Sunday Respite – Twin Peaks returns May 21st!

Twin Peaks season three debuts on May 21st. Here are a couple of clips.The good news is that over 200 of the original cast members will appear again including Agent Cooper. Season one and two plus Fire Walk With Me (avoid) is available on Netflix. I binged watched a bunch of episodes last night just to get in the mood. What was weird was hearing Laura Palmer say in one of the episodes that she would be back in Twenty-five years. A bit more than twenty-five years have gone by since we heard “a damn fine cup of coffee,” and of course we know about all that pie Special Agent Cooper downs.The music is haunting and effective and conveying the moodiness of the town called Twin Peaks and its happenings. I was happy to learn that you can stream the program directly via Show Time and bypass those nasty cable companies. Here is from Cnet as including a bit of history if you need or want a refresher:

Though the new Showtime series is set to debut in less than a month, fans are still anxiously waiting more peeks into “Twin Peaks.”

We already know the show will feature familiar characters such as Agent Cooper (Kyle MacLachlan), Audrey Horne (Sherilyn Fenn), Shelly Johnson (Madchen Amick), FBI Regional Bureau Chief Gordon Cole (David Lynch), Deputy Hawk (Michael Horse), Bobby Briggs (Dana Ashbrook), Deputy Andy Brennan (Harry Goaz), James Hurley (James Marshall), Denise/Dennis Bryson (David Duchovny) and Doctor Jacoby (Russ Tamblyn). Here’s hoping Showtime gives us a look soon at some of the new cast members, who include actors Laura Dern, Monica Bellucci, Ashley Judd and Nine Inch Nails front man Trent Reznor.

“Twin Peaks” — the 18-hour limited event series on Showtime — is scheduled to debut with a two-hour premiere on May 21 at 9 p.m. ET/PT.

More at CNET

The Intro of Twin Peaks (1990)

The history of Twin Peaks

9 Responses to “Sunday Respite – Twin Peaks returns May 21st!”

  1. teelee2013 Says:

    This is one we never watched so hasn’t been on my radar. We are marathon watching from season one The Walking Dead again! LOL I know. Good grief!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hootin' Anni Says:

    Never watched it before, won’t watch it now [’cause we don’t have TV anymore…just a DVD player]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. JCscuba Says:

    Cool, I loved this program.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Just Simply Linda Says:

    We loved the original series. We were just discussing this, and do you remember Maximum Bob? That was with Beau Bridges, another kooky show. lol

    Liked by 1 person

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