal hold on the bill. The Hill

“ICE office of Homeland Security Investigations executed court-ordered seizure warrants against a number of domain names,” said Cori W. Bassett, a spokeswoman for ICE, in a statement. “As this is an ongoing investigation, there are no additional details available at this time.”

Recall a couple of days ago?  Senate Committee Approves Controversial IP Bill

In short COICS allows censorship without due process The Senate Judiciary Committee has approved a controversial IP protection bill introduced by U.S. Sens. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt) and Orrin Hatch (R-Utah).

According to Computerworld, the Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act (COICA) would require domain registrars and Internet service providers to block access to websites the U.S. says is involved in copyright infringement. As the article explains:

In essence, COICA would allow the [Department of Justice] to file a civil, in rem action to seek a preliminary injunction against any website it determines is peddling copyrighted material and/or counterfeit goods.

IT Business Edge

Rectum Scanning Started at UK Prisons

Rectum Scanner

Rectum Scanner

I caught this over at Sweetness and Light – thanks for a good one!–just too perfect for today’s world. Wait until Big Sis hears about this gadget…Coming to our airport soon.

This is from February 2009, via the UK’s Telegraph,

Bottom scanners to be introduced in prisons

Prisons are set to introduce bottom scanners in an attempt to stop prisoners smuggling mobile phones into jail.

By Chris Irvine 02 Feb 2009

The £6,500 [$10,276] chairs are being put in 102 jails across Britain aimed to tackle a surge in phone smuggling.

Prisoners will have to sit on the chairs, called Body Orifice Security Scanners (Boss), which bleep if they have a phone hidden inside them. (Janet would like that nice long name)! Yepper.

They are then scanned in a non-intrusive manner and can also be used to detect drugs and weapons.

The mobile Boss chairs have three sensitive sensors which can detect metal items as small as a pin.

Resembling an electric chair, they have a metal detector on the seat and audio and visual alarms are activated when metal is carried into the magnetic field.

The person being screened positions their chin near the oral sensor and then sits momentarily in the chair. The entire procedure takes a few seconds.

So far two of the Boss devices have helped detect 21 mobile phones in just months at Woodhill prison, in Milton Keynes

As Sweetness and Light say:

‘First they came for the cell phones up our rectums. But I didn’t have a cell phone up my rectum…’

Still, we have nothing to worry about. Like so many things we see happening in Britain, it can’t happen here. We have Constitutional rights which will prevent these sort of things.

Republicans Frozen Out of Homeland Security Meeting

Our Gal Janet--keeping us safe and sound.

Update on the story of Napolitano stiffing the Jan.27 meeting with the House Committee on Homeland Security. Now an update: So much for that hopey changey thing on bi-partisanship. Guess no one is to know who knew what and when(Except the Dems).

See earlier post: https://bunkerville.wordpress.com/2010/01/29/house-democrats-scold-no-show-homeland-security-secretary-%e2%80%98where-the-hell-is-secretary-napolitano%e2%80%99/

Thursday, Feb. 4, Napolitano attended a meeting with the Democratic members of the House Committee on Homeland Security – Republican members were not allowed to attend. In addition, while media outlets were not allowed to cover the meeting, Secretary Napolitano spoke to CNSNews.com in the hallway prior to the closed-door event.
CNSNews.com asked, “Madame Secretary, why were unable to attend the public hearing [on Jan. 27] but you were able to attend the State of Union address?” 
Napolitano said, “I wasn’t scheduled to be at that hearing.” Just another tall tale from the WH.
