Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 6/22


Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week.  Satire, Memes and Mayhem. Nonsense and animals as well. Time to take a break from the madness.


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Bunk lost some of her page stuff in trying to fix Word Press. Have no fear… Your blog roll is here somewhere…. a search party is out there trying to figure how to get it back on the right side of the page. Thank you word press.



Good Morning!

We will start off with our usual “Deep Thoughts”

Deep Thoughts by Kamala Harris



Deep Thoughts by Joe Biden


Meme of the day



The best of the Bee

Meanwhile in New York…..



That’s it folks… that’s all she wrote. Have a wonderful day.

Northrup to Build Munitions Plant Inside Ukraine


Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

I am no Sun Tzu, but isn’t a bit odd that while a war is going on that rebuilding and new plant manufacturing commence? It would seem to be a prime target of the enemy.

So after Biden and his latest $60 Billion slush fund approved by congress, and Americans are assured this will be great for jobs jobs jobs here, we find the jobs are there there there.

But but but you said this was how it was going to work-



Mitch McConnell back in 2023 when he was still somewhat functional:

“No Americans are getting killed in Ukraine. We’re rebuilding our industrial base. The Ukrainians are destroying the army of one of our biggest rivals. I have a hard time finding anything wrong with that. I think it’s wonderful that they’re defending themselves,” he said on CBS’s Face the Nation.

From Bunks previous post:

Biden Pathetically Changes War Message; sells Ukraine Funding by Appealing to Profit Motives

Thus the White House now appeals to the old time give away of big bucks for the home town. Jobs Jobs Jobs to the locals to crank up the killing machine.

They even dusted off Mitch McConnell to make to “Face the Nation” for his pitch for the war.

Biden awkwardly pivoted to the supposed economic benefits that will come from borrowing even more money and shoveling it into the coffers of weapon manufacturers: 

“We send Ukraine equipment sitting in our stockpiles. And when we use the money allocated by Congress, we use it to replenish our own stores, our own stockpiles with new equipment. Equipment that defends America and is made in America. Patriot missiles for air defense batteries, made in Arizona. Artillery shells manufactured in 12 states across the country, in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Texas. And so much more.”

Last gasp effort. Behold the vast Military Industrial Complex.


After reading the whole thing, I find it obscene.

Here we go:

EUROSATORY 2024 — Northrop Grumman plans to produce medium caliber ammunition inside Ukraine under a project bankrolled by Ukrainian dollars, a company official said today.

Although several European defense firms have committed to large-scale manufacturing programs inside Ukraine’s borders, Northrop’s coproduction agreement is the first publicly acknowledged deal between a US defense prime and the Ukrainian government for a manufacturing project inside Ukraine.

“We’ve been working, as you know, in Ukraine to produce medium [caliber munitions]. That’s our first project that’s paid for with Ukrainian dollars. We are looking to expand that into tank ammo, 155 mm, others as we find innovative processes,” said Dave Bartell, director of international business for Northrop’s defense systems sector.

The acknowledgment of the agreement occurred during an exchange between Bartell and Stanley Brown, the State Department’s principal deputy assistant secretary for the bureau of political-military affairs, during Brown’s speech at the Eurosatory arms show in Paris.

Bartell did not elaborate on the coproduction plan, and Northrop declined to comment for this story. 

Building Production Inside Ukraine

US defense firms have lagged behind their European counterparts in forging coproduction agreements inside Ukraine. Earlier this month, Germany’s Rheinmetall acknowledged plans to open a Lynx Infantry Fighting Vehicle manufacturing plant in Ukraine “in the near future” and said it is in talks with Ukrainian suppliers on a new joint venture for in-country production of artillery ammunition.

Also this month, Franco-German manufacturer KNDS and Ukrainian firm KZVV signed a contract for production in Ukraine of 155mm artillery shells.

Earlier US coproduction efforts to support Ukrainian needs typically centered on efforts to produce US weaponry within the borders of NATO allies in Eastern Europe — such as a 2023 deal between Lockheed Martin and Raytheon to build Javelin anti-tank missiles in Poland — and stopped short of manufacturing arms inside Ukraine, which would be considerably more vulnerable to attack by Russia. 

