Al Gore and his galloping paranoia – or how to sell his ‘sequel’

No doubt you have caught the new purge coming. Time to rid ourselves of our pets because they are adding to Global Warming. Whats happening? Russia, Russia, Russia wearing thin with the media? So lets’ resurrect Climate Change again. Let’s help Gore’s new sequel to his ” convenient lies’

While trolling through the news of the day,  I bumped into Al Gore who breeches into the news cycle. First glimpse was his pronouncement that he indeed had won Florida. Okay, the guy needs to feed the fake news cycle, I will let that one be. Then I bumped into this little video clip and what became clear is the poor feller had lost his marbles. I mean can you blame him? All but for some “hanging chads” he might have been king. So in case we weary of Trump just remind ourselves of the IED’s in the form of Gore and Hillary that we didn’t step on. Enjoy the clip… I think you will. We will learn about “rain bombs.”

CNN had a Town Hall meeting with Al Gore called “The Climate Crisis” where he made even more predictions about the end of the world from global warming.