National I.D is now here. Nine States non compliant for Domestic Flights as of 2018

Looks like the “Real National I.D National Drivers License is here. Earlier I posted: National Chip ID Card For American Citizens: ID Act Effective On May 11, 2011


It was delayed, but according to Adriennes Corner

the time is here. Best yet, the mark of the beast or rather, a chip is now implanted on all driver’s license except nine States have been dragging their feet. An RFID chip. And just how much does that chip do? I am getting ahead of myself. Here is what she says:

Residents In Nine States Will Need Passports For Domestic Flights in 2018…


Seems so.

From Forbes:

When traveling, it’s best to plan ahead whenever you can. For example, you may have thought you don’t need a passport because you don’t travel outside the United States. But for residents of nine states, that will change at the beginning of 2018 for any commercial flight, whether international or domestic.
As reported by Travel and Leisure, nine states will no longer allow travelers to board an airplane with just their state issued driver’s licenses as of January 22, 2018. To get past TSA security checkpoints, another form of identification will be required: passport, permanent resident card/green card or a military ID.

Back to my original post:

Under the REAL ID state-issued driver’s licenses and identification cards have to meet federal standards or they will not be accepted for federal purposes–boarding commercial aircraft, gain access to federal facilities or enter nuclear power plants. From the government on the type of chip to be used:

Now, there is no debate as to whether or not the card will contain a chip that is capable of tracking people, the only debate has been around which tracking technology better suits their needs. Here are a few quotes again from the official government document:
“ DHS also invites comments on how States would or could incorporate a separate WHTI- compliant technology, such as an RFID-enabled vicinity chip technology, in addition to the REAL ID PDF417 barcode requirement.”

“States can leverage the same infrastructure that they will need to purchase for REAL ID to incorporate MRZ, proximity chips, and vicinity chip technology onto a driver’s license.”

“The use of RFID is essential to the WHTI program in order to ensure facilitation at crowded U.S. land and sea crossing points. Similar concerns are not implicated by REAL ID, which is one of the factors that led DHS to select the 2D bar code as the common machine readable technology on driver’s licenses and identification cards. DHS encourages States to explore alternative technologies on their driver’s licenses and identification cards in order to promote security and technology advances as well as e-government initiatives a State may wish to explore.”

“DHS does not believe that non-compliant driver’s licenses or credit cards are acceptable documents to establish identity.” Meaning – no chip, no ID. Doesn’t this remind you of something else?

Can you see where all of this is headed?  Many of the people that are attempting to implement this thing may have “good intentions”, but we all know what they say about “good intentions”.

If we put up with a national ID card, then the Obama administration will be emboldened to try to implement the “universal Internet ID” that they have been talking about.

The sad truth is that America is no longer “the land of the free“.  The government has decided that in order to keep us “safe”, everything that we do must be watched, tracked, traced, recorded and controlled.

  • Kentucky
  • Maine
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Montana
  • Oklahoma
  • Pennsylvania
  • South Carolina
  • Washington