However, in recent months, the US government has stepped up efforts to work directly with Ukraine’s defense sector. In December, the White House held a Ukraine Defense Industrial Base Conference that included 350 representatives from the US and Ukrainian governments along with their respective defense industries, which resulted in the countries signing a Statement of Intent on Co-production and Technical Data Exchange to address Ukraine’s urgent needs on munitions production, air defense systems, and repair and sustainment. 

….The Ukraine Defense Enterprise Program program, which was announced in May, will draw from Foreign Military Financing dollars in the $60.8 billion Ukraine supplemental funding bill passed in April, as well as funding from previous defense budgets, Inside Defense reported.

Keep reading

Though I shouldn’t have been surprised.

Let us not forget what else all of this gets us:

Ukraine-Israel Bill Included 3.5 Billion to Fast Track Mass Migration From the Middle East

Not only did the “Foreign Aid” package do nothing to secure our own border it included $3.5 Billion to supercharge mass migration from the Middle East.
Open borders? No problem. The Biden administration is setting up two new international field offices in Qatar and Turkey to facilitate the mass migration of refugees and economic migrants from the Middle East and the near-Middle East to resettle them throughout American cities.…

Zelensky’s Opening Act at Davos -Courts JPMorgan, Bank of America, Bridgewater CEO’s

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy met some of the biggest names in global finance on Tuesday morning on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. The Ukrainian leader spoke with JPMorgan’s Jamie Dimon, Blackstone’s Steve Schwarzman and Bridgewater founder Ray Dalio among others.



And finally, the coup de grace

They’re Back! Clinton Global Initiative to Launch Network to Provide ‘Humanitarian Aid’ to War-Torn Ukraine.

According to the Associated Press, the Clinton Global Initiative will be launching a new network dubbed CGI Ukraine Action Network:

CGI plans to announce the launch of the CGI Ukraine Action Network, as well as numerous financial pledges, to support nonprofits working in the country.

The CGI Ukraine Action Network is the result of a collaboration between Hillary Clinton and Olena Zelenska, first lady of Ukraine, that began last year. The new organization, which will be formally announced Tuesday, is designed to mobilize existing CGI partners, as well as new leaders from around the world, to create and finance new commitments for Ukrainians, according to CGI. Numerous monetary commitments for Ukraine are also set to be announced Tuesday,

In 2022, CGI announced more than 140 commitments, including a $1 billion plan from, co-founded by actor Matt Damon, to help 100 million people in Africa, Asia and Latin America get lasting access to water and sanitation. This year, leaders including World Bank President Ajay Banga, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky, World Central Kitchen founder Jose Andres and Ford Foundation CEO Darren Walker, will attend and make their own commitments, which are required for attendance at the conference.


And that indeed is the best of the swamp.

Environmental Hogwash and Fraud

by Mustang

He became an “environmentalist” because he was drawn to the other-than-human world of the wild: fast-moving rivers, pounding waterfalls, chirping birds, and gorgeous sunsets.  Along the way, he developed a deep resentment toward those killing the things he valued most, but even more than that, he hated those who didn’t seem to care.

However, over time, he began to question his environmental emotions.  Self-reflection caused him to ask, “If he was truly an environmentalist, aren’t humans also part of the environment, and don’t they behave in the only way humans can?”

His conclusions led him to this reality: environmentalists have become utilitarian cultists. They had replaced their environmentalism with activism, their new raison d’etre.  The word for this latest effort was sustainability.  It was a very curious word, defined in many different ways—depending on who attempted to explain it.

The United Nations defines it as: “the integration of environmental health, social equity, and economic vitality to create thriving, healthy, diverse, and resilient communities for this generation and future generations.  The practice of sustainability recognizes how these issues are interconnected and requires a  systems approach and an acknowledgment of complexity.”

