Strange suicides – Jeffrey Epstein just another Vince Foster?


If we want to know how and why Jeffrey Epstein ended up meeting his maker it makes sense to take a brief walk down memory lane. That lane takes us to Vince Foster, the fellow that knew way too much and ended up in Fort Marcy Park.

Just take a look at this one video. All I ask. I will leave you some breadcrumbs below the clip if I have caught your attention. Follow them if you so wish.

If you want primary documents this link gets you off to a good start: Source FBI Coverup

Look at it. Think about it. A couple of earlier posts with a couple of links.

This is the only time in history that

an Independent Counsel was ordered by the court to include

evidence of a cover-up by his own investigators in his own Report

After the lawsuit ended, documents were discovered in the National Archives that were written by Rodriguez, including a 31-page memorandum to his fellow prosecutors in the OIC dated December 9-29, 1994 on the subject of “November 29, 1994 Meeting Concerning Foster Death Matter And Supplemental Investigation Prior to Grand Jury.”  The memorandum explains why the evidence does not support a conclusion of suicide in the park and states in its first paragraph that Kavanaugh was at the meeting.

The full works which much of the above came from:

Paging SCOTUS Kavanaugh – Vince Foster is calling

Supreme candidate Kavanaugh, from the deep state, led murdered Vince Foster coverup

Adds important details to the above video.

For more intrigue check out

Jeffrey Epstein was an informant for Mueller’s FBI – Was that the basis of the sweetheart deal?

Think we will ever know the full truth about Epstein? Let’s keep our eye out for further suicides.

Here It Is… Complete List of Clinton Associates Who Allegedly Died Mysteriously or Committed Suicide Before Testimony, Including Jeffrey Epstein

Sunday Respites will return next week. I am including links to this week’s posts in case you missed them.

Flashback: Bill Maher Racist Attack on Herman Cain –  Only Thing Stopping ‘The Rise of the Apes’
California prefers ‘free range rats’ over humans. Proposed poison ban
Red Flag law turns deadly – Officer kills man
‘The Hunt’ movie ads pulled – ‘Elites’ hunt and gun down ‘deplorables’
Obama: 24 Mass Shootings. Trump: 4 Mass Shootings
What happened at the Democrat Socialist Party convention!

For the best aggregator in conservative news click below.


Hillary Clinton should have stayed home and baked those cookies

Update: Don’t miss this one.

MONICA CROWLEY: Was Hillary Clinton running her own rogue intel operation?

We all know that the only reason you would deliberately and premeditatedly set up a private email address and server is to have total control over your communications — to keep people away from those communications and to retain the ability to edit and delete your content.

In Hillary Clinton’s case, given her long history of concealment and duplicity, total control was the system’s purpose, not to keep track of Chelsea’s bridal gift registry.

A story originally reported in 2013 (and little-noticed at the time) may offer a deeper dimension to the reasons she wanted this control — and it leaves us with many new, unanswered questions.

Read more: Washington Times

Hillary, why didn’t you just make those cookies? Let us hope she is in a world of hurt for this last nefarious act of hers. No need to recall her sordid past.

You know, it is that vast right wing conspiracy that first went after her husband and now no doubt her and her little server.

The Bohemian Grove Meeting on July 13, 2011

I caught this action concerning the Bohemian Grove on the History Channel some time ago. It was a bizarre story. At first I could not believe it. After much research, it is indeed true. The rich and powerful meet to party and lord knows what else. The T.V.  program included Alex Jones who had attempted to enter the compound 5 years ago. Info wars is selling his DVD of his attempt to crash the party, as well as his take on the happening. Is Governor Perry attending this year as he has attended Bilderberg as so many Presidents have? Is he waiting to be “confirmed” as the next President? Is this Bilderberg on Steroids?


