DNC Chair Cannot Explain Why Their Nominating Process Is Not Rigged Against Sanders

The more we learn about how the Dems run their show, the more absurd it becomes. Super Delegates. So forget how the sucker voters vote, the party chiefs vote counts more than individual votes. It makes third world elections appear more honest. I don’t think this is how our founders planned our elections to be held.

CNN’s Jake Tapper confronted Democratic National Committee chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz over the “rigged” process in New Hampshire that left Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton with the same number of delegates despite Sanders’ 22 point shellacking of Clinton.

“Hillary Clinton lost to Bernie Sanders in New Hampshire by 22 percentage points, the biggest victory in a contested Democratic Primary there since John F. Kennedy,” Tapper explained. “But it looks as though Clinton and Sanders are leaving the Granite State with the same number of delegates in their pockets because Clinton has the support of New Hampshire’s Superdelegates, these party insiders.”

Tapper said, “I’m not sure that, that answer would satisfy an anxious young voter.” 

Read more: Daily Caller