The preceding definition has no meaning to an average human being.  It lacks vision but does so in a widely accepted pattern of incomprehensible liberal-speak.  This is how institutions manufacture their visions for the future.  Interestingly, we find this same pattern of incomprehensibility in nearly every school district’s boilerplate mission statements.

The authors of such hogwash begin with a list of high-sounding words (buzzwords) and then undertake to make sentences out of them.  Here’s an example, taken from an actual school district vision statement, helpful compared to the definition of sustainability: “[Name] ISD is a multicultural community in which students are enthusiastically and actively engaged in the learning process — because all students can learn. 

Our vision is to promote and encourage every student’s success, help guide parents and staff, and provide timely and accurate information with passion and excellence.  [Name] ISD empowers students to become critical thinkers, visionary leaders, and active contributors in their community, fostering a pathway to success for limitless opportunities in a competitive global landscape.

The UN’s vision statement for sustainability appears to have been written by a committee of kindergarten teachers asked to provide a vision for global environmentalism.  Sustainability is an entirely human-centered politicking disguised as a concern for “the planet.”

In just over a couple of decades, this ill-defined worldview has become pervasive, parroted by presidents, international bodies, corporate entities, and every classroom (K-12) from coast to coast. 

How well is it working?  Do this: pull any recent high school graduate aside and ask them to define sustainability, and they are likely to respond in one of two ways: (1) either with the canned definition provided above or (2) without a clue about what you’re asking — neither of which is desirable.  Better yet, ask the student to give examples of sustainability in their personal lives.  Our conclusion must be that environmentalism’s success has cost it its soul.

Let me elaborate: if sustainability is about anything, it is about carbon and climate change.  To listen to most environmentalists today, one would think these were the only things in the world worth discussing.  The business of “sustainability” is preventing carbon emissions — even though we humans depend on carbon to sustain our planet.  The quest to reduce our carbon footprint has made one former Vice President of the United States one of the world’s wealthiest environmentalists.

The noted (lucid) environmentalist Paul Kingsnorth described it this way: “Carbon emissions threaten a potentially massive downgrading of our prospects for material advancement as a species.  They threaten to unacceptably erode our resource base and put at risk our vital hordes of natural capital. 

If we cannot sort this out quickly, we will end up darning our socks again and growing our carrots and other unthinkable things.  All of the horrors our grandparents left behind will return like deathless legends.  Carbon emissions must be “tackled” like a drunk with a broken bottle — quickly and with maximum force.”

Paul Kingsnorth expresses his concerns this way: “But what I am also convinced of is that the fear of losing both the comfort and the meaning that our civilization gifts us has gone to the heads of environmentalists to such a degree that they have forgotten everything else.  The carbon must be stopped, like the Umayyad at Tours, or all will be lost.”

Unless, of course, the demand for zero carbon is a trick being played to reduce the human population globally.  A few decades ago, Dr. John Holdren (former presidential science advisor to Bill Clinton) argued for the forced sterilization of human beings to save the planet. 

No one in the 1960s was ready for such radicalism, and they still aren’t.  Less threatening, however — a way in through the back door, so to speak — is this constant clamoring for reducing agriculture to save the earth.  Such arguments are prevalent inside the European Union, where mutton-heads such as Ursula von der Hayden preside.  Reducing agricultural production will produce artificial famine, a painful way to die.

What our planet demands from us is balance.  Do we want clean oceans free of used plastic milk containers?  Sure.  Do we want to denude the earth of trees to have cardboard milk cartons?  Maybe not.  How valuable are energy-producing windmills?  They cost more to manufacture and install than they produce in sustainable energy.  From the outset, gigantic wind turbines were a dumb idea — and one that takes away from the landscapes we claim to love.  And they kill millions of birds every year.  Should we care about that?

Let me pause to emphasize.  Is zero waste even possible?

solid-waste collection contract ...

Millions of people produce a substantial amount of waste.  What does the City of New York do with their waste?  Each day, New York City produces 13,000 tons of waste, which is incinerated, sent to landfills, or recycled.

