E.U. to implement a $300K fine per barbarian for non acceptance

To be honest I have paid little attention to the nature of the governance of the European Union. So just who are these so-called “officials?” Never mind, what they have in mind will totally destroy Europe and spread the migrant horde throughout Europe. Those few countries that have held firm in denying access will succumb to the weight of a $300,000 fine per “refugee” they deny. A corrective fairness mechanism will be implemented? Here goes:

European nations that turn away refugees could be forced to pay roughly $300,000 in fines for each individual rejected, European Union officials are expected to announce Wednesday.

The plan is part of the European Commission’s plan to overhaul its current asylum rules that neared collapse last year after more than a million refugees and migrants flooded across E.U. borders, the Financial Times reported Tuesday.

Officials who saw the proposal in advance said the fine would act as a sanction on nations that refuse to adhere to the E.U.’s asylum system. While the exact penalty is still in flux, a diplomat said that it would amount to “hundreds of thousands of euros.”

The United Kingdom has the option to opt out of the new program.

The Guardian reported:

Under the latest plans, E.U. countries would still be responsible for housing refugees that arrive on their territory, preserving a key principle of existing asylum rules known as the Dublin regulation. Unlike under Dublin, refugees could be dispersed around the EU via a “corrective fairness mechanism” in the event that countries that are the first arrival point are unable to cope.

The penalties are intended to incentivize nations to abide by the currently failed migrant quotas.

Eastern European nations, including Poland and Hungary, would likely accept the new changes, the recommended fines would be a hard-hit to their economies, according to the Financial Times.

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