The Deep State, Donald Trump, Reality Leigh Winner and a silent coup?


I have concluded two part conspiracy posts regarding “Deep State” operative Reality Leigh Winner? and Reality Leigh Winner, a useless idiot or did the ‘Deep State’ use her

My intention today was to draw conclusions regarding facts that simply make no sense. I do believe Reality Leigh Winner who leaked Top Secret Documents was a willing patsy. Who it was that orchestrated the event in particular I know not. I do believe there were more involved. I believe she was probably groomed for what happened. No less than ISIS grooms its potential converts. While in the Air Force her office was in the NSA building. I give you this fact to think about:

It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.”

I will let you wander over to  and let Peter Van Buren do the theory thing about who benefits from Ms Winner’s illegal activity titled “Hey Intercept, Something Is Very Wrong With Reality Winner and the NSA Leak.” I agree with him.

I conclude with a segment from an earlier post: Are we about to inherit a Totalitarian State? The Silent Coup  

“The Deep State, which “operates according to its own compass heading regardless of who is formally in power,” makes a mockery of elections and the entire concept of a representative government.”

Zero Hedge ties up the loose knots and gives us a string of tin foil that is worth consideration.

So who or what is the Deep State?

…. It’s the fusion centers and spy agencies that have created a surveillance state and turned all of us into suspects. It’s the courthouses and prisons that have allowed corporate profits to take precedence over due process and justice. It’s the military empire with its private contractors and defense industry that is bankrupting the nation. It’s the private sector with its 854,000 contract personnel with top-secret clearances, “a number greater than that of top-secret-cleared civilian employees of the government.” It’s what former congressional staffer Mike Lofgren refers to as “a hybrid of national security and law enforcement agencies”: the Department of Defense, the State Department, Homeland Security, the CIA, the Justice Department, the Treasury, the Executive Office of the President via the National Security Council, the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court, a handful of vital federal trial courts, and members of the defense and intelligence committees.

It’s every facet of a government that is no longer friendly to freedom and is working overtime to trample the Constitution underfoot and render the citizenry powerless in the face of the government’s power grabs, corruption and abusive tacticsMore at Zero Hedge

Senator Inouye,in 1987, summarizes here the coverup of the US Shadowy Government involvement; by saying:

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fundraising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”