What should Hong Kong do with its waste if it does not incinerate it?  Whatever solutions you come up with must be intelligent and sensible.  Sending trash into space is not an option.  Neither is dumping it into the oceans.  Should Hong Kong’s leaders take the advice of Dr. John Holdren and forcibly reduce the island’s human population?

Herein lies the problem: the activists offer us no reasonable solutions to the issue of waste management.  Incineration may not be the best solution, but it is a solution until something better comes along. 

Consuming crickets is not a solution, and anyone who offers such solutions demonstrates their lack of seriousness, intelligence, or both.  Herein lies an even greater danger if protecting the planet is our over-arching concern: Environmentalism, while a noteworthy conversation, is losing its credibility with the planet’s thinking population.

Mustang also has blogs called  Fix Bayonets and Searching History

Oregon Set to Vote on Ballot Initiative of $750. A Year for Everyone with 3% Tax on Corporations

Here is a ballot initiative that portends Oregon’s final throes into becoming the socialist utopia so many have hoped for. Take from the rich and give to the poor and why stop at $750.00 a year? Why not per month or per week? After all, the job creators should be punished. And why not. Outside the state groups are salivating and donating in support of this initiative. Here we go:

Oregon voters will likely decide in November whether to establish a historic universal basic income program that would give every state resident roughly $750 annually from increased corporate taxes.

Proponents of the concept say they likely have enough signatures to place it on the ballot this fall, and opponents are taking them seriously.

The proposal, Initiative Petition 17, would establish a 3% tax on corporations’ sales in Oregon above $25 million and distribute that money equally among Oregonians of all ages. As of Friday, its backers had turned in more than 135,000 signatures, which is higher than the 117,173 required to land on the ballot. The validity of those signatures must still be certified by the Secretary of State’s Office.

“Yes, the funders are from California, but these are not like nefarious outside interests here,” Martinez said. “These are people who are committed to basic income.”

Oregon business groups are preparing to fight the measure. State business lobby Oregon Business and Industry and tax policy research nonprofit Tax Foundation say raising corporate taxes would harm companies and lead to higher costs of goods and services.

“(The proposed measure) would impose a massive tax increase in Oregon,” Oregon Business and Industry said in a statement. 
“It’s looking really good. It’s really exciting,” said Anna Martinez, a Portland hairstylist who helped form the group behind the campaign, Oregon People’s Rebate, in 2020. If approved by voters, the program would go into effect in January 2025.

Read more

The best of the swamp.

6000 Idaho Farmers with 500,000 Acres Needing Water Shut Off by State

Shutting off water to a farmer is a drastic move. Especially after he has already planted his crops in for the year. You would think the Idaho bureaucrats would have gotten their predictor guy predicting before it got this far. The whole story gets even more bizarre as this is Idaho State so we can’t blame D.C. Here we go:

Affected farmers in Idaho say the order to shut their water off was issued after they already paid to plant and fertilize their crops.If the water is shut off, Young said that would mean a total loss for this year’s wheat and barley crop and he would expect to get one cutting of alfalfa in, instead of the three he hoped for.“Being done for this year means absorbing several million dollars in losses this year and we don’t recover from that,” Young said in a phone interview. “That would spell the end of our business and that’s true for everybody else frankly who is farming.”

Young is among the eastern Idaho and Magic Valley family farmers and other water users who hold the 6,400 groundwater rights that are subject to curtailment. The Idaho Department of Water Resources said those water rights holders are being subject to curtailment because they are not in compliance with a state plan.

The Idaho Department of Water Resources said curtailment – or shutting off the water – is necessary because of a predicted water shortfall this year.

When it announced the curtailment order Thursday afternoon, the Idaho Department of Water Resources estimated 500,000 acres of farmland could be affected by shutting off the water.

Not to get in the weeds but…..then we learn the process of who gets cut: There are junior and senior groundwater rights holders.

How are water issues governed in Idaho?

On Thursday, Idaho Department of Water Resources Director Mathew Weaver issued a curtailment order that requires 6,400 junior groundwater rights holders who pump off the Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer to shut off their water, the Idaho Capital Sun previously reported.

