Nuggets of Madness from the Revolution

Not much to add to the madness overtaking the country. They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, here are some pictures that if I had not seen them I would say it was not possible. Then we have cities disbanding police forces? No doubt Sharia will come in and take care of everything. I have no more words. Soldiers and police kneeling and prostrating themselves.


Bonus. The usual suspects.

Thats it folks. Tales from the swamp.

19 Responses to “Nuggets of Madness from the Revolution”

  1. geeez2014 Says:

    AND the Floyd George family is now petitioning the United Nations to help disarm the police in the United States…..isn’t that precious?

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    This really is getting insane, I am at a loss for words. All we can hope for is that the Dems push this too far and lose all support for what they are doing. I think they will push it too far, they cannot help it, but have they polluted Trump so badly that people will not support him, that is the question.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. business health insurance Says:

    We need a voice against racism. Black lives matter. I love it how everyone is coming forward to take a stand. Keep posting such blogs. Thanks for this one.


  4. geeez2014 Says:

    This made my day…I’m still laughing!! and that was BEFORE I watched the video “Ladies and gentlemen, the mayor of Minneapolis” HA!
    And Romney? As if he GIVES A DAMN??? This is supposed to say “See? I care, but TRUMP DOESN”T!” (Bite me, Mitt)
    And, of course, Biden is going to meet with the George family today which, to Leftwing reporters and pundits, means HE CARES and TRUMP DOESN’T because HE’s not meeting with the family, HE’s meeting with POLICE TODAY!!
    I’m waiting for Biden to say “Floyd GEORGE? Wasn’t he Prime Minister of England?” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Bill Heffner Says:

    Being 76 years old (77 next week), I have taken some comfort in believing that I would not live long enough to see my nation collapse; the nation in whose defense I once served six years at sea in submarines. After watching police and soldiers kneeling to rioters, I no longer have the comfort of that belief.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Linda Says:

    Those military and police taking a knee or even laying down in the street need to be replaced, period. Never ever submit oneself. Oh…and I have since changed my mind about them also protesting with the them–as did our police chief and mayor. NO, another form of submission.

    I guess I will be shot dead then, which might be a good thing. I will meet my maker, to whom is the only one I will kneel down too.

    I have had enough of these thugs and punks.

    Liked by 5 people

  7. peter3nj Says:

    Two questions inquiring minds want answered:

    #1 If black lives truly matter why aren’t the BLM thugs out in the hoods-oops “communities” taking out the drug dealers who are destroying black lives? (rhetorical since we know black on black crime ain’t nuttin’ but a thang y’all.)

    #2 Will the first honky politician introducing reparations legislation be in the House or in the Senate?

    “”All these years I thought I liked chicken because it was delicious. Turns out I’m genetically predisposed to liking chicken.”–Dave Chappelle

    Then there was the one where the kids (Little Rascals)all pretended to have measles, so they painted nickel-sized black dots on their faces — all except Buckwheat, who of course was given white dots!

    While our sense of humor has been outlawed Osama bin Laden must be turning over in his cave laughing. While he needed 19 Muslims and three airliners to change Amerika forever whitey was able to do it with only one dumb cop. Go figua” ( my original)

    Ponder this: several years back a survey came out reporting that 90% of rap music was purchased by white males 18-34 years old. So with the Anglo Reparations Payroll Tax-ARP- at 25% of adjusted gross income (AARP will fight this acronym winning a copyright infringement case in the Supreme Court and it is then changed to WRP- will young white men be left the discretionary income to buy this crap-oops, rap?

    Liked by 3 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      It is un believable… and our little town in Amish country had the police kneeling to the one black person who may live in our town of 11K…. I think I am dreaming….. give me a blue pill please.

      Liked by 1 person

      • markone1blog Says:

        So have the Amish turned Democrat or do they just totally remove themselves from society and refuse to vote?

        Liked by 2 people

      • markone1blog Says:

        Bunker, it sounds like less of a dream and more of a nightmare.

        Liked by 1 person

      • bunkerville Says:

        Not sure if the Amish are involved though there was picture of them elsewhere of them standing with the “protesters””… There was concern “they” would come in as there is an Amtrack station right here… thus the burning of a military vehicle at the National Guard armory earlier just to try and put a scare into us. There were about 300 so they say attended….

        Liked by 1 person

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