Let’s not save private Paul Ryan from himself

The so-called conservative Paul Ryan is going to set Donald Trump straight this week. Decide if he can support him? Really? I keep hearing how conservative he is. Explain to me why he passed this last boondoggle of a budget. Why there is no funding for the border fence that was approved years ago. Yet he can fund Obamacare and everything else of Obama. Explain why he supports the massive numbers of “refugees’ that we know nothing about. Vetting? Who cares. We took care of Cantor, let’s not save private Ryan. He is being primaried this year. Here it is:

Reports have previously noted that one of Ryan’s central disagreements with Trump stems from Trump’s pledge to enact a temporary pause on Muslim migration — a policy Speaker Ryan publicly denounced even though, according to exit polling data, seven in ten GOP Wisconsin voters support Trump’s plan.

Trump’s proposal “is not what this party stands for. And more importantly, it’s not what this country stands for,” Ryan said in December.

In the next eight months, the U.S. will issue more visas to Muslim migrants than the number of GOP voters in Ryan’s district.

Yet, not only does Ryan oppose the temporary migration pause, he has pushed to expand Muslim migration. Ryan has a two-decade long history to pushing to expand immigration rates and has championed legislation that expanded Muslim migration. Last December, Ryan ushered his omnibus spending bill through Congress, which funded visa insurances for nearly 300,000 Muslim migrants, temporary and permanent, over a 12-month time span.

In an interview with Sean Hannity in November, Ryan said that he does not support any kind of “religious test” for determining who is admitted entrance into the country — even if the would-be migrants believe that “women can’t drive [and] can’t be seen in public without a male relative.”

Several candidates — Lindsey Graham, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Marco Rubio — all ran on Ryan’s platform and lost by immense margins. Similarly, Mitt Romney also ran on the Ryan platform and lost in a landslide, as did Eric Cantor in his own Congressional District.

As Breitbart News reported last December, Paul Ryan has a border fence around his property even though his omnibus spending bill did not provide funding for the mandatory completion of a 700-mile double-layer border fence that Congress promised the American people nearly a decade ago when it passed the 2006 Secure Fence Act.

The U.S. admitted 59 million immigrants between the Kennedy-LBJ immigration bill in 1965 and 2015, remaking America politically and demographically and reversing the middle class gains experienced by African-Americans.

Only 7% of GOP voters, according to Pew, favor more immigration. Paul Ryan, the lead champion for more immigration in Congress, is the highest-ranking Republican official in the land.

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