“Like Clinton, Perry has attended a Bilderberg meeting. In June 2007 Perry attended the Bilderberg confab in Istanbul, Turkey, making the mandatory promise of secrecy and to follow orders … Speculation that Perry is the Bilderberg group’s ace card was prompted by the current political climate, which can largely be gleaned from the fact that Perry is a longtime, unwavering supporter of the NAFTA Superhighway and related infrastructure projects. These pave the way for the Bilderberg-supported North American Union (NAU) proposal that would merge the U.S., Canada and Mexico. Bilderberg Group as reported by the History Channel

When I saw this link over at Before its news that they were meeting again on the 13th, a bit of  the scary dude type emerged. Many have tried to infiltrate the grove. They have unbelievable year round security. The T.V. show had a small clip taken sometime ago, and it was a stunner.One can only ask why. Here is the background of the group by The Sonoma County Free Press and Wikipedia

Uploaded by on Jun 24, 2011

In this new video release, Anonymous has called for the occupation of Bohemian Avenue and Railroad Avenue, the roads leading to the entrance of Bohemian Grove on the dawn of July 13th.

Aerial Map view of Bohemian Grove area. –

FB Event Page –

Leaked attendee list Bilderberg Conference June 3-6, 2010 in Hotel Dolce, Sitges (Barcelona, Spain)

If you are interested in the  Bilderberg happenings, I came upon this Bilderberg site with the latest info. It is curious that so many of the super rich are able to find their way to a meeting. I wonder what they talk about? Please consider seriously the reason why these elite institutions are not discussed in the mainstream press despite the immense financial and political power they wield? Oh, to be a fly on the wall . A list of all of the attendees are on their website.

For those of you wondering about whether Obama attended, looks like Hilliary and he attended the 2008 Bilderberg- no luck finding anything in 2010. Go to Global Research here

Castro has some things to say lately about Bilderberg  here:Castro now a Bilderberg Conspiracy theorists 

Welcome to Bilderberg 2010 . Here

BEL Davignon, Etienne F. Honorary Chairman, Bilderberg Meetings; Vice Chairman, Suez Tractebel

DEU Ackermann, Josef Chairman of the Management Board and the Group Executive Committee, Deutsche Bank AG

USA Alexander, Keith B. Director, National Security Agency

GRC Alogoskoufis, George Member of Parliament

USA Altman, Roger C. Chairman and CEO, Evercore Partners, Inc.- Here is his Bio 

Mr. Altman began his investment banking career at Lehman Brothers and became a general partner of that firm in 1974. Beginning in 1977, he served as Assistant Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for four years. He then returned to Lehman Brothers, later becoming co-head of overall investment banking, a member of the firm’s Management Committee and its Board. He remained in those positions until the firm was sold to Shearson/American Express.

In 1987, Mr. Altman joined The Blackstone Group as Vice Chairman, head of the Firm’s merger and acquisition advisory business and a member of its Investment Committee. Mr. Altman also had primary responsibility for Blackstone’s international business.

Beginning in January 1993, Mr. Altman returned to Washington to serve as Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Treasury for two years. In 1996, he formed Evercore Partners. To date, the Firm has handled over $1 trillion of merger, acquisition, recapitalization and restructuring transactions. In its other role, Evercore also manages approximately $3.5 billion of private equity, venture capital, and public securities.

GRC Arapoglou, Takis Chairman and CEO, National Bank of Greece

TUR Babacan, Ali Minister of State and Deputy Prime Minister

GRC Bakoyannis, Dora Minister of Foreign Affairs

NOR Baksaas, Jon Fredrik President and CEO, Telenor Group

PRT Balsemão, Francisco Pinto Chairman and CEO, IMPRESA, S.G.P.S.; Former Prime Minister

FRA Baverez, Nicolas Partner, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP

ITA Bernabè, Franco CEO Telecom Italia SpA

SWE Bildt, Carl Minister of Foreign Affairs

SWE Björklund, Jan Minister for Education; Leader of the Lìberal Party

CHE Blocher, Christoph Former Swiss Counselor; Former Chairman and CEO, EMS Group

FRA Bompard, Alexandre CEO, Europe 1

USA Boot, Max Jeane J.

Up to the minute information on the Bilderberg group activities in 2010 Most of these names do not ring any bells, but then I don’t run with these folks.