Mystery woman Muslim Huma Abedin. Gatekeeper to Hillary Clinton

Huma Abedin. Always lurking around the edges, expressionless. Just who is Huma Abedin? Buried in the wonderfully written Newsweek piece is this:

With Weiner unemployed, Abedin took a second job as a consultant for Teneo Holdings, a phenomenally well-connected global consulting company. Clinton signed off on Abedin’s dual role, but a State Department investigator last year subpoenaed records about the arrangement. (Snip)….

The interviewers didn’t laugh when the meticulously organized political attaché and Hillaryland survivor disingenuously suggested she has never looked at any of the more than 10,000 emails of hers now helpfully indexed online by WikiLeaks.

“It’s something I can’t really think about,” she said airily, resorting to a tactic straight from her boss’s stonewall playbook. “But I can’t imagine what’s in those emails. I would probably be mortified.”

Put that together with Bill Clinton’s two men I covered earlier, Cooper and Band who were involved with Teneo and you have a big problem. Will Bill Clinton’s Butt Boys Cooper and Band take down the Clinton Empire? and Forget Hillary Clinton. Is it Bill Clinton in the cross hairs of the FBI?. Keep in mind there are two FBI investigations. It is the FBI investigation of the Foundations that might trip them up. Teneo. Keep the company in mind. Now back to Newsweek:

For most of the past 20 years, Huma Mahmood Abedin, now a vice chair of Hillary Clinton’s campaign, has served as Clinton’s “body-woman”—basically a glorified lady’s maid. But she has also expanded her role and now monitors all access to Clinton. According to her many fans in Hillaryland, Abedin possesses a skill set that cannot be taught: the emotional intelligence to keep big-ego VIPs and other “clutches” (in the argot of Washington, civilians and celebs who overstay their face time with the boss) at bay without making them angry. Also, she wields a black-belt organizing talent that enables her to toggle between directing classified emails to the right people, keeping an eye on how weather is affecting the D.C.-LaGuardia shuttles and knowing which donors need a photo op—all while monitoring Clinton’s meals and hair appointments and cellphone. The perpetually lipsticked and soigné Abedin is elegant and gentle—qualities Clinton sometimes lacks—but also relentlessly obedient, a quality her boss treasures.

“She was a very, very religious person—she didn’t smoke, drink or swear, always very polite,” recalls one Clinton friend, who, like most people who spoke to Newsweek, asked not to be named. “A lot of times, Hillary would snap her fingers and go, ‘Gum.’ And Huma would fetch it.” Abedin took her duties so seriously, the source recalled, that when she learned that Clinton had once carried her own bag up a flight of stairs in her aide’s absence, Abedin nearly burst into tears.

Keep reading at Newsweek with Video.