Trump to ban CA from setting emission rules

This will insure that California nor other states will be able to set standards for car makers that impact all cars made throughout the U.S.

California wants 15.4% of vehicle sales by 2025 to be EVs or other zero emission vehicles and 10 other states have adopted those requirements.

A refresher what Obama had in mind:

The Obama-era rules called for a fleetwide fuel efficiency average of 46.7 miles per gallon by 2025, with average annual increases of about 5%, compared with 37 mpg by 2026 under the Trump administration’s preferred option to freeze requirements.

“One national standard will provide much-needed regulatory certainty to automakers, dealers, and consumers,”

Here we go:

The Trump administration will announce it is rescinding California’s authority to regulate greenhouse gas emissions from automobiles on Wednesday, according to people familiar with the matter, a move sure to set off a legal battle with the most populous state.

The Environmental Protection Agency intends to announce it will revoke the so-called waiver underpinning California’s power to set vehicle greenhouse gas standards separately from the Trump administration’s broader rule to ease federal vehicle-efficiency standards, which is expected in the weeks ahead, the people said. More at


Other sources Reuters

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41 Responses to “Trump to ban CA from setting emission rules”

  1. geeez2014 Says:

    I love my state…and wanted to mention but had to leave quickly after posting my short comment above, that we haven’t had the smog we had when I was growing up in about 30 years….we NEVER have it in the West Side, and the San Fernando Valley and Downtown are SO much cleaner, absolutely gorgeous, than they were before Obama ever dreamed of his stupid restrictive laws.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    This is good news but of course we know the Dems will challenge it and they will find a judge to block it. I think eventually it will go through but not without a fight.


  3. george227 Says:

    There is no rational reason for the California-bashing.
    We feed you, entertain you, protect you, and invent the future for you.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. george227 Says:

    None of you have electric cars or anything modern. Being a former engineer for a large power company and having earned a Master of Science in Energy and the Environment, I had PV panels installed four years ago, with my estimated payback of 15-17 years, . . the right thing for an eco-freak to do. Before they could be installed, we acquired a VW e-Golf electric car. The savings in gasoline alone took the solar system payback down to 3 1/2 years. So, we added a used Tesla Model S, P85, and that took the payback down to less than three years, which means we now get free power for household and transportation.
    But that is not all: We do not need to go to gas stations, we fuel up at home at night with cheap baseload power. During the daytime, the PV system turns our meter backwards powering the neighborhood with clean local power, which we trade for the stuff to be used that night.
    No oil changes are a real treat along with no leaks. And since it has an electric motor, it needs NO ENGINE MAINTENANCE at all. We do not go “gas up”, or get tune-ups or emissions checks, have no transmission about which to worry, no complicated machined parts needing care.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Sounds like you are making those super buckeroos George..good for you…my house cost about the same amount as your car…but I am just one of those poor knuckle dragging deplorables trying to get by.


      • george227 Says:

        We got the VW just as the new ones came out, and saved just over $11k. We got another $10k in tax credits, and with the PV system, both together cost us $30k. We needed a new car and I am an eco-freak, so we put in the PV system, not knowing we would save so much on the car power versus gasoline, so I look at it as a package.


  5. Hendrix Says:

    If a state is getting money for roads, then it should be the feds that regulate MPG not states. Secondly, those green cars are worse for the enviroment than gas cars. If someone wants to buy a Prius/Tesla let them, but don’t force everyone else to purchase one…it makes one wonder if Newsom has investments in green cars.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      I don’t wonder too much… they all have their hand in the kiddie…the new thing is let the kids reap the reward. Oh for the days of the big ass lincoln tow car.


    • george227 Says:

      No, they are not. Think of how much metal refining casting machining and assembly which goes into a modern ICE and compare it to simple windings and permanent magnets in an EV, and you will discover a power source for your car with the maintenance needs of your refrigerator motor: None.


  6. peter3nj Says:

    If I were a cattle rancher I would be now be worrying about the left run EPA taking away my farting cows, my tractor getting 5 mpg, my gun, my ciggies, my salt, my Big Gulp and now my personal automobile with their insane CAFE standards. In the immortal words of Henny Youngman- Take my wife, please!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. thetinfoilhatsociety Says:

    You know, I just disagree with this. Automakers are under no obligation to comply with CA rules, and CA will kill themselves if they outlaw new cars with these rules. I’m a states’ rights person and this is just another over-reach by the federal govt. Let CA hoist themselves on their own petard.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Unfortunately Obama put in place standards by E.O…. I don’t see any choice for Trump at this point. If certain cars can’t meet inspection standards what happens?
      I don’t think I want to see car makers go without any standards… the Pinto comes to mind… but I agree with you in principle… and now we are flush with energy, the MPH doesn’t mean a whole lot..

      Liked by 1 person

    • george227 Says:

      That is right. They can ignore the California market completely.
      Tesla can supply us.


  8. Mustang Says:

    The lead to your title had me excited: TRUMP TO BAN CA. That would be a great day.

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      For sure,,,, I will take not having to drive a car more appropriate for a coffin… destroying any type of decent engine in order to get to the MPG…. I loved my old Crown Vic.. sorry I ever got rid of it.. 2002 with 99k miles..Should have kept it till it dropped.


      • george227 Says:

        My Tesla is the safest car ever tested. It got all fives in every category and when they wanted to see what it took to crush it, it broke the crush machine. It costs almost nothing to drive, since it needs no gassing up somewhere else, no oil changes, tune-ups, emissions checks, transmission troubles or muffler needs.

        You will love your first EV.


      • george227 Says:

        I left out in the response below my Model S, P 85 goes 0-60 in just over three seconds, beating motorcycles off the line easily.


  9. kidme37 Says:

    Great News. I’m sure tired of California trying to save the planet and hurting all of us in the process.

    – Kid

    Liked by 2 people

    • bunkerville Says:

      That is for sure…why should they run our country? Why is Trump out there wanting to clean up their mess with our bucks?? Just saying…. hey.. this must be the real kid??? Hope springs eternal..


      • kidme37 Says:

        Yes, Long story but Wordpess won’t let me comment on my real ID/email, so I set up this new one. I may be able to go back to the old one after 30 days. Long story.

        Liked by 1 person

      • peter3nj Says:

        I’m in the same boat Kid. Some months back I had to change my ID due to some WordPress shenanigans.

        Liked by 1 person

      • kidme37 Says:

        Well, i had some comments not show up, I was looking into setting up a WP login. At one point, it asked if I jsut wanted to use my google ID which is tied to my email, I said yea. Didn’t ask me to set up a password. When I tried to comment it took me to a WP login page for which I had no password to get past before submitting my comment. I was able to get somewhere in WP to Delete this account in WP. The acct should be permanently closed in 30 days, and maybe I’ll be able to use that ID again.


      • bunkerville Says:

        I have put off going to their new fangled block editor or so its called.. may have to try this weekend as it is getting buggy to post and losing features…


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