Rachel Maddow’s boss and fans upset with micro aggression by Brian Williamss

It’s fun seeing MSNBC eat their own. Why they keep Brian Williams around, the serial misrememberer, is a puzzle. Apparently he hangs around the break room just in case there really is so called breaking news. So he got his chance and apparently forgot it was Madcow’s show. Anywho, her snowflake fans went nuts that their Marxist star suffered a micro aggression. Here goes:

Shortly before 11 P.M.,  Maddow gave her final thoughts on the evening’s events before signing off. Williams said, “Thanks for everything tonight. Glad you were a part of our coverage.”

One network source quoted in the Post expressed anger that Williams “patronized” Maddow by thanking her for “visiting” her own program. However, he said, “everything,” not “visiting.”

According to the Post, MSNBC president Phil Griffin ripped Williams for his behavior.

“Phil gave Brian a very stern rebuke, telling him, ‘Don’t you ever do that again.’ But Rachel didn’t seem bothered by it and just laughed it off,” a source said.

The Post reports:

Fans of Maddow — who has been enjoying a massive ratings surge recently — erupted on ­social media, also accusing MSNBC of being sexist by bringing in a male anchor to break the big news on Maddow’s 9 p.m. show when she could have handled it better herself.

To make matters worse, wily Williams also made a moron of himself by repeatedly referring to the bombs as “beautiful” on the April 6 broadcast.

A source at the network said, “Not only did Brian go way over the top with his coverage of the missile strike, he then totally patronized Rachel by thanking her for ‘visiting’ her own show and being ‘a part’ of his ‘beautiful’ coverage! Has he not learned anything from ‘Misremember-gate’?” H/T:Free Beacon/

Free Beacon/

16 Responses to “Rachel Maddow’s boss and fans upset with micro aggression by Brian Williamss”

  1. petermac3 Says:

    So Brian now that you’ve pissed off the LGBTQRSTUV…. faithful what’s next? I’m going to Wally World!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Steve Dennis Says:

    I have to admit I love it as well! “Serial misrememberer” I like that!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Mustang Says:

    Difficult for me to distinguish between Madcow and Williams. They could be twins …

    Liked by 2 people

  4. marblenecltr Says:

    For Rachel fans, “Thanks” is not acceptable, it should have been expressed with the immense appreciation from the properly subservient Brian with something on the order of, “I am tremendously grateful for …” Respect your dominatrix!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Adrienne Says:

    They’re all dysfunctional. A woman, who dresses like a man, and is “married” to another woman, is not normal. Harsh? I think not.


  6. Hootin' Anni Says:

    He needs his head examined…but wait, Congress is too busy for any referrals to THEIR doctors/physicians.

    Liked by 1 person

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