From the Idaho Capital Sun Read more

“Not sure how much longer we will farm. This water curtailment will put us out of business.

The best of the swamp.

U.S. Naval Destroyer Attacked in Red Sea as War with Houthi Rebels Heats Up

There was a time when no one attacked a U.S. Navy vessel. Yet we hear nothing about the developing war in the Red Sea.

The U.S. Navy is engaged in intense combat with Iran-backed Houthi rebels from Yemen the Associated Press reported on Friday. Another result of the weakness of the Biden Administration. Here we go:

This conflict, which has been overshadowed by the Israel-Hamas war, is the most significant sea battle the Navy has faced since World War II.

The Houthis have been targeting more than 50 vessels in the Red Sea, leading to a drop in shipping traffic in the crucial corridor to the Suez Canal. The Houthis claim their attacks are to stop the Gaza war and support Palestinians while also trying to strengthen their position in Yemen.

The Navy’s mission to keep international waterways open has led to daily confrontations with the Houthis, who have upgraded from using assault rifles and pickup trucks to drones, missiles, and other advanced weaponry. These attacks have forced U.S. sailors to respond quickly to incoming threats.

Read more

Since November, the Houthis have launched near-daily attacks, including missiles, drones, and other weapons, targeting the Red Sea, Gulf of Aden, and the Bab el-Mandeb Strait. One notable incident on January 9 involved U.S. ships and aircraft downing 18 drones, two anti-ship cruise missiles, and a ballistic missile.

The Navy has faced similar periods of combat during the 1980s Tanker Wars, but the current conflict is more sustained. The Eisenhower and its supporting ships, including the USS Laboon and USS Cole, are heavily involved, often spending most of their time near Yemen.

Rear Adm. Marc Miguez confirmed Iran’s support for the Houthis, providing financial, intelligence, and military training despite U.N. sanctions. The U.S.-led campaign has carried out numerous airstrikes against Houthi positions in Yemen.

Yemen’s Ansar Allah group, popularly known as Houthis, has launched a big attack. Houthis attacked two civilian vessels and a U.S. Navy destroyer in the Red Sea and Arabian Sea. The American destroyer in the Red Sea was allegedly targeted with multiple ballistic missiles, while the ship named ‘Captain Paris’ was attacked using naval missiles. The Houthis said that the vessel ‘Happy Condor’ was targeted in the Arabian Sea with several drones.

Earlier back in February I posted:

The war is only getting worse.

The worst of the swamp.

Sunday Respite – ‘The Story of Love’

Wishing all the fathers out there a wonderful day. For today’s respite I have chosen “The Story of Love” by written by Carlos Eleta Almaran and done by Nancy Nunez. Featuring the Sax.

Here is a second chance to catch yesterday’s post full of fun and mayhem with the surprising title-

I’ll add some links from fellow bloggers who toil in the swamp for us.


When You Have Completely Lost Touch With Reality And Have A Hammer


Cartoons and Memes : Saturday Night Special

Tacky Raccoons – TR’s usual collection of a few great tunes.

Saturday Matinee – The David Gogo Band, The Atomic 44’s and Kevin Borich, John Watson & Harry Brus

Tactical Hermit – How easy it is to start at war

On This Day in Obscure History: The Pig War (1859)

The View from Lady Lake – Say it isn’t so  – Tupperware??

How ya gonna keep the lid on this? They’re moving all the jobs to Mexico…

Vermont Folk Troth -(Forget the goggle embedded link)

Biden’s U.S. Stalin, a clone of Britain’s Starmer — The Slog

Conservative Tree House

The Senate Version of the National Defense Reauthorization Act Really DOES Require 18-Year-Old Women to Register for Draft

On that happy note… it’s all she wrote… Have a wonderful day.

Saturday Passel of Fun and Mayhem 6/15

Let’s see what mischief our fellow earthlings have gotten themselves into this week.  Satire, Memes and Mayhem. Nonsense and animals as well. Time to take a break from the madness.


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Good Morning!

