Sanders: FBI investigation of his wife and him. ‘It’s Trump’s fault’

Does Bernie really believe we will drink his Kool-Aid? After doing two posts which clearly show a nasty business he blames Trump now? The College was in better shape at the time she left? And why did she leave? She was fired and took $200K on the way out the door. No, Bernie, when you run as a candidate, people look into your affairs. Your not off the hook either. Turn about is a tough. You are quick to go after Trump. In case you missed my posts..a refresher.

Bernie and Jane Sanders College corruption? Funneled daughter $500,000

How did Jane Sanders funnel more than 500k to her daughter’s for-profit woodworking business during her tenure as President of Burlington College and get away with it?

What hasn’t been discussed in all the noise about Burlington College’s closure is how Jane Sanders (supported by the same Board of Trustees who approved the land sale) openly funneled hundreds of thousands of dollars from Burlington College’s operating funds to VT Woodworking School — a for-profit business started by her daughter Carina Driscoll in 2007.

Will Trump end up causing the downfall of Bernie and Jane Sanders?

The tasty part is it will be the Donald who may play an important part in the outcome. He has yet to appoint the U.S. Attorney for Vermont who will be deciding how to proceed.

Here is a good summary of the issues that I have added.