Karl Rove thinks little of Dr. Ben Carson as candidate

What’s the matter Karl, you don’t think you can control this fine man? I read that Fox has signed on Rove for four more years. So now we can watch him plot and plan to have someone like a Jeb Bush be our next candidate for President along with other Rinos.

Mark Levin puts his take on the Karl Rove fiasco. Sarah Palin has a few thoughts on the matter as well. A good smack down by Levin.

“But even more so, this idea that Michigan’s minority voters will suddenly abandon their liberal, union loving ways to support Carson – simply based on the color of his skin – should be offensive to both liberals and conservatives. The reaction to such a move was already outlined in the previously linked article”. So says and isn’t it  Nice that Jazz Shaw over at Hot Air agrees with Rove. Let’s keep nominating libtards. It is working out swell.