Murtha Dead– so much for government healthcare

I will stay P.C … enough said for a government-run healthcare facility….interesting that he moved on to a private hospital…..nice he had that option. More options than he was willing to let us have. I will pass on commenting on the rest of his corrupt tenure in the congress.

The 77-year-old Democrat underwent scheduled laparoscopic surgery to remove his gallbladder at Bethesda Naval Hospital last Thursday but then, after his release, sought care at the Virginia Hospital Center over the weekend.

The congressman’s spokesman declined to say Tuesday what led him to be hospitalized again. But responding to questions Wednesday, he said that Murtha was in stable condition. Two persons said it appeared Murtha’s intestine had been cut inadvertently during the gall bladder removal.

Sarah- A hand can tell a super plan

MSM going wild over Sarah’s idea that “Lift American Spirits”  noted on her hand, somehow indicating “She was cheating”. Yes, the vile rhetoric with the commentors literally foaming at the mouth was a sight to behold. Oh yes, how dare she make a comment about Potus and his prompter, when she herself used as CNN described it “Aids”.  Let me see, a couple or words versus talking to 6th graders with a prompter. Yep, seems the same.
Huffington Post is all over this image, showing Sarah Palin‘s hand during the Tea Party Convention speech. On it, she has written: “Energy, budget cut tax, Lift American Spirits.”

Monday, February 08, 2010
If You Can Write It On Your Hand, You’re Probably On The Right Track
Posted by: Jillian Bandes at 7:01 AM
Huffington Post is all over this image, showing Sarah Palin‘s hand during the Tea Party Convention speech. On it, she has written: “Energy, budget cut tax, Lift American Spirits.”

Here’s HuffPo’s Stefan Sirucek’s analysis:

The takeaway is that this presidential contender apparently can’t remember her supposed core principles and needs a cheat-sheet when simply asked about her beliefs.

I don’t know about you, but I’d be thrilled if all Republican politicians wrote their core principles on their hands and referenced them frequently. It’d be a welcome change from ostensibly having principles and then forgetting about them. And I don’t buy the elitism in his analysis: Americans are probably more in touch with someone who occasionally writes on their hand rather than someone who never does.


It happened to Democratic campaigns in the States of New Jersey, Virginia and  Massachusetts.  Now Obama’s
“kiss of death” has even transended to the NFL and the Super Bowl.  I’m sure Peyton Manning wishes Obama would have kept his mouth shut because he won’t be going to Disney World this year. 

“WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama says the Indianapolis Colts “have to be favored” in the Super Bowl, even though he has a “soft spot” for the New Orleans Saints.  Obama’s Super Bowl prediction was based on his opinion that the Colts have “perhaps the best quarterback in history.” “Peyton Manning is unbelievable,” the president told CBS’ Katie Couric during a live pre-game interview.  Still, Obama says he has a soft spot for New Orleans, “mainly because of what the city has gone through over these last several years” since Hurricane Katrina struck in 2005. Obama says he may be biased against the Colts, since they beat his hometown Chicago Bears in the Super Bowl in 2007.”

Another “Kiss of Death” by Obama

Posted on Wednesday, January 27, 2010 2:48:07 AM by Snurple

“The Kentucky Wildcats were 19-0 going into last nights game with SC. Obama called the team earlier in the day to thank them for the fund raising they had done for Haiti, and gave them a little advice on the game. They lost their first game of the season later that evening. Obama screws up anything he gets near!”

Buzz off Prez, you are getting old,old, old.

Yep, Hoppenchange, please button up. Great to see you on Super Bowl day. Why, a day without you would be just the best.

For a president who ran on uplifting themes like change and hope, Barack Obama spends an awful lot of time scolding Americans about how he hopes they’ll change. 

He has advised parents to “replace that video game with a book and make sure that homework gets done.” He has urged members of Congress not to read blogs or watch 24-hour cable news. And he’s challenged lobbyists, lawmakers, bankers, journalists, insurance companies and other heads of state to do a better job.

 He’s prodded people to get off the couch, eat healthier and exercise more. He’s even suggested Americans buy stocks, U.S.-made cars and energy-efficient light bulbs, while cautioning them not to max out their credit cards.

 At times, having Obama in the Oval Office is like having a really powerful Dr. Phil around.

 But lately, Obama’s tsk-tsking has gotten him into some trouble. At the very moment he’s trying to recover his declining popularity and revive his party heading into the November elections, even some Democrats worry that he risks coming off not as the inspirational figure who galvanized the electorate in 2008 but as the embodiment of a dour Democrat that turns off some voters.

RFK, Jr. 15 months ago: Global warming means no snow or cold in DC

Oh my Dear Robert– take a look out the ole window– guess what? Most snow since, oh well, dunno, but well I guess we are starting to put a stake in the ole Global Warming scenario? Wonder why Sarah is doing so well? It’s you looney liberals that want us “little people” the great unwashed, or as one CNN commentator explained, “They (hint us)  just don’t have enough band width to understand”.– just please go away.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who flies around on private planes so as to tell larger numbers of people how they must live their lives in order to save the planet, wrote a column last year on the lack of winter weather in Washington, D.C.

In those days, I recall my uncle, President Kennedy, standing erect as he rode a toboggan in his top coat, never faltering until he slid into the boxwood at the bottom of the hill. Once, my father, Atty. Gen. Robert Kennedy, brought a delegation of visiting Eskimos home from the Justice Department for lunch at our house. They spent the afternoon building a great igloo in the deep snow in our backyard. My brothers and sisters played in the structure for several weeks before it began to melt. On weekend afternoons, we commonly joined hundreds of Georgetown residents for ice skating on Washington’s C&O Canal, which these days rarely freezes enough to safely skate.

Meanwhile, Exxon Mobil and its carbon cronies continue to pour money into think tanks whose purpose is to deceive the American public into believing that global warming is a fantasy. 

Read more at the Washington Examiner: