WikiLeaks: Saudi & Qatar governments funded and gave logistical support to ISIS confirms Hillary Clinton email

John Podesta’s hacked Emails are a gift that keeps on giving. A new release yesterday has garnered no attention. It tells us all we need to know about our new best friend, Saudi Arabia. This leak comes on the heels of  Arab powers sever Qatar ties, citing support for militants | Reuters

Meanwhile we are selling $100 Billion in new military toys to Saudi Arabia. Maybe they see the light or maybe?

Ivanka Trump fund takes $100M from Saudi Arabia, UAE – NY Daily ….

May 21, 2017 – Saudi Arabia donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, according to the charity’s website — which is, at most, …

I say lets get these so-called donations out of the mix. For an easier read, go to the link in the tweet below:

Money used to kill our men and women in uniform, aid terrorists……