Was Obama a Committed Marxist in College?

John C Drew sheds light on Obama’s early years in college. Three interviews, well worth the time, Be sure and check out the complete  Breitbart interview that follows which is very long, but worth it.
Here is the link to the Very long but complete Breitbart interview:http://www.breitbart.tv/the-b-cast-interview-was-obama-a-committed-marxist-in-college/
The Obama college years remain a black hole in Obama’s past. We really don’t know much about Obama’s college years other than the first few college years were a blur of drug usage and partying.
Now a college professors who knew Obama in college is shedding some light on the Obama college years. Drugs may not be the only thing Obama dabbled with in college. The professor posted a blog and has conducted interviews on Obama’s intrigue with Marxism.

This story isn’t new. The mainstream media including Fox News ignored the story. Dr. John C. Drew claims he was a Marxist as well when he enrolled in college himself.

Drew had an encounter with Obama to specifically discuss Marxism. He was dating a girl who knew Barack Obama. His girlfriend came home one day excited wanting Drew to meet this man, knowing their philosophical views were similar. They eventually went out to dinner, drinks, partied, and discussed each other’s Marxist views. Drew discusses more about the conversation in the  Breitbart TV video interview Drew describes himself as a serious Marxist, including being an enemy of the US government, while he was in college. When they met, Drew describes Obama’s views were parallel with Drew’s views. He was one of the brotherhood, ready for revolution. Obama wasn’t just an explorer of intellectual Marxism. He embraced Marxist Leninism.


Obama’s New OIC Envoy Defended Activist Who Aided Terrorist Group UPDATE

Update:   President Obama’s envoy to the Islamic bloc acknowledged Friday that he was accurately quoted in 2004 as calling the treatment of activist Sami al-Arian, then facing trial for supporting a Palestinian terrorist group, an example of “politically motivated persecutions.”

Rashad Hussain made the admission after Politico.com obtained an audio recording of the Muslim Students Association (MSA) event in Chicago where, as a Yale law student, he made the remarks. http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/61664
Well worth the complete read, what more is there to comment on? It speaks for what we know already

Rashad Hussain was quoted as telling a Muslim students’ event in Chicago that if U.S. Muslims did not speak out against the injustices taking place in America, then everyone’s rights would be in jeopardy.

President Obama’s  newly appointed envoy,Rashad Hussain, to the Organization of the Islamic Conference ,was quoted in 2004 as saying an American who aided a Palestinian terrorist group was the victim of “politically motivated persecutions” who was being used “to squash dissent.”

Obama described Hussein, “an Indian-American Muslim who has been a deputy associate White House counsel,… ‘an accomplished lawyer and a close and trusted member of my White House staff.’”

    “Rashad has played a key role in developing the partnerships I called for in Cairo. And as a hafiz of the Quran, he is a respected member of the American Muslim community, and I thank him for carrying forward this important work,” Obama said. A hafiz is someone who has memorized the Quran, the sacred book of Islam.

He defended Sami al-Arian, a university professor and activist sentenced in 2006 to more than four years in prison (including time already spent in custody) after he had pleaded guilty to conspiring to aid the Palestinian Islamic Jihad (PIJ).
The U.S. government designated the PIJ as a foreign terrorist organization in 1997, and in 2003, then Attorney-General John Ashcroft described it as “one of the most violent terrorist organizations in the world.”


Evan Bayh to Retire – arm twisting getting too painful?

Why this late day? It is reported the Dems have one day to come up with a replacement? More to be revealed for sure as to what caused the “Straw to break the Camel’s back” on his decision? Things are picking up for the Republicans– maybe all of that arm twisiting is starting to get painful. Too painful to sell your soul and core beliefs for Potus. The news is a big loss for Democrats, opening up a very competitive  seat in what’s shaping up to be a tough cycle for Democrats. Pehaps the Chicago way is getting old.

The Washington Post‘s Chris Cillizza reports there’s another big pick-up opportunity for the GOP in November:

Indiana Sen. Evan Bayh will not seek re-election this year, a decision that hands Republicans a prime pickup opportunity in the middle of the country.

“After all these years, my passion for service to my fellow citizens is undiminished, but my desire to do so by serving in Congress has waned,” Bayh will say.

Bayh will announce the decision at a press conference later today.


Michigan Day-care business’s forced to unionized

Well, no surprise here. Another 14 states also are going down this road.   Apparently the defeat of Craig Becker for the NRLB position hasn’t slowed down the forward motion of the Progressive agenda. No need for “Card Check.”

Michelle Berry runs a day-care business out of her home in Flint, MI. She thought that she owned her own business, but Berry’s been told she is now a government employee and union member. It’s not voluntary. Suddenly, Berry and 40,000 other Michigan private day-care providers have learned that union dues are being taken out of the child-care subsidies the state sends them. The “union” is a creation of AFSCME, the government workers union, and the United Auto Workers.

This racket means big money to AFSCME, which runs the union, writes the Mackinac Center for Public Policy, a free-market think tank.

Today the Department of Human Services siphons about $3.7 million in annual dues to the union….

The money should be going to home-based day-care providers — themselves not on the high end of the income scale. Ms. Berry now sees money once paid to her go to a union that does little for her…

Patrick Wright, a lawyer for the Macknac Center, says the union was forced on the women after a certification election conducted by mail in which only 6,000 day-care providers out of 40,000 voted. Wright told me his clients, like Berry, say they were “shocked” to learn they were suddenly in a union.

They want nothing to do with the union. One of my clients has said, “Look, this is my home, I’m both labor and management here.” They’ve wanted nothing to do with this union and don’t think that it has any purpose besides than to siphon money away from them.

Read more: http://stossel.blogs.foxbusiness.com/2010/02/11/forced-unionization/#ixzz0fbjqPvN0