AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals


I can’t say that this news comes as any great surprise. It was getting abundantly clear that Sessions was now part of the swamp. Chaffetz in an interview with Judge Pirro confirms our worse fears, Sessions wanted this job oh so badly and claims it was a job of a lifetime. Yet no one has been more dangerous to Trump than this man. It was he, and he alone that caused this whole ridiculous investigation by recusing himself over a couple of trivial meetings with some Russians. A patriot would disband the whole lot of Mueller et al.

Jason Chaffetz, former House of Representatives member and Chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform was on Justice with Judge Janine Pirro Saturday night and he again dropped a BOMBSHELL about Attorney General Jeff Sessions:

Judge Janine: …What can you do?

Chaffetz: Yeah, the State Department has been holding tens of thousands of documents on a case that they claim is closed.  And when I met with Attorney General Sessions much like Ron DeSantis did, I basically got a stiff arm.  I got an Attorney General that said he would not comply, he wasn’t going to do any sort of prosecutions and it’s such a huge difference.  When he was a Senator he would have never put up with that.

Judge Janine went on to ask if Sessions was afraid of them (i.e. deep state)?  She also asked if they all (Congress and Washington politicians) had so many skeletons?  The Judge then correctly stated that this is driving Americans crazy and the American people have had it!

When asked whether Jeff Sessions should be out, Chaffetz correctly responded, “Well I don’t know what the case is to keep him!”

(The original clip has been removed. This has about the same information. Go to about 3:00.

31 Responses to “AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals”

  1. Jeff Sessions lets I.T Amran and dirty FBI agent walk this week | Jim Campbell's Says:

    […] AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals […]


  2. Jeff Sessions Laughs As Students Chant ‘Lock Her Up’ During Speech | BUNKERVILLE | God, Guns and Guts Comrades! Says:

    […] AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals […]


  3. The weekly headlines – Br Andrew's Muses Says:

    […] AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals […]


  4. Br Andrew's Muses Says:

    […] AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals […]


  5. The Weekly Headlines – My Daily Musing Says:

    […] AG Sessions says he will not prosecute Clinton or any deep state criminals […]


  6. Steve Dennis Says:

    Sessions has been a great disappointment! I used to think Sessions allowed himself to be bullied by the Democrats into recusing himself from the investigation but now I think he was more than willing to do so.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Always On Watch Says:

    Sessions needs to be tossed out of office. Period. Full stop.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Mustang Says:

    Mr. Sessions’ long association with swamp critters may help to explain Hillary Clinton’s smugness whenever anyone asks her about high crimes and misdemeanors. He has to go … but I wonder if Trump is astute enough to know this, or if he’s already made the decision and is only waiting for the right moment. Or, I could only be dreaming that anyone inside the beltway is rational.

    Liked by 6 people

    • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

      I don’t know what is going on in Sessions’ mind. I have being thinking a similar thought – Sessions time as a senator may have rendered him incapable of going after his ‘friends.’

      AG Sessions, we don’t need a Southern Gentleman right now, we need a roaring, hungry lion. The Country, your Country, our Country needs you to start her back on the road to ‘justice for all.’

      Liked by 3 people

      • bunkerville Says:

        Could not have said it better… he comes across as goody two shoes….therein lies the question. Is it real or is it memorex.Love to see Cruz… If Trump wants to see another term he needs to remove him now. Since when was the FBI accountable to no one? Irs? no one? Lois Lerner? He just wants to let it go??

        Liked by 2 people

      • Laura Bernard Mielcarek Says:

        And, that’s the thing, Bunker. What is coming out now – the obama admin’s knowledge of the dossier being fake and using it to start a counter-intel investigation on Trump et al is something Sessions can’t ignore.

        The FBI’s investigation into the Uranium One players and their total silence when the subjects of said investigation were whisked out of the Country; the FBI’s total silence on that situation when hillary ran for president; the complete debacle of an ‘investigation’ into hillary’s emails and server – Mueller and Comey were part of that. They have no credibility left.

        CNN’s ties to Fusion; three of the people at the famous Trump Tower meeting with muh Russians were connected to Fusion.

        It was all a huge conspiracy by a sitting president, the DNC, and hillary to control the outcome of the election. People are not appreciating what they have done.

        hillary and everyone else involved knew the stakes – …if he wins, we’ll all hang from nooses… – that’s why they have been so hell-bent on discrediting the Presdent, preventing him from achieving his legislative goals, doing everything they can to make President Trump ineffective, illegitimate, and a one-termer. If he survives four years.

        Liked by 3 people

      • Always On Watch Says:

        Sessions time as a senator may have rendered him incapable of going after his ‘friends.’

        I think the same!

        Liked by 3 people

      • Brittius Says:

        Friends who would smile and shove a knife in his back, the first chance they get.

        Liked by 2 people

  9. petermac3 Says:

    Meanwhile back here in NJ, ex-Goldman Sachs president now democrat gubernatorial candidate Phil Murphy running on his promise of $5 billion in new taxes, $15.00 p/hr minimum wage and making NJ a sanctuary state is maintaining his 15 point lead in the polls. All that is missing is a land bridge from NY/NJ/CT/NewEngland and the left coast. So not to worry, with FL and TX on the cusp of turning blue Sessions will be gone in three more years.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. petermac3 Says:

    It would appear once again Trump is either out to lunch or Sessions is merely doing his bidding. Will we ever know?

    Liked by 1 person

    • bunkerville Says:

      Funny, that crossed my mind. Is there a quid pro quo? After he got elected he was clear he didn’t want to go after Hillary. Perhaps the rest? After all they had bugged all of his staff and him for months.


  11. Simply Linda Says:

    As you know, I have been his biggest fan…as we know him…but let me tell you, I am deeply disappointed. He needs to go…DRAIN.THE.SWAMP. MR. PRESIDENT. I am afraid that is just not possible as this goes way deep. (duh, hence the name DEEP STATE).

    We watched her show Saturday night and she was on fire with her interviews.

    Liked by 4 people

  12. Brittius Says:

    Reblogged this on Brittius and commented:
    It’s rigged. Maybe it is time to allow ANTIFA to overthrow the government as they desire. Laws are Bogus. Government is Organized Crime venture.

    Liked by 4 people

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