We will start off with our usual “Deep Thoughts”

Deep Thoughts by Kamala Harris

Deep Thoughts by Joe Biden

The best of the Bee

I’ll close out the post with a review of the Memes of the week. That was the week that was!



That’s all she wrote. Have a wonderful day.

Voodoo G7 50 Billion Dollar Ukraine loan

Try and make sense of the hocus pocus arrangement for the 50 Billion “loan.” As if Ukraine will every pay it back. Ten years into the future to “Trump proof” the arrangement.

The US and Ukraine have signed a ten-year bilateral security agreement on the sidelines of the G7 summit in Italy. Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy said the pact would protect not just his country, but the world, from Russian aggression. G7 leaders also backed a multi-billion dollar deal to use the interest from frozen Russian assets to help Ukraine strengthen its defenses and pay for reconstruction.

So says the notes to the  video.

A “Trump proof mechanism” in case Biden bites the dust in making sure WWIII remains on the table is more like it. So says the reporter in essence.

One more notch in threatening the dollar by confiscating Russian assets. Best stay our friends otherwise we may just seize your assets. This is what third world countries do.

Does anyone really believe Biden cooked up this nonsense?

Not what the Italian Prime Minister had in mind. she prefers a hand shake.

The best of the swamp.

Steve Bannon Interview with Tucker Carlson as the Clock Runs Out Before his Imprisonment

A fascinating interview by Tucker Carlson with Steve Bannon regarding his impending imprisonment. Most of us have a cursory understanding that basically Bannon didn’t respond to a subpoena.

But there is far more to it. The man deserves us giving a few minutes of our time to appreciate his commitment to his effort in saving our Republic.

It is only recently that I gave his program any of my attention. After all, who has time to sit down and listen to a couple of hours of rambling conversation that most talk show hosts go through each day.

In Bannon’s case, his segments are broken down by topic in 15 or 20 minute segments and you get to pick and choose. It is guest focused and moves along. Give it a try sometime.

Time is running out. One would think at least the man would have a chance to run his appeals before being locked up.

Bannon filed the request with a federal appeals court in Washington D.C., with his counsel saying he “intends to vigorously pursue his remaining appeals” in the contempt of Congress case.

Bannon is seeking a ruling on his request by June 18, less than two weeks before he is scheduled to start a four-month prison sentence.
But this is D.C. Justice

Here we go:

Former President Donald Trump adviser Steve Bannon stated that he does not “fear going to prison” days after a federal judge ordered him to report to prison on July 1 for a four-month sentence.

During an interview with conservative journalist and commentator Tucker Carlson, Bannon, the host of the War Room podcast, said that he had “served” in the United States Navy and was not afraid to go to prison and serve time as a “political prisoner.”


Bannon went on to speak about former White House adviser Peter Navarro, who was the first official from the Trump administration to serve a four-month prison sentence for being held in contempt of Congress after defying a subpoena from the Democrat-run January 6 Select Committee.

After joining the Trump administration as a chief strategist, Bannon left in August 2017 and later rejoined Breitbart News until his departure in early 2018.

Bannon continued to explain that this was a “war to the knife,” adding that he had “to win this.”

“I understand what’s going on here, as you do. This is an illegitimate regime of Neo-Marxists — from the Justice Department to the FBI, the Wall Street Crowd,” Bannon said. “You can see this everywhere in our society, the attacks on the family, and they play for keeps.”

Bannon continued:

And I’m so glad that the Alex Joneses, and the Tucker Carlsons, and, particularly, since you’ve had the opportunity to leave Fox, ourselves, and so many others, now understand that this is a war to the knife, right? We have to win this. If we don’t win this, this country’s going to devolve into some kind of Neo-Marxist totalitarian regime, of which it’s pretty far down the road right now.

“That’s why I don’t fear going to prison. I know it’s going to take my voice off the…the war is still going to go on, and I keep saying, ‘It’s next man up. You can’t lean on Trump. You can’t lean on Tucker. You can’t lean on Bannon. You can’t lean on Alex Jones,’” he concluded.

Read more 

For his podcast over at Talk Stream Live and chose Podcasts – War Room Steve Bannon